All posts by Mr Macgregor

School Uniform

It has been an intention of mine for a good while to try to get more consistency in our school uniform. The children always look really smart, but there is a big mix of greys, blacks, navies, etc which has grown up over the years. So……………….after consulting with parents (via questionnaire and many in person), staff and pupils, attached is a statement of what our uniform is from August 2013. As always, we hope that Parents and Carers will support us in encouraging the wearing of the proper uniform.
Uniform Statement 3rd June 2013

What’s On…………Week Beginning 3rd June

P7s using ICT Suite all week for P7 Profiles

Miss Forbes, Miss Douglas  at Cooperative Learning Training
Miss Smith off – moving house
DHT in am only
10.15 Target Assembly
11 HT / Meeting Director re Catholic Leadership (St John’s)
pm P6/7 Drumming
1.30 HT / Miss Duncan, PT Candidate
3.30 Working Group (brief summary of year’s work)
4 Closure Event Groups Meetings

DHT in all day.
Miss Forbes, Miss Douglas at Cooperative Learning Training
9.15 HT / PEYSA Meeting  (Park Place)
6.30 St Paul’s Celebration of Success

DHT in am only.
Mrs Dammer not in
10 HT / School Attainment Review
11 P3 Roots of Empathy

DHT in all day
am HT / Child Protection Officers’ Forum (Park Place)
P6/7 Visit to St Andrews
11 HT / Pupil Support Review
1 P1-3 Gardyne Theatre Visit
1.30 HT / Miss Murray, PT Candidate
7 Education Mass

FRIDAY, 7th 
DHT not in – at SSLM am
P4 Commonwealth Games
9.30 Assembly led by P1
1.45 Girls Football v St Vincent’s
2 MP Jim McGovern visiting P6/7

Cost of Trips and Visitors

To answer a few queries about trips: almost all trips/visits/events that we get involved in are subsidised, some quite heavily, to make them more affordable. To allow us to offer this subsidy, classes, groups, the whole school, parents groups and others hold a variety of events during the year, the proceeds of which go into our school fund from which come the subsidies. These are not itemised per class or per child, but are used to benefit our whole school community. This is not Council funding, which pays for the basic running of the school. We are extremely grateful for the fantastic support which so many parents, carers, families and friends of the school give in this way, without which lots of the many learning opportunities which we give our pupils out of school and big events such as arts and theatre opportunities in school could not take place. School Fund spending is, of course, open to scrutiny – any parent/carer who wishes to be part of the group which oversees this expenditure is welcome to contact Mr Mac to volunteer.

What’s On………..w/b 24th June

MONDAY, 27th
HOLIDAY! :)  

Mrs Donnelly returns, mornings only.
8.30 P2, 3/4, 5 visit to Edinburgh
9.30 HT / Telephones Meeting
12 noon – Target Assembly
2.30 HT / Assessment Group Meeting (St John’s HS)

am P6/7M Cluster Sports event (St Paul’s)
9.30 P6/7F at Dundee Picture Book Awards
11 P3 Roots of Empathy
2 Lesley Milne, CAMHS

am Miss Douglas at Victoria Park (DHT in P3)
am HT / Launch of new Pupil Support Meetings System

FRIDAY, 31st
9.30 Assembly Led by P3/4
1.30 Banks Trophy Football

Miss Forbes and Miss Douglas at Cooperative Learning Training

What’s On…………w/b 20/5/13

MONDAY, 20th
9.30 Mrs Thompson to Lochee Nursery
9.30 HT / JAT (St Andrew’s P.S.)
11.30 HT / KIKO Midway Review
1.15 P6/7 Samba Drumming
1.30 Mrs Thompson at Technotots Nursery
2 HT / Mrs Mulholland re New School
3 Target Assembly
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting
3.45 Football v Sidaw View

am HT / New School Electrical Training
4 Girls Football Festival

9 Director’s Meeting with HTs (EDS)
12 HT / Principal Teacher Post Leeting Meeting
6 Red House Book Sale @ Victoria Park PS
7 St Paul’s Home Study Seminar for P7s

9 Menzieshill Nursery pupils visiting
am Enhanced Transition Meetings for 3 P7 pupils.
2 HT / Dundee Primary HTs Executive Meeting

FRIDAY, 24th
Staff Training Day – School Closed to Pupils


Well done to our P4s on a fantastic show at the Rep last evening. Unfortunately no pictures were allowed, but the children and Mrs Thomson were all superb and thoroughly entertained the full house. Congratulations, too, to P6 at St Mary’s Lochee who also performed really well.