Tag Archives: pirates

Who is the tallest? Who is the smallest? P1 know the answer!

Hello everyone, welcome back to Longhaugh Primary 1’s Blog!

We have learned another 4 sounds this week. They are ‘z’, ‘w’, ‘ng’ and ‘v’.



Our favourite action was ‘ng’. We had to pretend we were a weight lifter lifting a dumb bell and say, “ng,ng,ng.”

We have been using lots of different materials this week to make our sounds. Dylan even made ‘ng’ from our construction blocks. Well done Dylan! We’ve also been using our sounds to make words.


We also used shaving foam to practise writing the sound ‘z’ and ‘z’ words.


We also enjoy learning together and working in pairs and in teams. Here we worked together to build a wall of words.    


This week in maths we were comparing size and looking at the language we need to use when we talk about size; biggest, smallest, taller, smaller, fat, thin, etc. We also did activities that made us think about the language we use. We saw who could throw the furthest, who could get the most beanbags into a hoop. We put our classmates in order by height. We cut out pictures and put them in the correct order starting with the tallest and ending with the smallest.



In P1A this week we were junk modelling making pirate ships. We had to think what a pirate ship would need and see if we could find the correct shaped box, tube, carton etc., to make it. We think Captain Hook and Peter Pan would be rather pleased with our efforts.


In P1C we were also junk modelling but this time we were making Rapunzel’s castle. This time we had to think what a castle looked like. Would it need towers? Would it need turrets? Another very good job done! We are becoming junk modelling Kings and Queens!!


In 1B this week we made crowns for  Sleeping Beauty’s wedding. We designed our own crowns using jewels, sequins and feathers. We think we will look very regal at the wedding.


We also looked at an extract from the story and we worked in pairs to look for a certain sound in the text. When we found that sound we coloured it in with a pencil. We all did a splendid job!


In gym this week we went outside and used hoola hoops. We had to use our hoops in lots of different ways. We rolled them, we skipped with them, we jumped over them and we threw them. We also had to use different parts of our body to swing the hoop. This certainly was much trickier than it sounds!!


Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

The boys and girls will be painting in P1, please provide your child with a painting apron. An old shirt is perfectly acceptable.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Friday 5th October is the last day of school before the October holidays. School will be closed for 2 weeks. School will re-start Monday 22nd October.


Glad to be Back at School!

A warm welcome back to Longhaugh Primary 1 blog after our 2 week October break. We are all delighted to be back at school and are already working very hard!

We also welcome Mrs Rooney to Longhaugh Primary School, she is P1C’s new teacher. We are sure she will be very happy here and is a wonderful new addition to our school family.

We have learned a further 2 sounds. This week’s sounds are ‘l’ and ‘f’.


The action for ‘l’ is to pretend you are licking a lolly and say ‘l l l l‘and the action for ‘f’ is to put one hand above the other and slowly bring your top hand down to meet the bottom hand as if you were squeezing the air from an inflatable toy saying ‘f f f f’.


As we have been away from school for 2 weeks, we have spent time this week revising our sounds and words. Some of us knew all our words and we have been given our first book to take home! This is very exciting and we will be reading our new book with our families every night!


We have also been revising all of our numbers from 0-10. Singing our number songs and rhymes and practising all the numbers on our white boards. We sang the song ’10 Green Bottles’ and we filled the bottles with the correct amount of cubes.


We met a new friend the week. Our teachers introduced us to Luke. Luke is a very special frog and he comes to visit us with his lily pads. Luke jumps on his lily pads in 1’s and he will be helping us with our numbers. After meeting and working with Luke, we drew what we had learned in our thinking books. We will hopefully meet Mummy Frog soon, she jumps on the lily pads in 2’s.


We started the topic ‘Land of Me’ this week. Lots of different animal footprints were left in our classrooms. All the footprints led to a backpack inviting us on an adventure! Who left us the backpack? Where are we going to go? What will we need? Over the next few weeks we will be finding out!


We all thought about what we would need to take with us on an adventure and our teachers wrote all our ideas on a large piece of paper and we wrote our ideas in our thinking books.  We also designed our own backpacks.



We also started to look at Autumn and Autumn festivals. We will soon be going on a sponsored Autumn walk and will be looking at the way the trees and plants change around us.

As Halloween is on Monday, we had our school Halloween party today. We made paper plate lanterns to decorate our classrooms.

We had fabulous fun at our party. We all dressed up in spooky costumes and had a fancy dress parade. Mrs Jenkins chose the winners although she said it was very hard to choose as we all looked fantastic!

                 the winners!

We played musical bumps and musical statues, we ducked for apples and had to put our hands into gooey jelly and sticky spaghetti to find creepy eyeballs and skulls! Yuck! After all that hard work we were ready for our drink of juice and snack.




Pirates have arrived in Mrs Lynch’s room! We have to find buried numbers and sounds in the sand tray, then record our findings on a grid. We are making pirate hats and masks at the art and craft area and in the role play area we count our loot in the treasure chest. Shiver me timbers!!



I’m sure you’ll agree, what a busy week we’ve had?

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Come into class and let your child show you all the hard work they’ve been doing.

Non Uniform Day – Friday 4th November. Please bring in a gift instead of a fine.

Autumn Walk8th November – sponsor forms will be in the childrens’ bags on Monday 31st October.

Parts for P1’s Christmas show will be given out on Thursday 3rd November. Please start learning lines.