Tag Archives: Ten in the Bed

October Holidays

This is our last blog for 2 weeks as we are off for the October holidays from Friday 7th October!

We have learned another 2 sounds this week, this brings our total so far to 15! Our new sounds are ‘o’ and ‘u’.


The action for ‘o’ is to to move you finger backwards and forwards as if you are putting a light switch on and off. The action for ‘u’ is to clench your fists and put one fist on top of the other. Lift the top hand up and down as if you were opening up an umbrella.


We also looked at our next book, A Monster For Miss Owen, and added two new words to our list and word wall. Our new words are ‘yes’ and ‘you’.


We revised all our numbers to 10 this week. We added numbers and teddies to our number washing line and practised ordering and writing the numbers.


Our teachers read us the story Ten in a Bed and they made a bed up in the classroom with teddies in it and we acted out the story. We sang the song and we had to take a teddy out of the bed one at a time and then see how many were left in. We drew the story on our white boards.


To finish off our topic for this term we all went for a walk around the school. We looked at the building, the shelters, all the play grounds and went out the bigger boys and girls door to see where they lined up. It was nice to see parts of the school that we don’t usually see.


It is with great sadness that we are saying goodbye to Mrs Weir this week. Mrs Weir has been appointed a Principal Teachers post at St Fergus Primary School in Dundee. Although We wish her all the very best in her new job, the boys and girls of Longhaugh Primary and especially Miss Simpson, Miss Bonnar and Mrs Lynch will miss her very much.

Good luck Mrs Weir! We hope that you will let us know how you’re settling in at your new school.

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Come into class and let your child show you all the hard work they’ve been doing. Open Doors will resume after the holidays on Thursday 27th October 2011.

End of term Friday 7th October 2011. School will re start on Monday 24th October 2011.