Tag Archives: Easter

Happy Easter!

Hello there! This is our last blog before we finish school for our Easter holidays. We’re really hoping that we have nice weather to roll our Easter eggs, as at the moment it is very cold and still snowing!

We have been practising all our sounds and tricky words and also trying to write sentences about the things we did at the weekend.

We have been learning about graphs this week. We have been gathering different information and learning how to record our findings onto a graph.

We made a graph of the different things we had been measuring in the classroom and we recorded how tall/long they were. We also counted some items inside our classroom, e.g., clocks, doors, lights, radiators and recorded the number onto a graph. We were then able to compare the results and see if there were more lights than clocks or more doors than radiators etc.


Today we went into our playground and counted the different kinds of traffic that passed our school. We then gathered all our information and recorded our findings on a bar graph


To continue with our topic we began to look at lifecycles. We started by looking at the life cycle of a butterfly. Mrs Sands, our school secretary, lives on a farm and she came to our class to talk to us about life on the farm and tell us about the jobs she and her husband Tom have to do, especially at lambing time.  As Mrs Sands also has hens on her farm we also looked at the life cycle of a chick. We made our own chicks using card and pipe cleaners. Do you think they will lay any eggs for our breakfast?


As you know we have been visiting the ladies at the local servite home. To return the favour, we invited the ladies to spend the afternoon at our school and to see all the things that we have been doing and to share our learning with them. We had a lovely afternoon and all the ladies really enjoyed looking around our classrooms. We ended our afternoon with a well deserved cup of tea, drink of juice and a biscuit.



To celebrate Easter at the end of this week, we painted eggs. We used brightly coloured pearlescent paint and tried very hard to make them colourful. Some of us rolled our eggs in our playground and some us took our eggs home to roll them with our families on Easter Sunday.


Happy Easter Everyone!

Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Please check your child’s diary for show and tell.

The school will be closed on Friday 29th march (Good Friday) and for the following 2 weeks. It will re-open on Monday 15th April.

What makes a good Easter cake?…we’ll give you the recipe!

Hello and welcome back to our blog!

last week we were writing lists. Lists of ingredients etc. This week we have been writing instructions. We wrote how to make a sandwich. We wrote what we needed to make the sandwich, e.g., bread, butter, ham etc, and put all the steps in the correct order.

We also made Easter cakes using chocolate and rice crispies. We had pictures of all the things we needed to make the cakes and we put them in the correct order. Then we wrote a list of instructions on how to make the cakes.

We had great fun making our Easter cakes, but we really enjoyed eating them!!

We continued to learn about measure this week. We are still using non-standard units so we can get used to measuring properly. We need to remember to always start at the edge and not leave any gaps.


This week though we also went outside and built  snowmen and measured how tall our snowmen were!

Even though we haven’t seen much of the signs of spring this week we are continuing to look and we are ever hopeful that it will be getting warmer soon. So, hoping that spring is just around the corner,we planted sunflower seeds. We put soil into a pot and made a little hole in the middle of the soil with our finger. We popped the seed in the hole and covered it with more soil to keep the seed warm and dark. We watered it a little, not too much and put our pots on the window sill. We hope to see little shoots soon!


As we said earlier we made Easter cakes. We melted the chocolate and we poured rice crispies into a bowl. We all took a turn of stirring the crispie/chocolatey mixture. We then used a spoon to put some of the mixture into cake cases. Then finally we put two little eggs onto the cakes. They were extremely yummy! 



We have continued to learn more about the Easter story. Our teachers gave us some pictures and we had think hard about the story of Jesus beginning with him riding on a donkey into Jerusalem and the sequence of events that followed ending with him being nailed to a cross. We worked together and put all the pictures in the correct order.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Please check your child’s diary for show and tell.

The school will be closed on Friday 29th march (Good Friday) and for the following 2 weeks. It will re-open on Monday 15th April.

Teddy Bears Picnic

This is our last week of school before the Easter holidays and we have again been working very hard.

We have continued to revise all our words and sounds everyday and we have been doing our sounds activities stations in the class room. We try to practise as often as possible to sound out and make new words.


We looked at the “I can” book and talked about what we are able to do. We wrote our own “I can” sentences sounding out all the words we needed to write.


In number this week we have continued to look at money. Role play in our shop has helped us to price the toys correctly and find the correct money and change needed to buy them. We have also had our money stations in the classroom too. We have played money games on the interactive white board, money dominoes, money men and sorted coins etc.


In our topic we finished the week with our Teddy Bears picnic. We all discussed our favourite bears and we brought in our own bears to school. We sang teddy bear songs and played team games, with our teddies cheering us on!


We then had a snack and finished our picnic with parachute games and an Easter egg hunt. It was a lovely afternoon and the perfect end to our term.



As it is Easter when we are on holiday, we made our Easter ‘chick’ card this week. We had to, very carefully, draw around our hands then cut them out. This was a tricky job. We also had to use our best handwriting to write our Easter message.


On the last day of term we walked to Fintry Parish Church for our Easter/end of term Service. Easter weekend is when we are off school so we celebrated Easter early in our local church. It was a lovely day and a very pleasant walk. The minister, Mr Brough, gave us a lovely sermon and our school choir did us proud as usual and sang some beautiful Easter songs.

The Easter bonnet competition was judged by Mrs McKillop and Mrs Sands. They had such a difficult job as there were so many splendid Easter bonnets.

           P1A entries                           P1B entries                            P1C entries


The Winners!!! Well done to all the boys and girls for their superb effort!


As we are on holiday there will be no P1 blog for 2 weeks. All of us in P1 and in fact the whole of Longhaugh Primary wish you all a happy and peaceful Easter.

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

Friday 30th March – School will close for 2 weeks for the Easter holidays. We will re-open on Monday 16th April.

Easter Craft

Hello and welcome back to P1’s blog. We are all really glad to get back to school and back to working hard. We all had a lovely holiday and some of us were very busy and visited some very exciting places. We wrote about all the things  we did on our holidays in our thinking books.


We are at school only 4 days this week as we are on holiday on Friday to celebrate Good Friday. We have been discussing Easter, reading the Easter story and talking about how we celebrate Easter.

We made Easter cards with a daffodil on the front. We had to cut paper carefully to get the right shape and stick it on with glue.


our Easter cards

We also made chicks. This was an especially tricky job as we had to fold the paper backwards and forwards to make it look like concertinas. We had to concentrate hard to get this right! We then had to stick all our pieces together. We made such a good job our chicks are displayed in the Assembly Hall!


We’ve been revising all our sounds to make sure we still remember them after the spring break. We’ve also been looking at cvc words. We’ve been working with our play dough mats, bee bot mats and lace cards to make  and learn new and familiar words.

We’re continuing to work on our addition to 10. We’ve been using number lines and white boards and Luke came back to help us this week with his lily pads! We’ve also started a new number line this week. This special number line is to help us add and help us hold the big number in our head. As you can see the number really is in ‘our head!’


GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm3.15pm

Homework – words and sounds every night.