Tag Archives: garden

The Puppet Show

Well, this is our last full week in Primary one before we break for the summer holidays! Where has the time gone.

We have been busy continuing with subtraction this week, this time we had to find the missing number. That was quite a tricky job!

We planted the beanstalks, that we had been growing, into our school garden this week. Hopefully they will grow over the summer holidays. We’re not sure if we want to find a giant at the top of them though!!


We also wrote 2 sentences in our thinking books saying what we had planted in the garden.

We used the giant characters that we had created a few weeks ago and we wrote a story about them. We had given them a name and some of us took them on an adventure. Some of us talked about what they would like to eat, what games they would like to play and places they would like to visit.


We had our inter house sports this week. We joined P2, P2/3 and P3 and we split into our houses. Longhaugh Primary has 4 housesMains, Claypotts, Dudhope and Broughty. We then were split into 4 teams within our houses and we had to do an obstacle course. We were all timed and the quickest team will be announced on Monday!


We had a very special treat this week. A story teller was visiting Longhaugh Nursery and they invited us to come and  listen to his tales and watch his puppet show. His name was Steven and he told us, with his puppets, the traditional tales The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Jack and the Beanstalk.



We all enjoyed it very much and it was lovely to visit all the boys and girls in the Nursery.

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

The school will close on Thursday 28th June at 12 noon for the Summer holidays. It re-opens for the new term on Tuesday 14th August 2012.

Sensation Science Centre

We have only a few weeks left of P1 and we still have lots of things to do!

No matter how busy we are though, we are still doing our words and sounds every day. We were also using the phonics BeeBot, games and the sounds bibs to make words.

We’re still working on subtraction to 10, but this week we started to work out our take away sums using the number in your head number line! How smart are we??

We were back out into our school garden again this week, weeding and generally trying to keep it neat and tidy. We also planted the pumpkin plants and the petunias that we didn’t manage to sell at our garden centre.


At the end of our plants topic we have been looking at our garden and how nice it’s now looking, and we thought it would be nice to brighten up the shelter in our playground which is just beside our garden. We discussed what would be a good design to paint in the shelter and we all got letters home to make sure we bring old clothes into school on painting days. Luckily, Mrs Lynch’s son is an art student so he is coming in to help us chalk the outline of our design on the shelter walls.

Finally this week we went on our trip to Dundee’s Sensation Science Centre. What fun we had! We were able to climb in a giant head and slide down the nose! We looked at models of inside our eyes, checked our balance, sniffed all sorts of very peculiar smells of plants and animals. As you can tell the exhibition downstairs was all about our senses.




 We then got a tour of the dinosaur exhibition and learned all about dinosaurs and how they lived and died millions of years ago. It was a fantastic day!


Notices for Parents 

GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors  – Every Wednesday at 3.00pm 3.15pm

Homework – All words and sounds every night.

Whole School Camperdown Park trip – Friday 17th June.

Please ensure children are wearing old clothes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for painting the shelter.