Tag Archives: dominoes

Healthy Eating in Primary 1

Hello and welcome back to our 4th blog of Primary 1. We have had another very busy week and have been working very hard.

We looked at the book “The Lost Storybook” and learned the words, can, see, it and is. We put them into our blue packets and circled them on our word wall.

We also learned the sounds ‘r’ and ‘m’. We read the Jolly Phonics story and sang our Jolly Phonics song. We first of all practised with our magic writing finger then wrote the new sounds on our white boards.




The action for ‘r’ is to pretend we are a puppy who has got a rag in his mouth and say r,r,r,r,r. The action for ‘m’ is to rub our tummy with our hand pretending we have just eaten something extremely tasty and say m,m,m,m.


In Mrs Lynch’s room we have again been practising all our sounds and trying to use these sounds to make new words. We have also been putting the words we have been learning for homework every night onto the floor and practising making sentences. We also use the rhyming boxes to match all the rhyming objects together.


We have been going over all the numbers from 0-7,  practising them on our white boards, sorting them on our number washing lines. we also learned the numbers ‘8’ and ‘9’. We sang the rhyme 8 Little Fingers and 9 Little Fingers and used our magic writing finger to form the numbers correctly in the air and then practised on our white boards before completing our El Nombre number sheet.


We have been learning to play dominoes with Mrs Lynch. We have to divide the dominoes equally between us and whoever gets the double 6 starts! We have to remember to count the spots and match them. It takes a lot of concentration.


This week we have been talking about our tuck shop and healthy playpieces. Our teachers set out play pieces and we had to decide which were healthy and which were unhealthy and they explained why certain foods are good for us and why certain foods are not. Mrs Johnstone, our Healthy Eating Assistant, made up fruit platters and we all got to taste some healthy snacks. She told us about all the things that are in our own school tuck shop and we put a price list into our blue packets.


We continued our healthy eating theme into our art this week. We tore up coloured paper into little pieces and stuck them onto the outline of fruits to make a fruit collage. We had to make sure we chose the right colour for the fruit, leaves and stalks. We then carefully coloured in a fruit border around our collage, again,  making sure we chose the correct colours very carefully.



Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Come into class and let your child show you all the hard work they’ve been doing.

The photographer will be in school on monday 26th September. Please ensure your child is wearing full school uniform.