Tag Archives: number

“We Three Kings”

Welcome back to our last full week at school before the Christmas holidays.

This time of year is very busy and we have been fighting colds and sickness bugs to get all our activities done!

We learned 2 sounds this week, they were ‘ng’ and ‘oo’.


The action for ‘ng’ is to pretend you are a weight lifter and push your  hands above your head as if your were lifting a dumb bell and say, ‘ng ng ng ng’. The action for ‘oo’ is to move the top half of you body backwards and forwards mimicing a cuckoo coming in and out of a cuckoo clock and say ‘oo oo oo oo’.


We continued working with our ladybird maths box again this week, this time working on the stories of 8. We used playdough spots on the ladybirds then wrote our number stories on our white boards.

We received another letter this week from Buddy Boo, Eric and Willow from the Land of Me. They thanked us for taking them on so many wonderful adventures and that they will see us after the holidays. They are going back to Bramble Woods and are getting ready for winter there. It is very cold and they set us a challenge. We had to design winter clothes for Buddy Boo, Eric and Willow to wear and Granny Olive was to judge the best designs!


Here are our designs and here are the winners from the three classes with Granny Olive.


We still had some Christmas craft to finish and we made our Christmas cards and our calenders. As you can see we made a very good job of both!



Finally, this week we performed our nativity, “We Three Kings” to our families. We had 2 fully booked performances and everyone thought we did a splendid job. Everyone remembered their lines and the singing was fantastic! Our parents and families joined us after the performance for a cup of tea/coffee and mince pie in the dinner hall.


Well done P1a, P1b and P1c of Longhaugh Primary School, you are all stars!

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Open doors will start again in the new year on 12th January 2012.

Christmas Party Monday 19th December – Please give your child 50p towards party food.

The school will close for the Christmas holidays on Wednesday 21st December at 12.00 noon. It will re-open on Thursday 5th January 2012.

Ladybird Maths Box

Hello! Welcome to Longhaugh Primary P1 blog.

We have learned another 2 sounds this week. Our new sounds are ‘y’ and ‘x’.


The action for ‘y’ is to lift your hand to your mouth as if you are pretending to eat yoghurt with a spoon and say ‘yyyyy’. The action for ‘x’ is to pretend you’re holding an x-ray gun and say ‘xxxxx’.


Our teachers introduced us to the ladybird maths box this week This box helps us with our addition. We had our blank ladybird sheets and we also had playdough. We made spots out of the playdough for our ladybirds and then we added both sides together to find our how many spots the ladybird had all together. We then wrote our sum on our white boards. We know how to do this as our teachers have been talking to us about the + sign and the = sign.

      Our Ladybird Maths Box                                                   

In the Land of Me this week we received another letter. This time it was from Granny Olive! Granny Olive is a turtle and she reads stories. We visited the Land of Me and we listened to Granny Olive telling us a funny adventure story about Buddy Boo, Willow and Eric. It was very exciting!

 Granny Olive!

We’re starting to get ready for all the activities that we have planned for Christmas. We are rehearsing for our Christmas show and we have been learning all the songs and all our lines. We have also been designing tickets and programmes for the show.

We started to make our Christmas craft ready to sell at our Christmas Fayre.


We have also been writing out price tickets to put on all the gifts ready to sell at our Christmas shop. We have been painting Santa and the elves with Mrs Lynch, ready to decorate our shop and printing paper to make gift wrap ready to wrap all the presents that the other boys and girls are going to buy from our shop! Phew!!!



We also have a P1 display to make for our Assembly Hall. This year each class or stage have to make a picture about a Christmas song. We have chosen ‘When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney!’


As you can see we have been very busy indeed and this will continue right up to the end of term!

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Come into class and let your child show you all the hard work they’ve been doing.

Christmas show – Please give your child their costume in a plastic bag with their name on it as soon as possible. Also please help your child practise and learn their lines for the show.

Tickets for the show will be on sale from Monday 28th November – Dates of show Tuesday 13th December at 9.45am and Wednesday 14th December at 1.45pm. Tickets cost £2.00, this includes tea/coffee and programme.

Christmas Fayre Saturday 3rd December10.00am12 noon.


Three Special Visitors

We have had another busy week in P1 at Longhaugh Primary School!

We learned 2 more sounds this week. They were ‘w’ and ‘v’. We listened to the stories, sang the songs, looked at all the objects on the sounds table, wrote in the air with our magic writing finger and practised the sounds on our white boards.


The action for ‘w’ is to put your hands to your mouth and pretend to blow like wind and say ‘wwwwww’. The action for ‘v’ is to pretend you’re holding a steering wheel and driving a van and say ‘vvvvv’.


We have been continuing to practise our sounds and words every day and we have been practising sounding out and writing words in Mrs Lynch’s room.


In number work this week we have been counting on one and two more. There are large number leaves in Bramble Wood and we have been practising our number recognition and the number before and the number after with Mrs Lynch. We had to think hard to jump onto the correct ‘leaf’.


We were also counting on 2 more. We used hoops and added 2 more children, we made a tower of cubes and added 2 more and put beads on a string and added 2 more. We then wrote the number on our white boards. We also met Mummy Frog, she counts in two’s so she was helping us. We will meet her again over the course of the school year.


Three very special visitors from the Land of Me came to visit us. They were an owl called Willow, a bear called Buddy Boo and a raccoon called Eric.


They told us that they love to go on adventures and they wanted us to take them home and go on imaginary adventures with us! Well, we thought this was a fantastic idea. Willow went into P1A, Eric went into P1B and Buddy Boo went into P1C. Willow went on an exciting adventure with Keira, Eric went on a fun adventure with Warren and Buddy Boo went on a scary adventure with Megan. The boys and girls wrote and drew their adventures in the ‘Book of Adventures’ so we can all share them. We can’t wait until it’s our turn to go on an adventure too!


We also painted hedgehogs to put in Bramble Wood. We used sponges and brown paint to make them look spiky.


It’s only a few weeks until we open our Christmas shop and have our Christmas party, so this week we have started to make gift tags for the shop and we have have been practising our dances in gym for the party. We think we’ll soon be as good as the dancers on Strictly Come Dancing!


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Come into class and let your child show you all the hard work they’ve been doing.

Non Uniform Day – Friday 25th November. Please bring in a tombola gift instead of a fine.

Sponsor Money – Please hand into school all sponsor money.

Christmas show – Please give your child their costume in a plastic bag with their name on it as soon as possible. Also please help your child practise and learn their lines for the show.

A Short Week!

Hello everyone and welcome!

This is a short week for us as the school is closed to pupils on Thursday and Friday for staff in-service training. We have, however, managed to fit a lot of exciting learning into 3 days. I’m sure you will agree.

We learned one sound this week and that was ‘z’. The action for ‘z’ is to pretend you are a bee. Tuck your elbows to your side, flap your hands and say “zzzzzzzzzz.”


We have continued to practise our words and sounds every day, and more of us have been able to take a book home to read. We are working our way through the ‘Miss Owen’ stories.

In number this week we have been using number flashcards and practising writing our numbers on our white boards. We have been counting to 10 and putting spots on laminated sheets to help us count.

On Monday we were very lucky to have M&M Productions at school and we all watched Sleeping Beauty. It was super fun! not too scary! We all sang along with the songs.

Strange things have also been happening! Bramble woods arrived along with a letter from the animals who are going to share our adventures in the Land of Me. We don’t know yet who they are or where they came from, but we watched video clips of animals in their natural habitat and looked at information books that they’d left us. We recorded our learning in our thinking books. 

                                              Bramble Woods


We went on our sponsored Autumn walk. Unfortunately, it was a dark, drizzly day but it didn’t stop us from having fun. We looked at all the changing colours on the trees and bushes and we picked up some interesting leaves etc.


We then had a sheet of paper headed – “What I found on my Autumn Walk” and stuck on all the interesting bits and pieces we had found.


Here are some of them.


We won’t be at school on Remembrance Day, so we talked about why we remember all the men and women who have died fighting for us and why we remember them with a poppy. We also talked about the fact that it wasn’t just about remembering wars that had happened a long time ago, men and women were still fighting and being killed and injured in Afghanistan. Some of us knew people who were out in Afghanistan.

We made poppies of our own to remember them.


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. There will be no open doors on Thursday 10th November, it will resume the following week on Thursday 17th November.

Land of Me story bags will be handed out on Monday, please go over them with your child.

Please continue to practise the speaking parts for P1’s Christmas show with your child.

Sensation Science Centre

We have only a few weeks left of P1 and we still have lots of things to do!

No matter how busy we are though, we are still doing our words and sounds every day. We were also using the phonics BeeBot, games and the sounds bibs to make words.

We’re still working on subtraction to 10, but this week we started to work out our take away sums using the number in your head number line! How smart are we??

We were back out into our school garden again this week, weeding and generally trying to keep it neat and tidy. We also planted the pumpkin plants and the petunias that we didn’t manage to sell at our garden centre.


At the end of our plants topic we have been looking at our garden and how nice it’s now looking, and we thought it would be nice to brighten up the shelter in our playground which is just beside our garden. We discussed what would be a good design to paint in the shelter and we all got letters home to make sure we bring old clothes into school on painting days. Luckily, Mrs Lynch’s son is an art student so he is coming in to help us chalk the outline of our design on the shelter walls.

Finally this week we went on our trip to Dundee’s Sensation Science Centre. What fun we had! We were able to climb in a giant head and slide down the nose! We looked at models of inside our eyes, checked our balance, sniffed all sorts of very peculiar smells of plants and animals. As you can tell the exhibition downstairs was all about our senses.




 We then got a tour of the dinosaur exhibition and learned all about dinosaurs and how they lived and died millions of years ago. It was a fantastic day!


Notices for Parents 

GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors  – Every Wednesday at 3.00pm 3.15pm

Homework – All words and sounds every night.

Whole School Camperdown Park trip – Friday 17th June.

Please ensure children are wearing old clothes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for painting the shelter.

Bean Experiment

This week we have been extremely busy even though we’ve only been at school for 3 days due to the May holiday and the election.

We have been working hard on our 3 letter words again this week, using matching games, board games, bee bot mats and our phonic vests.



Our teachers introduced subtraction to us this week. We discussed that subtraction means take away and we looked at the sign (-). The butterfly bag was used for the first time. We were given leaves and 5 butterflies and we had to take some butterflies away and practice, with our teacher, writing the sums on the whiteboards. We also used our currant buns masks and sang the song.


As part of our Plants topic, we intend to open a garden centre (details to follow) and make and grow things to sell, just like a real garden centre. This week we made clay tea light holders. We had to make sure they were big enough to hold a candle. Next week we are going to paint them with Mrs Lynch.

We also did a bean experiment. We talked about what beans need to grow and we decided that they need sunlight and water. We had 4 jars and filled the jars with paper and cotton wool. We split into groups and one group put their beans in a jar and watered it and put it on the window sill where it could get light. Another group put their beans into a jar and put it on the window sill but didn’t give it any water. The third group put their beans in a jar, watered it but put it into a dark cupboard away from the light. The fourth group put their beans into a jar and gave it no water and put it into the dark cupboard. We’re going to see how many of the beans grow. We drew the picture and wrote what we thought would happen in our Thinking Books. 



In Mrs Lynch’s room the role play area is a pet Shop and we have been learning how to care for animals. There is also to be a gaming pod and this week we have just found out that we are going to have an Eye Pet. The P7’s are going to help us and we all have a learning partner.


 We are very excited! We start next week!

GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm3.15pm

Homework – words and sounds every night.

Infant Sports afternoon will be on 1st June – details to follow

Number Doubles

Hello and welcome again to P1’s blog!

This week we have been revising all our sounds. We have listened to all the Jolly Phonics songs and have been doing all the actions. We have been practising writing all our sounds and making words on our whiteboards.

Again, we have been working on addition using cubes and divided circles. We were working on the stories of 8 and 10.


We have also been learning our number doubles.


Our trip to Montrose Basin is next week so we have been thinking about all the things we might need on our trip. As well as writing our lists in the writing area, we have been writing the things we need to bring in our Thinking Books.


We started our new topic, Grannies and Grandads, by looking at coins from the past and from the present. We talked about the different names of all the coins and how they looked different. We took some of the coins we use everyday and did rubbings of them. We also designed our own coins.


Notices for Parents :

Gym – Every Monday and Friday – Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school on these days.

HomeworkWords and sounds every night. Please see  ‘my school trip list’ in blue reading packet. Please ensure items are in school for 24th March.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm to 3.15pm

Robert Burns

This week we learned the sounds ‘ee’ and ‘or’. To do the action we put our hands on our head as if they were donkey’s ears for the ‘ee’ sound and fold our fingers down to make shorter ears for the  ‘or’ sound.


We learn our sounds and words every night at home. In room 6 we ‘fish‘ for words in the fishing pool when we are pretending to be Polar Explorers in the North Pole. We have to read the fish we catch and if we are especially clever we make short sentences.

    look how many we caught! 

        Catching fish!              Look how many we have caught!

We are continuing to work on our addition this week. We used addition buses to make our own number stories. We also used coat hangers and pegs this week. We moved the pegs form one side of the coat hanger to the other to make different number stories.

         Working in pairs to make our number stories.

We also started to learn about time this week. We looked at clocks and talked about the big hand, small hand, numbers and the face. We made ‘o’clock’ by moving the big hand to the 12 and the small hand to the hour. We made our own clocks and practised moving the hands.


Tuesday was Robert Burns birthday. To help celebrate the anniversary of his birth we held a Scottish themed party. We danced the Bluebell Polka and the Shoemaker. We listened to bagpipe music and we recited our scottish poems to Mrs Gallacher.  Bradley Williamson and Kara Milne were chosen as the winners. Well done! Miss Simpson read us a scottish counting story, ‘A wee Moose in the Hoose.’ We looked at the scottish display table and saw haggis, neeps and tatties. Best of all we got to taste shortbread!

"dancing"      The winners!

For our ‘Under the Sea’ topic we looked at shells. We looked at their shape, texture and patterns. We made our own shells by drawing our own pattern with wax resist crayons and painting an ink wash on the top.


Notices for parents:

GymMonday and Friday. Please ensure your child has full gym kit on these days.

Open Doors – every Wednesday from 3.00pm to 3.15pm

Homework – Words and sounds every night .  

                          To reinforce learning encourage your child to collect shells,  pebbles etc., from the beach. Your child could bring these in to show the class.  

Please also return any outstanding Library books as soon as possible.

Christmas is coming!

We have had an extremely busy week catching up on the things we missed due to the school being closed. We are back working hard but our playground is still very, very snowy!

We learned one more sound this week, the ‘x’ sound. We all had great fun pretending to take an ‘x-ray picture’, the action for this sound.

Santa’s workshop has come to P1 and Santa left us a letter asking us to design lots of toys to help him out at Christmas. He also told us we were all on the ‘nice’ list. Phew!!

In room 6 we’ve been decorating Santa’s tree but we must remember to put the decorations on using a pattern. We’ve also been practicing setting Santa’s Christmas table. It’s tricky to remember where everything goes!

We’ve also been very busy making lots of craft to sell at our Christmas fayre. P1A have been making tree decorations and P1B have been making Christmas stockings.


We made angel cards to take home.


As the playground and streets are still very snowy and icy, it makes it too difficult for us to walk and visit the community. So we had a very,very special visitor this week. Santa came to Longhaugh Primary School! It was lovely to see him and we all promised we would try and be especially well behaved and he gave us a gift.


Even though we have been so busy making all our Christmas craft and rehearsing for our show, ‘The Grumpy Sheep’, every day, we have also been using our Ladybird maths box. This week we have been working hard making 5 and making 6.

Dates for your diary:

Open doors – The last open doors for this term was Wednesday 8th Dec. Open doors will resume on Wednesday 17th January 2011.

P1 Christmas PartyTuesday 21st December at 1.15pm. Children can go home at lunch time to get changed or send party clothes in a named carrier bag and we will help them get changed.

Christmas Fayre –   Saturday 11th December  –  10.00 am –  12 noon.

Grumpy Sheep productionWednesday 16th December at 9.30am and Wednesday 16th December at 1.45pm. There will be opportunities next week to buy more tickets.