Tag Archives: Ruby Bear

Ruby Bear

Hello there and welcome to P1’s blog!

We have continued to revise all our sounds and to practise putting the sounds together to make words. This can be quite tricky to begin with so we will be continuing to do this for several weeks so that we become really, really good at blending our sounds and hearing the words they make.


Our teachers introduced money to us this week. We made a mind map of all the things we knew about money already. We looked at coins. We looked at the size, shape and colour of the different coins. We pegged up all the different coins onto our washing line starting with the lowest value, a 1p coin,  going all the way up to a £2.oo coin! Miss Simpson also tipped all the coins from the tray onto the floor, mixed them all up in a right mess and we had to tidy them up and sort them into the correct trays! If this was not tricky enough we also had the large 5 minute timer and had to finish the job before the sand ran out in the timer! Phew! It was hard work but great fun!


We read the Ruby Bear story. It’s a story about a bear who is very special indeed. We talked about all the the things that made Ruby different but very special. We had a picture of Ruby and we labelled all the things that made her stand out from all the other bears; squint mouth, orange eyes, spotty tummy etc. We also painted our own Ruby with Mrs Lynch. We think, just like Ruby, our bears are very special.


As it is Mother’s Day on Sunday we made our own Mother’s Day cards. We all thought that our mummys worked very hard and deserved a treat so we made our cards with a cup on them and popped a tea bag in so they can relax with a nice cup of tea!


We are looking at the different things that keep us healthy. This week we made a healthy drink with Mrs Johnston. We made a fruit smoothie. We looked at all the ingredients needed to make this and next week we will be writing all the ingredients down. Our smoothies were delicious!


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

Friday 23rd March – the school will be participating in ‘Sports Relief’ by collectively running a mile. We would appreciate it if every child brought in 10p  and wore something red on the day.

We are holding an Easter Bonnet Competition in school. Children can design and make their own bonnets using a variety of materials. Completed entries should be in school no later than Wednesday 28th March.

Pancake Day

This week we learned our last 2 Jolly Phonics sounds. They are ‘er‘ and ‘ar‘. We have now learned 40 sounds and are using them to read and write words and short sentences.


The action for ‘er‘ is is to move your hand around and around like a mixer. The action for ‘ar‘ is to open you mouth and say “aaarrr” as if the doctor is looking at your throat.


We read the ‘Ruby Bear’ story again and we painted our own Ruby. We made sure that we made her special by painting the spots on her tummy, giving her a crooked smile, making her ears different and painting a ‘s‘ on her paw.


We continued our addition work this week. We used cubes and divided circles and worked out how many ways we could make 4 and 5.

This week we celebrated Shrove Tuesday. We discussed that Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent and traditionally people used up all their eggs, butter and milk etc before giving them up for Lent.

Miss Simpson told us all the ingredients we need to make pancakes. We followed a Jamie Oliver recipe! In the classroom we had flour, eggs, milk and butter. We mixed them in a bowl and all got a turn of whisking the mixture. We put butter in the pan and pretended that it melted and then put a spoonful of pancake mix in the pan. Miss Simpson reminded us that if we help to make pancakes at home the adult would have to put the mixture in the pan as it would be very hot.


We then had to write the list of ingredients we need to make pancakes. Best of all, we all got to taste a pancake! Yummy!


This week Miss Simpson and Mrs Adams introduced our new topic to us! our new topic is to be Grannies and Grandads. We are to be learning how life was different for our Grandparents.

Notices for parents:

Gym – Every Monday and Friday – Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school on these days.

HomeworkWords and sounds every night. Please see  ‘my school trip list’ in blue reading packet. Please ensure items are in school for 24th March.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.oopm to 3.15pm.

Our new friends, Luke and Ruby Bear

Hello and welcome and again to our blog. Primary 1 have learned 2 more sounds. This week’s new sounds are ‘oi‘ and ‘ue‘.


The action for for the ‘oi’ sound is to put yours hands on either side of your mouth and shout ‘OI’. The action for the ‘ue‘ sound is to point your finger towards someone and say ‘UE’.


We met Ruby Bear this week. We found out that she is a special bear and we read about all the things that make her different. We drew a picture of Ruby and wrote a sentence about her.                                               

Ruby is an interesting bear

This week we also met Luke and the lily pads. We put the numbers in order and Luke helped us to jump up the number line, find the number before, the number after and the number inbetween. We then recorded our numbers in our thinking books!


Later on in the week we also met Mummy Frog. Mummy Frog is very clever and helps us to count in 2’s. We talked about even numbers and recorded our answers in our thinking books.


We also used our frog flip flop books. We worked in pairs and these very clever books help us with our number stories to 10.


We are very lucky and some young footballers from Dundee United are coming to help us over the next few weeks learn football skills etc. This week they concentrated on fitness and we played games and were very energetic running around in our Assembly hall!


We continued with our Under the Sea project and learned more about an octopus. Miss Simpson made a playdough octopus and put it in a large glass bowl filled with water. We learned that if a preditor such as a shark came near to the octopus it would get frightened. To protect itself the octopus would squirt black ink so the shark couldn’t see it, then it would escape into the ocean.  To let us see what a real octopus would do in the sea, Miss Simpson put black ink into the bowl so the octopus would be hidden. We recorded what we learned in our thinking books.


We also made origami whales for our ‘under the sea’ wall. This was a very tricky job and we had to concentrate hard. We had to fold the paper carefully and press very firmly to make sure the whale shape was perfect. we then finger painted spots onto our whales.


On Thursday afternoon we had the pleasure of the ‘play on Wheels’ bus. We had fantastic fun playing with all sorts of different outdoor toys and using our imaginations to make simple objects transform into exciting things to play with. I think you’ll agree the photographs show what a wonderful afternoon we had!


Notices for parents:

GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm3.15pm

Homework – words and sounds every night.