Tag Archives: party

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Welcome back to P1’s last blog of 2012! Can you believe that? Where has this year gone?!

We have been doing lots of ‘Christmassy’ things this week.

We wrote our letters to Santa. We had to ask very politely for something we would really like to find in our stocking on Christmas morning. We also had to write in our best hand writing. Santa really likes neat hand writing!


We had our Christmas party on Monday. We did some dancing, played musical bumps, the Christmas 4 corners game and instead of pass the parcel we played pass the santa hat!



We went into the dinner hall for our party food and we used the place mats we had made earlier.


After our food we did the hokey cokey and sang some songs. Whilst we were singing we heard a bell. You’re not going to believe it but it was Santa!! He had brought gifts for every boy and girl in P1! It was very exciting!


We also made our Christmas cards to take home to our family and friends. The classes did different versions of Christmas tree cards.


This week we also went to visit Santa’s Grotto at our local community centre. It was beautifully decorated and we all sang songs and Mr Bluman read us a Christmas story. We went to visit Santa and he gave us all a selection box. Wasn’t that very kind?



P5/6 and P6 had a Victorian Christmas exhibition in the hall and we were very kindly invited. We learned lots of things that the Victorians did to celebrate Christmas. We made some paper chains, Christmas crackers, Christmas stockings and we decorated a victorian house. They also told us that in victorian times children got an orange and a coin in their stocking, if they were lucky. We’re hoping Santa brings us a little more than that!



Lastly this week we had our Christmas sing a long. We have been practising all our songs for weeks and we finally got to perform. We had our first performance to the whole school in the morning then again to our parents/carers in the afternoon. Every one agreed we did very well and all those weeks of learning all the words was worth it!


P1a, P1b, P1c, Miss Donaldson, Miss Bonnar, Mr Bluman and Mrs Lynch would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we hope that you continue to follow our progress in the New Year.

See you in 2013!!

Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

The school will close for the Christmas holidays on Friday 21st December at 12 noon. It will re-open on Monday 7th January 2013.


Merry Christmas!

A warm welcome to Longhaugh Primary 1’s very last blog of 2011!

We are only at school for 3 days this week then we are off for our Christmas holidays.

We have been revising all the sounds we have learned so far. We sang the songs and did the actions and wrote them on our whiteboards. We also revised all our numbers to 10. We sang all our number rhymes and practised writing them on our whiteboards. Hopefully we will remember them all over the holidays.

We made party hats to wear at our Christmas party. We decorated them with sequins, stars and pieces of tinsel to make them look extra sparkly. I’m sure you agree they look quite splendid!


We had our Christmas party on Monday and we all put on our party clothes and had a wonderful afternoon! We played pass the santa hat, musical bumps, the corners game and the Hokey Cokey, danced The Bluebell polka and the Shoemaker and had a drink and something to eat. We also had a very special visitor who gave us all a present. We were very excited, behaved beautifully and had a super afternoon!




Miss Simpson, Miss Bonnar, Mrs Rooney, Mrs Lynch and all the boys and girls of Longhaugh P1 wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We look forward to reading all your comments in 2012!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Welcome to P1’s last blog of 2010. We only have 2 and a half days in school this week then we’re off for our Christmas holidays! Even though we’re only in for half a week we have still been very busy.    

We made our party hats and place mates ready for our party on Tuesday.    


On Tuesday morning Mr Brough, the minister from Fintry Parish Church, came into school for our Christmas service. The school choir sang and we also sang carols, it was wonderful and it got us all into the true Christmas spirit.    

In the afternoon  it was our Christmas party. We had great fun dancing all the dances we had practiced and playing party games. We also got to eat our party food in the dinner hall which had been decorated with the mats etc we had made and of course Santa visited us! 


We have had a very busy year in P1 at Longhaugh Primary School and we hope you have enjoyed reading about all the activities we have done. We hope you will continue to enjoy following our progress in 2011!    

All the boys and girls in P1, Miss Simpson, Mrs Adams and Mrs Lynch would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year!   

Merry Christmas from P1!