Tag Archives: Thinking Books

Two Letters Arrive!

A very warm welcome back to Longhaugh Primary 1’s blog.

This week we learned another 2 sounds. They were ‘th’ and ‘qu’.


The action for ‘th’ is to stick your tongue out and pretend you are a cheeky clown and say “th,th,th.” The action for ‘qu’ is to open and shut your hands pretending they are a ducks beak  and say ‘qu,qu,qu.’


We have continued using the ladybird maths box and divided circles this week helping us with our addition to 10. We have also used our flip flop books. They are very clever books that help us work our the different number stories to 10 when we fold them in different ways.


In the Land of Me this week we received 2 special letters. The first one was from Yama San, the monkey. He invited us to look at shape, size and colour with him. We changed Buddy Boo, Willow and Eric into different objects. We played a game of pretend and play and talked about what we would look like if we changed our shape, or our size, or our colour. We drew our ideas in our thinking books. 


Our second letter was from Anthony the aardvark. He and his ants live in the desert and build lots of things using lots of different materials. He invited us to try and build things with him using all sorts of materials, e.g., a castle made from jelly! We discovered that some materials are no use for building. We found out that a pedalo made from paper would sink in the water. That’s no use. We drew our own pictures. Some of us drew things made from strong building materials like brick and wood and some of us drew pictures of buildings made from jelly or custard or something very silly.


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

Your child has received a copy of the scottish poem, “Pussie at the Fireside”. Please help your child to learn this poem.

People Who Help Us

Hello and a very warm welcome to our blog!

We have been revising all our sounds this week, singing the songs, doing the actions and reading the flash cards. We have learned another 2 sounds, they are ‘d’ and ‘g’.


The action for ‘d’ is to move our hands up and down as if we are playing a drum and say “d d d d d d.” The action for ‘g’ is to move our hand in a swirling action like water gurgling down the drain and say “g g g g g.” Here we are doing the actions for the sounds and also looking at the water ‘gurgling’ down the the drain!


We have looked at our Pattern Bear books this week, admiring all the pictures  of the patterns that the boys and girls have taken. We have also been making lots of patterns using cubes, beads and pegs.


We have been revising shape. We read a story all about shape and we made a rocket using squares, rectangles and triangles. We then had to think of something we wanted to make and make our own picture only using squares, rectangles, triangles and circles. Here are some of the pictures we made below, I’m sure you’ll agree we made a very good job! It was tricky cutting all the shapes out!



We learned number 10 this week! We read the number 10 story, sang 10 green bottles, put number 10 on our teddy bear washing line and practised writing number 10 and all our numbers on our white boards.


As part of our topic we have been talking and learning about all the people who help us at Longhaugh Primary School. Mrs Lynch took a group of children around the school to interview some members of staff. We had to think up some questions and we recorded our interviews on a microphone and a flip cam. We were very professional!


We then had to choose a member of staff from our school and draw them in our Thinking Books.


Our P7 boys and girls are holding a laughathon on our school playing fields on Saturday1st October to raise funds for our school. They will be running around the playing fields 15 times. If this is not difficult enough they will be running in fancy dress!! Please come along from 10.00 am to 12 noon and support our primary 7’s. Refreshments will be available.

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Come into class and let your child show you all the hard work they’ve been doing.

Two children from each class have been chosen to be their class gardeners and help in our school garden. Please ensure your child brings in old clothes to school to wear whilst gardening.

P1A – Daniel Owler and Annalise Edwards

P1B – Brandon Ringsell and Courtney Keil

P1C – Robbie Gibb and Megan Wilson

End of term – 7th October 2011