Tag Archives: phonics

Pumpkins and Skeletons…..Halloween is almost here!

Hi there and welcome to our blog! We hope everyone who was off for the “tattie” holidays had a great time. We have come back to school all refreshed ready to start our new term.

We have re-capped all our sounds this week but we have also learned 4 new sounds. They are ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘th’ and ‘qu’. Our favourite action is for ‘th’ as we have to stick our tongue out and pretend to be a cheeky clown!



We also got our word packs this week. They go home with us every night and we learn them every day and very soon we will be getting our own book. We are very excited about that!

We have been re-capping all our numbers to 10 this week. We have been working with our number washing lines and playing matching games, number skittles and interactive white board games.

We have also been counting out leaves and matching the correct amount to the correct number on our hopscotch game.



We also met Luke this week. Luke is a frog and brings number lily pads with him and he counts in ones. We practised counting forwards up to 10 and then backwards. We also got number lines and we used our pointing finger to help ‘jump’ up the number line.


We have started new topics this week.

P1A’s new topic is called ‘Our Environment’. We have been looking at nature and our natural environment. We have been gathering leaves and have started to look at plants and trees. We have a weather station in our classroom and we have been learning all about the seasons.

P1B’s new topic is ‘The World Around Us’. We read the story of the Jolly Postman and we discussed letters, addresses, what an address is for and where we would see an address. We are going to be finding out our own addresses and we drew our own house and who we live with. In our classroom there is a very large map of Fintry, our local area. Over the next few weeks we are going to find and mark our own homes on the map.

P1C’s topic is ‘Percy The park Keeper’. Our teacher introduced us to Percy and the Percy stories and we found out that Percy had a hut. We thought about what we would want in our own hut and we turned our role-play area in our classroom into Percy’s hut. We then thought about what our own dream hut would look like and we drew our designs.

As it is Halloween next week we have been making some Halloween crafts to decorate our classrooms ready for our Halloween party. We have been making some scary skeletons and some spooky pumpkins!!!


We had a visitor to our classes on Friday. Yvonne from Asda came to school and gave us a lesson all about weighing pumpkins. We had to look and see which one was the biggest pumpkin and which one we thought was the heaviest pumpkin.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

The boys and girls will be painting in P1, please provide your child with a painting apron. An old shirt is perfectly acceptable.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

We will be having a Halloween party on Wednesday aftermoon 31st October. Children can wear their fancy dress costume all day, or bring it in a bag and staff will help them change after lunchtime or they can go home for lunch and come dressed in their costume in the afternoon. Please give your child £1.00 to help towards the party food.

The P1’s now have a twitter account. Please follow our page. To search for our page…..search @p1_longhaugh

Please return the permission slips for our twitter account.

All Shapes and Sizes!

Well, we’ve had another very busy week here in P1.

We have learned even more sounds, 24 in total! Wow!

The sounds this week were ‘j’, ‘oa’, ‘ie’ and ‘ee,or’. Our favourite action this week was the action for ‘j’. We had to jiggle our bodies like jelly on a plate.



We have continued to do lots of sounds games and activities this week. We’re also blending our sounds to make, hear and say words.


We looked at shape this week and we were pretending to be detectives in our classrooms hunting for all sorts of shapes. Our teacher also put some different shapes into a bag. We had to wear a blind fold and try and guess the correct shape just by feeling how many sides, or how many corners it had. We also did some shape work and made pictures only using the 2D shapes.



In topic this week we have been very busy. In 1B we were looking at Sleeping Beauty and discussed some of the places in the story. The castle, the tower, the forest, the castle covered in thorns. We then had to do a pen drawing of a place using as much detail as we could. Here are a few of our drawings.


In 1A we finished off our art work for our Peter Pan wall display, it’s looking very nice! We also looked at the different events in our story of Peter Pan. We discussed all the things that happened in the story and we decided our favourite event was when the crocodile ate Captain Hook!

In 1C we looked at the characters in our story, Rapunzel. We read different versions of the story and we discussed what made a good character and what made a bad character. We had to decide who was our favourite character and why.

In gym this week we were working on our ball skills. We practised rolling, throwing and catching the ball, being as contolled as we could. We also worked together in pairs rolling the ball carefully to each other making sure it didn’t escape. That wasn’t as easy as it sounds.


Notices for parents:

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

The boys and girls will be making junk models, please give your child empty cereal boxes, egg boxes, yoghurt tubs etc., to bring into school.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Whole school trip to the Cinema!

We’ve had a very short week this week as the school was closed Monday and Tuesday for Victoria Day and Jubilee Day!

We have, however, continued this week to revise all our sounds and go over all the words on our word wall. We have been doing more phonic activities around the classroom and have been working on our blends so we can continue to sound out and make new and more difficult words.

Again we have been looking at subtraction and we have been practising our take away sums on our white boards.

On Friday was our whole school trip to the cinema to see Journey to the Mysterious Island. We had hoped we would be able to go to Camperdown Park and play games and have a picnic lunch. Unfortunately, our Scottish weather has not been kind to us and we had to change our plans.


We did manage, however, an hour or so in the park to eat our lunch and have a play in the park. We got back to school just in time as the heavens opened!! We were very lucky indeed.



This trip is to reward all the boys and girls at Longhaugh Primary School who have behaved well throughout the whole year and who have made Mr Munro and Mrs Jenkins proud.

Thank you Mr Munro and Mrs Jenkins very much, we really, really enjoyed our day!

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday from 3.00pm3.15pm. Come into the class room and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

Health week – Monday 11th June to Friday 15th June.

P1b Assembly

Hello there and a welcome return to Longhaugh Primary’s P1 blog!

We have continued to revisit and revise all our sounds. We have had phonics stations in our classrooms and we have moved around all the activities varying our learning experiences.


In number this week we have continued to revise addition. We used Jack’s magic beans again but this time we were given 10 beans. We worked in pairs and wrote out addition sums on giant sheets of paper.

We were also given new number lines this week. Not just any ordinary number line but one with our heads on it! We have been learning to put the larger number first when we are adding. We keep the bigger number in our head then add on the smaller number to get the answer. This number line helps us to remember to do this as we move “our head” to the big number on our number line. Our “head” keeps that number there so we can then add on the smaller number. Ingenious!


We planted some more seeds this week. This time it was sunflower seeds. We are hoping that our seeds grow into healthy plants then we can move them into bigger pots and take them home. We think our sunflowers will grow to be taller than us?


Our school garden was needing a good tidy up as the weeds have been growing due to all the rain we’ve had. We took it in turns to pull out all the weeds and make sure the garden was looking beautiful.


As we planted sunfowers this week we decided to paint our own sunflowers. We used the flat of the brush to make the petal shape and rotated the paper so we could paint in a circle. We also mixed colours to show the graduation of the colours of the petals. Don’t they look nice?


This week it was the turn of P1b to showcase all their hard work to the school and their families in their assembly. They talked about all the sounds they had learned and the different ways they had learned them. We sang the songs of some of their favourite sounds and they showed us the correct way to write them.Now that they know all the sounds, they told us they can now write words and short sentences. A lot of hard work had gone into their assembly and we all enjoyed it very much. Well done P1b!


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

The school will be closed to pupils on Friday 25th May 2012 for staff in-service training.

Ruby Bear

Hello there and welcome to P1’s blog!

We have continued to revise all our sounds and to practise putting the sounds together to make words. This can be quite tricky to begin with so we will be continuing to do this for several weeks so that we become really, really good at blending our sounds and hearing the words they make.


Our teachers introduced money to us this week. We made a mind map of all the things we knew about money already. We looked at coins. We looked at the size, shape and colour of the different coins. We pegged up all the different coins onto our washing line starting with the lowest value, a 1p coin,  going all the way up to a £2.oo coin! Miss Simpson also tipped all the coins from the tray onto the floor, mixed them all up in a right mess and we had to tidy them up and sort them into the correct trays! If this was not tricky enough we also had the large 5 minute timer and had to finish the job before the sand ran out in the timer! Phew! It was hard work but great fun!


We read the Ruby Bear story. It’s a story about a bear who is very special indeed. We talked about all the the things that made Ruby different but very special. We had a picture of Ruby and we labelled all the things that made her stand out from all the other bears; squint mouth, orange eyes, spotty tummy etc. We also painted our own Ruby with Mrs Lynch. We think, just like Ruby, our bears are very special.


As it is Mother’s Day on Sunday we made our own Mother’s Day cards. We all thought that our mummys worked very hard and deserved a treat so we made our cards with a cup on them and popped a tea bag in so they can relax with a nice cup of tea!


We are looking at the different things that keep us healthy. This week we made a healthy drink with Mrs Johnston. We made a fruit smoothie. We looked at all the ingredients needed to make this and next week we will be writing all the ingredients down. Our smoothies were delicious!


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

Friday 23rd March – the school will be participating in ‘Sports Relief’ by collectively running a mile. We would appreciate it if every child brought in 10p  and wore something red on the day.

We are holding an Easter Bonnet Competition in school. Children can design and make their own bonnets using a variety of materials. Completed entries should be in school no later than Wednesday 28th March.

Teddy Bear Topic

This week we have continued to revise all our sounds and to practise writing cvc words at our sounds stations. Our stations include word mats, sounds board games, ‘find the missing sound‘ games, lace cards, sounds and word games on the interactive white board etc. We all take turns then move around our stations. We really enjoy doing this.


We have been revising  time  this week. We worked with the time washing line, clock faces, time bingo games, time loop cards and our time bee bot. It’s important for us to keep revising so that we can remember and retain all the things we learn.


We started our new Teddy Bear topic this week. We started by reading the book ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. We also looked at the DVD and talked about all the different places they went to in the book. We painted the ‘thick, oozy mud’, the ‘big, dark forest’ and the ‘swirling, whirling snowstorm’ with Mrs Lynch ready for our wall display.

We looked at a 2012 bear and we also looked at Miss Simpsons Mum’s bear. We talked about their ages and compared how differently they looked. We are all getting a chance to take 2012 bear home with us. We will also take a camera to take pictures of our favourite bear at home and a picture of a favourite bear belonging to our parents or grandparents. We then have to write down the names and ages of the teddy bears so we can add the pictures to our Teddy Bear Timeline.


This week in art we looked at the artist Vincent Van Gogh. In particular we looked at one of his paintings, Starry Night. We looked at the way he swirled the paint to make the night sky. we painted our own starry night pictures using this technique.


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

Longhaugh Garden Centre

We practice our sounds and words every day, this is very important to remind ourselves of all the sounds we have learned especially when we are continuing to work on sounding out and writing new and familiar words.

We are still learing all about money. This week we had purses with an amount on it and we had to add the correct coins together to match that amount. We were also rolling a dice and picking up the correct coin to match the dice. We have also been using our money washing line and the money Bee Bot mat.


We have been busy, busy, busy this week planting plants and making lots of things to sell in our garden centre! We all planted petunias and geraniums into the pots we had decorated with tissue paper last week.


We cut out large petals and the flower centre from paper and glued them together to make a flower.  Mrs Lynch laminated them and we put them on a stick to make windmills for the garden.


We made Hamma Bead designs and we then put magnets on the back to make fridge magnets.


We also drew round our hands onto white paper, cut them and folded them around pipe cleaners to make bunches of cala lilies.


We coloured in paper butterflies, folded then glued them together and put them on a lolly stick to make flying butterflies.


We also painted butterflies and cut out flowers to decorate the Assembly Hall all ready for our Garden Centre.



As our sports day is next week we decided to have a rehearsal as we’ve never been part of Longhaugh’s sports day before. We went into the Assembly Hall with the p2’s and the p3’s and practiced all our races. I think we all know what to do now and we are all looking forward to the real event!


At last Thursday came and our Garden Centre was open! We invited our families and Mr Munro and Mrs Gallacher also came and joined us. We were all given a job to do  – some of us were selling all the goods we made, some of us were helping Miss Bonnar at the raffle, some of us were helping Mrs Adams serve the tea, coffee, juice and biscuits in the cafe and some of us helped Miss Simpson and Mrs Lynch at the till, taking the money, giving change and wrapping all the goods. We had a very busy afternoon and we all worked extremely hard! It was great fun and all our hard work paid off as we made £120 towards our school fund!




Well done all the boys and girls in Longhaugh Primary P1!!

Notices for Parents 

GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors  – There will be no open doors this week. It will resume next week at the usual time.

Homework – All words and sounds every night.

Infant sports afternoon is on Wednesday 1st June at 1.30pm (weather permitting)

Visiting the Garden Centres

Hello! Welcome back to Longhaugh Primary’s P1 Blog!

We go over our words and sounds every day and we are getting really good at making new words using our phonics games and the phonics bibs.


We have continued to work on subtraction this week with the butterfly bag and the butterfly washing line. We also talked again about the things we know about money and sorted out lots of coins and pegged and matched coins on the washing line.

Mrs Johnstone made up cups of fruit and we opened our fruit shop. We were all given a bag of coins and we had to write a price tag for our cup of fruit, then go to the till and pay for it using the correct coin. We also got to eat our fruit when we had paid for it! Yum!


As you know from the last few weeks, we have been planting seeds and making things to sell in our garden centre. This week we made seed packets and put seeds inside to sell. We coloured in the packets and drew the flowers on the front and labelled them so customers will know what they are buying.


It was exciting this week as we visited 2 garden centres, Turriffs in Broughty Ferry and Dobbies in Monifieth. We met Mr Turriff and we walked around the nurseries looking at all the plants. We also went into the room where the ladies make up the bouquets and floral displays.


At Dobbies we looked at all the things that they sell e.g., flowers, plants, garden ornaments, pots, compost, paving stones, fencing, fish, chickens, toys, cards, books etc. We went into the summer house and we all planted a pumpkin seed. We then finished our day by going to the cafe and having juice and a biscuit. We had a lovely time.



After visiting the garden centres we thought it was a good idea to go into our school garden and tidy it up a bit. We took turns at weeding and planting some potato tubors.


GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors  – There will be no open doors this week. It will resume next week at the usual time.

Homework – All words and sounds every night.

The Longhaugh Garden Centre will be open in the Assembly Hall on Thursday 26th May at 1.30pm

Gardening Mama

We have continued to practice and learn new words this week. We have played phonics games, matching games, used the word bee bot mat and our phonics bibs. We are getting really good at spelling out all our words!


We are still learning about subtraction. We had large hoops in the classroom and some of us had to stand in them. The teacher then took one of us away from the hoop and we had to work out the subtraction sum. We used the butterfly bag again this week and we were practicing take away with the butterflies and leaves and we wrote our sums on leaf books. We also used the butterfly washing line and discussed what was one less, two less etc.

This week we painted our clay pots with Mrs Lynch and stuck sparkly jewels on them ready to sell in our garden centre.

 We also decorated paint pots with brightly coloured tissued paper and then painted them with glue to make them shiney and hard. 


We each got a pot which we filled with soil and we were all given seeds. There were four different types of flower seeds and we planted them in our pots. We are looking after them and carefully watering them so they will grow into strong, healthy plants we can sell at our garden centre.


We looked at the beans we put into the glass jars last week. The beans that have had sunlight and water have started to sprout and we can see the shoots and the roots. The other beans are not doing so well, but we’re keeping an eye on them. We also planted cress seeds this week so we’re hoping we have cress to put in our sandwiches soon!


This week Mrs Adams and Miss Simpson introduced Gardening Mama on the DS. We were all given a learning partner and we discussed what makes a good learning partner. We were all very excited about playing this game on the DS’s!


GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm3.15pm

Homework – words and sounds every night.

Infant Sports afternoon will be on 1st June – details to follow