Tag Archives: party hats

Merry Christmas!

A warm welcome to Longhaugh Primary 1’s very last blog of 2011!

We are only at school for 3 days this week then we are off for our Christmas holidays.

We have been revising all the sounds we have learned so far. We sang the songs and did the actions and wrote them on our whiteboards. We also revised all our numbers to 10. We sang all our number rhymes and practised writing them on our whiteboards. Hopefully we will remember them all over the holidays.

We made party hats to wear at our Christmas party. We decorated them with sequins, stars and pieces of tinsel to make them look extra sparkly. I’m sure you agree they look quite splendid!


We had our Christmas party on Monday and we all put on our party clothes and had a wonderful afternoon! We played pass the santa hat, musical bumps, the corners game and the Hokey Cokey, danced The Bluebell polka and the Shoemaker and had a drink and something to eat. We also had a very special visitor who gave us all a present. We were very excited, behaved beautifully and had a super afternoon!




Miss Simpson, Miss Bonnar, Mrs Rooney, Mrs Lynch and all the boys and girls of Longhaugh P1 wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We look forward to reading all your comments in 2012!!