Tag Archives: Library

Going Home With Pattern Bear

This week we have been revising all the sounds we have learned so far. We’ve been singing our Jolly Phonics songs and practising writing on our white boards. We have also learned 2 new sounds! They are ‘e’ and ‘h’.


The action for ‘e’ is to hold our hands as if we are cracking an egg into a pan and say “e,e,e“. The action for ‘h’ is to pretend we have run a very long race and are very tired and put our hand up to our mouth, panting and say “h,h,h,h”.


We have also been revising all the words we have learned so far. Our beebot helps us to remember all our words.


We have also been working very hard in Mrs Lynch’s room. We have been looking at all the sounds on the wall and practising writing them on the big white board. Mrs Lynch has sounds cubes and she helps us to make words using the sounds we have already learned and some sounds we will be learning soon. It is great fun to find the correct sounds and make new words!


We learned the numbers ‘6’ and ‘7’ this week. We sang the songs 6 fat sausages and 7 little fingers and practised writing the numbers on our white boards. We also revised and practised the numbers 0-5.


This week we have been talking and learning about patterns using 2 colours. We all made caterpillars using 2 different coloured circles making sure we were sticking them down in a pattern.


Here is our finished wall display, doesn’t it look fantastic?


To carry on with our pattern work, each class has a very special Bear to take home. Every night one of us from each class takes Pattern Bear home and he helps us look for all different sorts of patterns in our own home. He comes with his own camera and we take pictures of all the patterns we find. Below is a picture of the first children from 1A, 1B and 1C to take their bears home for the night. Don’t they look pleased?


Mrs Johnstone, our Healthy Eating Assistant, started toothbrushing with us this week. We well be brushing our teeth every day after playtime. To explain the importance of having strong, healthy teeth and to eat healthy play pieces, Mrs Weir read us a story and introduced us to Trigger! Trigger showed us the proper way to clean our teeth.


We have a very large 100 square in our corridor. It is there for us to mark and count our first full 100 days at school. Every day our teachers take us and we have to look and see how many days have been turned over and then we look and say  what we think the next number will be and when our teacher turns it over, we then can see if we chose the correct number! We will be counting all the way to 100 days.


We had our first “Open Doors” this week. Every Thursday from 3.00pm – 3.15pm our parents and carers can come into our classrooms and Mrs Lynch’s room and we show them all the things we have been doing during the week. We also have a Library area and we are allowed to take home a book to read and bring it back the next week. Our P7 pupils write down our names and the name of the book we are borrowing and our parent/carer signs their name. It’s just like a proper Library!


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellry must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Come into class and let your child show you all the hard work they’ve been doing.

The photographer will be in school on Monday 26th September. P1 class and individual photographs will be taken.

Our First Full Week at School!

Hello and a warm welcome back to Longhaugh Primary 1 Blog!

This was our first full week at school. We all did very well and settled into the lunch time and afternoon routines quickly. We have enjoyed staying at school for lunch and we are well and truly settled at Longhaugh Primary School.


We learned another 2 sounds this week, they are ‘n’ and ‘c’ ‘k’.


The action for ‘n’ is to put our arms out wide pretending to be an aeroplane and say, nnnnnnn. The action for ‘c’ is to click our fingers as if we were holding castanets and say, cccccc. The ‘k’ action is to wave one hand in the air pretending it is a kite flying in the sky. We practise singing our Jolly Phonics song for these sounds every day.


This week in numbers we learned the numbers ‘4’ and ‘5’. We read the number stories and sang 4 current buns,  5 little ducks and 5 little monkeys. We added the numbers 4 and 5 to our Teddy Bear washing line and practised writing the numbers on our whiteboards.


P1A, P1B and P1C all joined together to learn and talk about our class and school rules. Our teachers told us the way that Mr Munro and Mrs Jenkins would expect us to behave. To be kind to each other, to share and to take turns. They would be very disappointed if we were unkind to other pupils or used our hands or our feet to hurt other boys and girls. We agreed that  we would never be unkind or hurt each other.

Longhaugh Primary School has 4 houses that are named after castles in the local area. All our pupils belong to one of these houses. They are Mains, Broughty, Claypotts and Dudhope. We all found out what house we belong to and got a coloured badge to wear representing our new house. We were all very excited and are wearing our new badges with pride!


As part of our topic, “We Belong to Longhaugh” and to help our work on pattern, we laid strips of green and blue paper in the pattern of our school tie and made a display for our corridor wall.


We painted our portraits with Mrs Lynch this week and they are displayed in our infant corridor. Don’t we all look splendid?


Our family and friends came into school to look around our classrooms and to see all the hard word we’ve been doing and to discover some of the activites we do and the routines we follow. We had a wonderful turnout and everyone was very pleased with our progress. Many people left lovely comments in our visitor books and Miss Simpson, Miss Bonnar, Mrs Weir and Mrs Lynch would like to thank all family and friends for making it a very successful afternoon.


We made our first visit to our Local library in Whitfield this week. We get to look at all the books and the librarian reads us a story. We will visit the library every Friday and we are looking forward to our next visit already!

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school.

Open Doors – Every  Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Come into class and let your child show you all the hard work they’ve been doing.

On the 7th of September there was an extra AGM of the Friends of Longhaugh (Parent Council). Unfortunately there was a disappointing turnout and there are still several vacant positions to be filled on the committee. It would be beneficial to the school if some of our new P1 parents were willing to donate some of their time and join our parent council group. It does some wonderful work and can help to make positive changes  for our children, school and local community. Please contact the school with you interest.

Settling In

Hello and welcome to P1’s second blog of the new term! This is our last week of coming to school in the mornings only. We have all settled in very well at Longhaugh Primary and are looking forward to coming to school  full time from Monday!

This week we have learned 2 new sounds. Our new sounds are ‘i’ and ‘p’     


We read the Jolly Phonics stories for ‘i’ and ‘p’ and sang the Jolly Phonics songs. We looked at our sounds table and all the objects that begin with ‘i’ and ‘p’. We then used our magic writing finger and then practised our sounds on our whiteboards.        

The action for ‘i’ is to put our hands to our face, on either side of our nose and wiggle our fingers, pretending they are the whiskers of Inky the Mouse. The action for ‘p’ is to put our finger to our mouth and pretend we are blowing out the candles on the pink, pig cake.


When we learn any new sound or number in P1 we always practise with our magic writing finger first before using our whiteboards. Our magic writing finger is very important and we always use it to ‘write’ in the air so we become familiar with the formation of any new sound and number.

We also talked about the number ‘3’. We read the number 3 story, sang 3 Little Speckled Frogs, put the number 3 on our number washing line, wrote the number 3 with our magic writing fingers and then practised our new number and the numbers we already know on our whiteboards.


We also learned about shape this week. We read a shape story and talked about all the shapes that are around us every day. We had feely bags filled with all different shapes and we had to say what shape it was by only touching and not peeking into the bag!


Our teachers read us the big book “The New Children.” We were then all given a small book of our own and our very own book markers and we followed the story using our markers as our teachers read the big book again. As soon as we have learned all the words that we are given home in our blue packet, we will be given our very own book to take home and read. Keep practising those words!


We also had lunch at school on Friday. This was a chance for us to eat in our dining hall so we could see where we sit and what we have to do before we all start full time next week. The cook makes a yummy lunch!

Several of our blog followers have told us that they are unable to leave a comment. We are aware of this and are trying hard to rectify this problem. Please bear with us and don’t let this setback put you off leaving comments, the children are looking forward to seeing all your positive comments when they look at our blog every week.

Notices for parents:

Gym P1a (Wednesday & Friday), P1b (Thursday & Friday), P1c (Wednesday & Thursday). Please ensure you child has a full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Afternoon Thursday 8th September at 1.30pm

Children will be at school for a full day from Monday 5th September.

School lunch menus have been issued, please discuss these with you child and help them make their lunch choice.