Tag Archives: Nativity Santa

Our Christmas Shop is Open!

Welcome back to our blog! We have been incredibly busy this week and have managed to fit a lot of exciting learning into the last 5 school days.

Even though it is very close to Christmas we still managed to learn more sounds. This week we learned ‘ie’ and ‘ee, or’.


The action for ‘ie’ is to put your hand to your forehead and pretend to salute and say “ie,ie,ie,ie“. The action for ‘ee, or’ is to put your hands on top of your head and make donkey’s ears. Make the ears stand up and say ‘ee’ then make the ears flop and say ‘or’.


We continued with our ladybird maths box this week and we worked on the stories of 7. We put the dots on the ladybird and then wrote the sum on our white boards.


We have been extremely busy this week with our Christmas activities. Our Christmas shop opened and all the classes came down on a rota basis and bought lovely gifts for their family and friends. We even provided a wrapping service! We have made a lot of money for the school through our Christmas shop and we’d like to thank all the parents/carers and children who donated and bought all the wonderful gifts.


We also made snowmen paper chains to decorate our classes.


We have been rehearsing for our nativity, We Three Kings, every day this week and we had our dress rehearsal on Friday which we performed to the whole school. We did very well and everybody thought it was marvellous. We have 2 productions next week for our families.


We were also very lucky and went to visit Santa in his grotto. We listened to a Christmas story and sang lots of Christmas songs. we all got to have a chat with Santa and he gave us a gift. We had a marvellous afternoon!


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Open doors will resume on Thursday 12th January 2012.

Christmas show – Tickets for the show will be on sale from Monday 28th November – Dates of show Tuesday 13th December at 9.45am and Wednesday 14th December at 1.45pm. Tickets cost £2.00, this includes tea/coffee and programme.

Christmas Party Monday 19th December – Please give your child 50p towards party food.