All posts by Mr Macgregor

What’s On for week beginning 16th January 2012

MONDAY, 16th
9.30 P3 Physical Literacy Baseline Measurements (Medical Room)
11.30 DHT / Enrolment
1.30 HT / Assessment/Recording/Reporting Group (EDS)

2.30 HT / Section 70 Supervision Review (in school)
5.30 New School Project Board Meeting (Assembly Hall)
7 Diocesan Launch of This is Our Faith (St Paul’s Academy) (HT/DHT/Miss Mullan, 2 x P7s)

Music Specialist
1.30 HT / Miss Forbes / Pupil Network Meeting (in school)
2.00 DHT / Children’s Hearing

PE Specialist am
Music Specialist am
9.15 – Educational Psychologist in school
10 HT / Child Protection Core Group Meeting (Seymour House)
1.30 P5/6M Dundee Picture Book Award visit

FRIDAY, 20th
Healthy Friday Activities
(No Assemblies)
Basketball Club restarts

Attention P7 Parents

A letter was sent out before the holidays in schoolbags regarding your child’s S1 placement. Please check this carefully – if you wish your child to go to any other secondary school you need to complete and submit a placing request from before 6th February. Please see the second half of the attached poster and contact us if you need assistance or further info.
Authority Enrolment Poster 12

P7 DCA Visit

P7 are off to Dundee Contemporary Arts today to see ‘Inside Hanna’s Suitcase’, a superb film about children’s experiences during the dark days of the holocaust. This is the start of Dundee’s Holocaust Memorial Day (26th Jan) events. We’ll be talking a lot in school about this and its links with racism, sectarianism and other prejudices. It’s all part of our promotion of respect for all.

Important Reminder Request

Please remember that dogs and other pets are NOT permitted on school property. This is for the safety and comfort of all of our pupils – we do have a number who are scared of dogs, for example. Please respect this request.
In addition, please remember that smoking is not permitted on Dundee City Council property. Please respect this as well.

What’s On……..Week Beginning 9th January

Happy New Year!

Bed4 Student Pre-Visit week – P7
10.15 Target Assembly
11 SfL Meeting to finalise timetables
2.30 HT / Section 70 SW Review (in school)
3.30 Teachers’ Meeting

P3 Physical Literacy Programme Starts
1 HT / Margaret Foley re RE developments (EDS)
2 HT / Primary HTs Assessment Seminar (EDS)
3.30 HT / Dundee Primary HTs Association (EDS)

Music Specialist
9.20  P7 / Inside Hanna’s Suitcase film (DCA)
(start of Holocaust Memorial events)
P6 Swimming
3.30 HTs Meeting with Director re Budgets (EDS)

PE Specialist am
Music Specialist am
11 HT / Cluster CfE Projects meeting (EDS)
1.30 Dundee Picture Book Award visit to P5/6M
1.30 HT / Authority Child Protection Inspection Briefing (City Square)
3.30 Basic Moves after school club for P1-3 starts
4 DHT / Children’s Hearing

FRIDAY, 13th
Department Assemblies

End of Term………..

Great Parties, lovely Carol Service, fun filled House Challenge – tick!
Well done to St Margaret House, who lead the way going into the new year, but it’s still a very close thing.
Remember……..term finishes at 12 o’clock (noon) on Wednesday, 21st………………