Tag Archives: diva lamps

Autumn Festivals

We have had another very busy week. We have been going over our sounds and words every day and are trying hard to make words with all the sounds we’ve learned. The boys and girls who have been given a reading book, took home another 2 books over the course of the week. The other children will be receiving their book soon too. Keep learning your words!

Our two new sounds this week are ‘b’ and ‘j’.


 The action for ‘b’ is to pretend you’re holding a cricket bat and away to strike the ball. The action for ‘j’ is to jiggle your body like jelly on a plate!


We have been busy again this week in Mrs Lynch’s room and we have been working hard using all the sounds  we have learned to complete these jiglets and to make 3 letter words.


We continue to revise all the numbers from 0-10 and have been practising writing them on our whiteboards. We have been working on the Teddy bear washing line, sorting and matching all the numbers.


This week we have been working on ‘one more than’. We have been using hoops, beads and cubes counting on one more.


Luke has been helping us too. We had to put his lily pads in the correct order. Our teacher said a number  and we had to jump on ‘one more’ to the next number. Luke thought we all did this very well indeed!


There were more footprints in our classrooms and maps arrived in each room.  We worked out that it was a map of the Land of Me! We looked at the map and saw the desert, the hot springs, the loch, Bramble Woods, the mountain tops, the river bank and Me River. Our teachers gave us pictures of squirrels, bears, beavers, camels, canoes, suns etc. We talked about where they would go on the map. Would they go on a hot part, a cold part, where there is water or mountains? We had to think hard and work it out.


We now know our adventure is to be in the ‘Land of Me’, but where about and when……..

Our teachers also introduced the topic of Autumn and Autumn festivals. We discussed that different people in different parts of the world and of different religions celebrate different festivals. We found out Hindus celebrate Diwali, the festival of light. Diwali was last week (26.10.11) and we made our own clay diva lamps and put tea lights in them.


We also made rangoli patterns using black paper and chalk. Rangoli is a traditional way of decorating walls, courtyards and places of worship and is done during Diwali. We made our own, don’t they look splendid?


As Bonfire  night is this weekend, we found out about Guy Fawkes and his attempt to blow up the Houses of Parliament in London on the 5th of November 1605. We talked about why we celebrate this day with a bonfire and fireworks,but we also talked about how important it is for us to keep safe and how dangerous fireworks can be if you’re not sensible. We made a firework using wax crayons and an ink wash and we put different coloured paper on the end!


Miss Simpson, Miss Bonnar, Mrs Rooney and Mrs Lynch would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents/carers for supporting the children and providing a gift for our Christmas shop. We were overwhelmed by your generosity and have an abundance of fabulous gifts. Details of the opening times of the P1 Christmas shop will follow. Thank you again.

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm.  There will be no open doors on Thursday 10th November, it will resume the following week on Thursday 17th November.

In-service days Thursday and Friday, 10th and 11th November. School will be closed to pupils on these days.

Autumn Walk8th November – sponsor forms were put  in the childrens’ bags on Monday 31st October. Please remember to wear wellies and bring a carrier bag for collecting leaves etc.

Parts for P1’s Christmas show to be given out on Thursday 3rd November. Please start learning lines.