Tag Archives: toys

Toys From Long Ago

Welcome back to P1’s blog!

We are continuing to revise all our sounds and use them to make words and write simple sentences. Some of us find this really quite tricky so we are going to continue revising and practising. We are also trying to  write new words and sentences when we are doing our topic work.

This week we have been doing lots of different maths activities in Mrs Lynch’s room. We have been counting and putting numbers in order, making patterns with beads and pegs and using different games to help us with our addition.




In our topic we were looking at toys from the past. We watched a short video clip about the different toys children played with long ago. We also looked at information books that showed us pictures of toys from the past and compared them to toys that we have in the present.

We worked with a partner and we drew a picture of a toy from the past and a picture of a toy from the present. We described what they were made from and how they worked.

We also went into our playground and played with toys that children from the past would have played with and we also still play with today. We played hop scotch, rolled hoops, skipped using a long skipping rope and we drew pictures on the playground with chalk.



This week it was the turn of P1b to visit the pensioners at our local Servite House. We asked them what their house was like when they were little and they told us they didn’t have a washing machine, hot water or a toilet inside their house! Things were very different when they were children. We also took some of our learning games and our reading books and we showed them the kinds of activities we do to help our learning.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

We are visiting Longhaugh Nursery on Tuesday 5th March to watch a play.

Please check your child’s diary for show and tell.

100 Days of School!

We have been celebrating this week in P1, we have now been at school for 100 days!

Our 100 day anniversary was on Wednesday but we began preparing for our celebrations earlier on in the week.

We made our party hats. We decorated bands of paper and cut out a “100” and stuck it on to the middle of the band. We then curled strips of paper and glued them on to the sides of our hats so it looked like we had multi coloured hair! We also decorated “100” style specs. We looked really cool with all our “100” head gear on.



We thought it would be a good idea to include the rest of the school in our celebrations, so we made marshmallow top hats, chocolate rice krispie cakes and iced biscuits and sold them to all the boys and girls at break time. They sold very well indeed and we managed to raise money for school funds at the same time!


On the day of our celebration itself we were very excited. We counted in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We put our “10’s” lily pads in order from0 all the way to 100. We made 10 groups of 10 coloured cubes.

We painted 100 dots on our 100 picture. We had cakes in the shape of 100 (which we all ate later! Yum!) We had 100 candles in the shape of 100. No celebration would be complete without candles!


We jumped 100 jumps. We hopped 100 hops. We threw a beanbag 100 times and we ran 100 metres! What an exhausting day!


We also continued to look at our topic  generations. We looked at some old toys. Toys that maybe our grannies or great grannies and granddads might have played with. We looked at how they worked and we also got a chance to play with them.



P1C went to visit local pensioners at Servite housing. We asked them questions about the toys and games they played when they were children. One of the ladies showed us coins we had never seen before. They were coins that were in use when she was a little girl. We played some board games with the ladies and we had a lovely afternoon. P1A and P1B will also be visiting over the next few weeks.


We revisited and revised all our sounds this week and we were also writing words that our teacher said out loud to see if we could sound out and then write the word. We also have sentence cards. We read the sentence and drew a matching picture to show we understood what the sentence said then copied the sentence into our jotter.


We continued working on money this week and we matched cards of coins and to real coins. We had objects for sale in our shop and we had to find the correct coins to match the price tag, just like a real life shop.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

The school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 7th February for staff in-service training and closed to pupils and staff on Friday the 8th and Monday 11th February for the mid tem holiday.

Last Week of Term

Hello again and welcome to Longhaugh Primary P1 blog!

We started this week by discussing our trip to Montrose Basin. We did two pieces of writing. On our first piece we wrote 2 sentences about the train journey to Montrose and what we saw from the train.


The second piece of writing was all about our time at Montrose Basin and all the things we found on the mud flats.


We continued with our topic of Grannies and Grandads this week. We looked at toys from the past and toys we play with today. We sorted the toys into hoops, one for toys from the past and one for toys we play with today. We discovered that some of the toys that our grandparents played with, we still play with today (skipping ropes, hoola hoops etc), so we had to have a third hoop filled with toys that were both old and new!


We played with some of the older toys and we had great fun. They are going to be in our classroom so we will have the chance to play with them again.

As it is Mother’s Day on Sunday we have been doing lots of craft activities. We painted our hands and put our hand prints on card with a very special poem on it.


We made love hearts out of clay and wrote ‘Mum’ on them. We then painted them with bright, glittery paint and put a ribbon on them.


On Friday we had a craft afternoon and Mrs Adams, Miss Simpson and Mrs Lynch helped us to make Easter pictures, Easter bonnets and Easter bunnies.

          Spring Lamb

          Easter Bunny

         Easter Bonnet

Although we’ve been very busy doing all sorts of craft we have still been working hard revising all our sounds and words, reading our reading books, continuing to work hard in our addition to 10 and revising our number doubles.

All of the children in P1, Mrs Adams, Miss Simpson and Mrs Lynch wish you all a very restful 2 week spring holiday and we look forward to seeing you all again on the week beginning 18th April!