Tag Archives: fish

Under the Sea

Hello and welcome again to P1’s blog!

This week we have learned another 2 sounds – ‘oa’ and ‘ie’.  Our action for ‘oa’ is to put our hand to our mouth as if we have done something wrong and the action for ‘ie’ is to stand to attention and salute!  Since starting school in August we have learned a grand total of 27 sounds!


As part of our new topic, ‘Under the Sea’, we have been looking at water. We put some water into ice cube trays and then popped them in the freezer. We left them there for several days then went back to see what had happened to the water, it had turned to ice! Mr Bluman took the ice out of the tray and we all got to hold and feel it. But, do you know the warmth of our hands started to melt the ice and it turned back into water! We recorded our findings in our thinking books.

We also made some fish using shiny circles to make the scales. We chose 2 colours and glued our cirlces on in a pattern, making sure we overlapped them to cover the whole of the fish. We then decorated the tail and fins using crayons. Mrs Lynch added them to our Under the Sea display.


We’ve been working hard again this week, practicing our addition. We’ve been using the addition buses and again have recorded what we learned in our thinking books.


We joined the P2’s and listened to the author, Lynne Rickards, read her story, Jacob O’Reilly Wants a Pet, live on Glow on the white board. Over 46 schools throughout Scotland joined and listened to her read her book.


Notices this week:

Gym – every Monday and Friday – please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors – every Wednesday from 3.00pm t0 3.15pm