Tag Archives: ladybird maths box

“We Three Kings”

Welcome back to our last full week at school before the Christmas holidays.

This time of year is very busy and we have been fighting colds and sickness bugs to get all our activities done!

We learned 2 sounds this week, they were ‘ng’ and ‘oo’.


The action for ‘ng’ is to pretend you are a weight lifter and push your  hands above your head as if your were lifting a dumb bell and say, ‘ng ng ng ng’. The action for ‘oo’ is to move the top half of you body backwards and forwards mimicing a cuckoo coming in and out of a cuckoo clock and say ‘oo oo oo oo’.


We continued working with our ladybird maths box again this week, this time working on the stories of 8. We used playdough spots on the ladybirds then wrote our number stories on our white boards.

We received another letter this week from Buddy Boo, Eric and Willow from the Land of Me. They thanked us for taking them on so many wonderful adventures and that they will see us after the holidays. They are going back to Bramble Woods and are getting ready for winter there. It is very cold and they set us a challenge. We had to design winter clothes for Buddy Boo, Eric and Willow to wear and Granny Olive was to judge the best designs!


Here are our designs and here are the winners from the three classes with Granny Olive.


We still had some Christmas craft to finish and we made our Christmas cards and our calenders. As you can see we made a very good job of both!



Finally, this week we performed our nativity, “We Three Kings” to our families. We had 2 fully booked performances and everyone thought we did a splendid job. Everyone remembered their lines and the singing was fantastic! Our parents and families joined us after the performance for a cup of tea/coffee and mince pie in the dinner hall.


Well done P1a, P1b and P1c of Longhaugh Primary School, you are all stars!

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Open doors will start again in the new year on 12th January 2012.

Christmas Party Monday 19th December – Please give your child 50p towards party food.

The school will close for the Christmas holidays on Wednesday 21st December at 12.00 noon. It will re-open on Thursday 5th January 2012.

St Andrew’s Day

Hello and welcome back to our blog. Only another 3 more blogs until Christmas! my goodness where has the time gone? This is a very busy time of year at school and we have been very busy indeed!

We have learned another 2 sounds this week. They are ‘ai’ and ‘oa’.


The action for ‘ai’ is to to put your hand behind your ear as if you were hard of hearing and say, ‘ai ai ai ai’. The action for ‘oa’ is to but your hand to your mouth in surprise and say, ‘oa oa oa oa’.


We continued to work with the ladybird maths box this week. We put spots on the ladybirds to make our sums and wrote them on our white boards. It’s tricky but we’re getting the hang of it!


We’ve also been using our number buses to help us too. We draw the passengers on the top of the bus and some more passengers on the bottom deck of the bus and then we write our adding sum counting both decks altogether.


In the Land of Me we know that Granny Olive loves to tell stories in her story cave. We can’t go into the woods and build our own cave, so we thought it would be a good idea to go into the hall and build our own story caves for Granny Olive using our construction material. I think you’ll agree we made a very good job!


It’s getting nearer to Christmas and there will be a great many things going on over the next few weeks. Our Christmas shop opens on Monday so we had lots of things to do for that.

We priced all the gifts.


We put them all on the shelves in the shop.


We made decorations to hang in our shop so it looked Christmasy and inviting! We made snowflakes, paper chains and we printed wrapping paper.


Our Christmas Nativity is in 2 weeks so we have been rehearsing for that and also practising the dances for our Christmas party!!! My goodness we have been busy.

St Andrew’s day was on Wednesday the 30th November. We talked about St Andrew and that he is the patron saint of Scotland. We weaved some of our own tartan from paper and we listened to bagpipe music and scottish songs. To end our celebrations we had a drink of juice and some shortbread.


It has also all changed in Mrs Lynch’s room. We now have a festive Christmas room. We set the table for 4 people, remembering where the cutlery goes and we decorate the tree with baubles but we have to make sure we put them on in a pattern! Our number line is now Christmas crackers and we put them in the right order. We wear santa hats to put us in the mood for all our Christmas writing jobs.


Another very busy week in P1 at Longhaugh Primary School!

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – There will be no more open doors until we come back after the holidays. It will resume on Thursday 12th january 2012. Please return any outstanding library books a.s.a.p.

Christmas show – Please give your child their costume in a plastic bag with their name on it by Friday 9th December as this is our dress rehearsal day. Also please help your child practise and learn their lines for the show.

Tickets for the show will be on sale from Monday 28th November – Dates of show Tuesday 13th December at 9.45am and Wednesday 14th December at 1.45pm. Tickets cost £2.00, this includes tea/coffee and programme.

Christmas Fayre Saturday 3rd December10.00am12 noon.

Christmas shop opens to pupils on Monday 5th December. Prices ranges from 50p to £5.00.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year and welcome to P1’s first blog of 2011. We all had a lovely holiday and we’re very excited to be back at school ready to work hard!

We learned a new sound this week. The ‘ai‘ sound. Our action for this sound is to put our hand to our ear and pretend we can’t hear what someone is saying.


We have been finger painting and making jelly fish. This is our first art project for our new topic ‘Under the Sea.’ We can’t wait to learn more about the creatures that live in the oceans and seas of the world.


We’re still very busy using our Ladybird maths box. This week we have been working on the stories of 3, 4, 6 and 7. We have been making play dough spots to use on the Ladybird sheets to help us with our adding.


Notices this week:

Gym days are Monday and Friday – Please ensure your child has a full gym kit on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday from 3.00pm to 3.15pm.