Tag Archives: past

Toys From Long Ago

Welcome back to P1’s blog!

We are continuing to revise all our sounds and use them to make words and write simple sentences. Some of us find this really quite tricky so we are going to continue revising and practising. We are also trying to  write new words and sentences when we are doing our topic work.

This week we have been doing lots of different maths activities in Mrs Lynch’s room. We have been counting and putting numbers in order, making patterns with beads and pegs and using different games to help us with our addition.




In our topic we were looking at toys from the past. We watched a short video clip about the different toys children played with long ago. We also looked at information books that showed us pictures of toys from the past and compared them to toys that we have in the present.

We worked with a partner and we drew a picture of a toy from the past and a picture of a toy from the present. We described what they were made from and how they worked.

We also went into our playground and played with toys that children from the past would have played with and we also still play with today. We played hop scotch, rolled hoops, skipped using a long skipping rope and we drew pictures on the playground with chalk.



This week it was the turn of P1b to visit the pensioners at our local Servite House. We asked them what their house was like when they were little and they told us they didn’t have a washing machine, hot water or a toilet inside their house! Things were very different when they were children. We also took some of our learning games and our reading books and we showed them the kinds of activities we do to help our learning.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

We are visiting Longhaugh Nursery on Tuesday 5th March to watch a play.

Please check your child’s diary for show and tell.

School Days……Past and Present

Hello there! How are you all this week? Welcome back to our P1 blog. We hope you enjoy following our journey through our first year at Longhaugh Primary School.

We have continued to revise all our sounds and tricky words. We have been using our sounds to build words and construct simple sentences.


In number this week we have continued to work on addition. We have been writing adding sums, making our own adding sums and filling in the missing number. lots and lots of number work!


In topic this week we watched 3 video clips that showed us schools from the past. One was a school in 1948, one was a school in the 1970’s and the last one told us about a Victorian school. We had to watch and listen and see if there was anything similar between those schools and our school today. We then had to look for the things that were different to our school. We noticed one or two things that were the same but there were a lot of things that were different.


We then created a poster to show schools in the past and schools in the present. We worked in groups and we all had to draw a picture of something that a school in the past had, e.g., a slate and chalk or an old fashioned desk with an ink well. Then we each drew a picture of something that a school would have now, e.g., an interactive white board.


It was also the turn of P1A to go and visit the senior citizens at the local servite home. We took along pictures of some of the activities in our classroom and we also took some of the games etc that we use every day. The ladies told us what school was like for them when they were children. It sounded very different indeed! They used to get their knuckles wrapped with a ruler!


We had been talking about our emotions last week and what it felt like and how our faces and bodies reacted when we were happy, sad, confused, frightened etc.

We drew our portraits focussing on our features and what they look like and how they change when we are happy, and how they change when we are sad. I think you’ll agree we made a really good job of our portraits!


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Past, Present and Future

Welcome back to a still very snowy Dundee! It’s been snowing all day here and we went outside with our P7 boys and girls into our playground to build snowmen. Have a look at our playground, do you have as much snow where you live? Maybe you can let us know.


We have been reading the book, Room on the Broom and we were looking at all sorts of different characters we could sit on the broom. We each drew a character and wrote some words to describe it. We then added our own character into the rhyme, e.g.,

                                       “I am a giraffe as tall as can be.

                                       Is there room on the broom for a giraffe like me?”

Have a look at some of our “Room on the Broom” rhymes.


In number this week we continued to look at addition adding 1 more and 2 more. We had to work out tricky sums where the missing number was in the middle.  4+[]=5. This made us think very hard!

We also looked at money this week. We looked at all the different coins. We compared their size, their shape and their colour. We looked at how much thery were worth and we arranged them in order.

In topic this week we looked at our needs and our wants, what that meant and the difference between them. We worked in groups and we were all given a selection of picture cards. We had to decide which of the things we needed and which of the things we wanted. Items that made us healthy and were essential to survive were things we needed. Items that were lovely to have but not essential were things we wanted. This was quite tricky and we had to think long and hard if we really needed some things.

We have been talking about how we grow and to help us discuss and understand what a baby needs to thrive and grow strong, Mr Bluman’s wife Anna brought in their baby son Jackson. We had already thought of some interesting questions to ask Anna.


We also have a past, present and future wall in our corridor. We all brought in photos of ourselves as babies. Next to that we have a picture of ourselves as we are now and we then drew a picture of how we think we will look in the future when we are adults. Some of us thought we might be a mummy or a daddy. Some of us thought we might be a fireman or a policeman, and some of us thought we might be a dancer on the stage with purple hair. Who knows what we will be, but it’s exciting to think about our future!


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.