Tag Archives: counting

Toys From Long Ago

Welcome back to P1’s blog!

We are continuing to revise all our sounds and use them to make words and write simple sentences. Some of us find this really quite tricky so we are going to continue revising and practising. We are also trying to  write new words and sentences when we are doing our topic work.

This week we have been doing lots of different maths activities in Mrs Lynch’s room. We have been counting and putting numbers in order, making patterns with beads and pegs and using different games to help us with our addition.




In our topic we were looking at toys from the past. We watched a short video clip about the different toys children played with long ago. We also looked at information books that showed us pictures of toys from the past and compared them to toys that we have in the present.

We worked with a partner and we drew a picture of a toy from the past and a picture of a toy from the present. We described what they were made from and how they worked.

We also went into our playground and played with toys that children from the past would have played with and we also still play with today. We played hop scotch, rolled hoops, skipped using a long skipping rope and we drew pictures on the playground with chalk.



This week it was the turn of P1b to visit the pensioners at our local Servite House. We asked them what their house was like when they were little and they told us they didn’t have a washing machine, hot water or a toilet inside their house! Things were very different when they were children. We also took some of our learning games and our reading books and we showed them the kinds of activities we do to help our learning.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

We are visiting Longhaugh Nursery on Tuesday 5th March to watch a play.

Please check your child’s diary for show and tell.

Three Special Visitors

We have had another busy week in P1 at Longhaugh Primary School!

We learned 2 more sounds this week. They were ‘w’ and ‘v’. We listened to the stories, sang the songs, looked at all the objects on the sounds table, wrote in the air with our magic writing finger and practised the sounds on our white boards.


The action for ‘w’ is to put your hands to your mouth and pretend to blow like wind and say ‘wwwwww’. The action for ‘v’ is to pretend you’re holding a steering wheel and driving a van and say ‘vvvvv’.


We have been continuing to practise our sounds and words every day and we have been practising sounding out and writing words in Mrs Lynch’s room.


In number work this week we have been counting on one and two more. There are large number leaves in Bramble Wood and we have been practising our number recognition and the number before and the number after with Mrs Lynch. We had to think hard to jump onto the correct ‘leaf’.


We were also counting on 2 more. We used hoops and added 2 more children, we made a tower of cubes and added 2 more and put beads on a string and added 2 more. We then wrote the number on our white boards. We also met Mummy Frog, she counts in two’s so she was helping us. We will meet her again over the course of the school year.


Three very special visitors from the Land of Me came to visit us. They were an owl called Willow, a bear called Buddy Boo and a raccoon called Eric.


They told us that they love to go on adventures and they wanted us to take them home and go on imaginary adventures with us! Well, we thought this was a fantastic idea. Willow went into P1A, Eric went into P1B and Buddy Boo went into P1C. Willow went on an exciting adventure with Keira, Eric went on a fun adventure with Warren and Buddy Boo went on a scary adventure with Megan. The boys and girls wrote and drew their adventures in the ‘Book of Adventures’ so we can all share them. We can’t wait until it’s our turn to go on an adventure too!


We also painted hedgehogs to put in Bramble Wood. We used sponges and brown paint to make them look spiky.


It’s only a few weeks until we open our Christmas shop and have our Christmas party, so this week we have started to make gift tags for the shop and we have have been practising our dances in gym for the party. We think we’ll soon be as good as the dancers on Strictly Come Dancing!


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Come into class and let your child show you all the hard work they’ve been doing.

Non Uniform Day – Friday 25th November. Please bring in a tombola gift instead of a fine.

Sponsor Money – Please hand into school all sponsor money.

Christmas show – Please give your child their costume in a plastic bag with their name on it as soon as possible. Also please help your child practise and learn their lines for the show.

P1 Assembly

Welcome back to the penultimate P1 blog of 2010/2011!

This week we were counting with Luke and his lily pads. We have been counting from 0 – 10 and from 0 – 20. We then went on to counting in 10’s with King Frog!

As you will know, our school garden is looking lovely and we have been waiting for our strawberry plants to grow and ripen. Well, this week our strawberries were ready and we picked and ate them. It was lovely eating something we had planted and grown ourselves!


On Thursday afternoon, we performed our assembly to our families and the whole school. It went very well indeed. All the speakers spoke slowly and clearly and Mr Munro commented on how much he enjoyed it.


 After the assembly we went into our playground with our families and Mr Munro officially opened our lovely, brightly painted shelter.


We had our inter house challenge this week. The whole infant department got together and we split up into our houses and coloured in banners ready to wave and cheer on our teams.

Longhaugh primary School has 4 houses, Mains, Dudhope, Claypotts and Broughty. They are named after castles in the local area. We all sat in our teams and we wore team colours. Red for Mains, green for Dudhope, yellow for claypotts and blue for Broughty. We did an obstacle course and the teams all had p1’s, p2’s and p3’s in them. We don’t know who won yet as it is going  to be announced at our prize giving!


Notices for parents:

Open Doors – last open doors next Wednesday, 29th June. Please bring an empty carrier bag.

Celebration of Achievement – Wednesday 29th June.

School closes 12 noon, Friday 1st July.

Our new friends, Luke and Ruby Bear

Hello and welcome and again to our blog. Primary 1 have learned 2 more sounds. This week’s new sounds are ‘oi‘ and ‘ue‘.


The action for for the ‘oi’ sound is to put yours hands on either side of your mouth and shout ‘OI’. The action for the ‘ue‘ sound is to point your finger towards someone and say ‘UE’.


We met Ruby Bear this week. We found out that she is a special bear and we read about all the things that make her different. We drew a picture of Ruby and wrote a sentence about her.                                               

Ruby is an interesting bear

This week we also met Luke and the lily pads. We put the numbers in order and Luke helped us to jump up the number line, find the number before, the number after and the number inbetween. We then recorded our numbers in our thinking books!


Later on in the week we also met Mummy Frog. Mummy Frog is very clever and helps us to count in 2’s. We talked about even numbers and recorded our answers in our thinking books.


We also used our frog flip flop books. We worked in pairs and these very clever books help us with our number stories to 10.


We are very lucky and some young footballers from Dundee United are coming to help us over the next few weeks learn football skills etc. This week they concentrated on fitness and we played games and were very energetic running around in our Assembly hall!


We continued with our Under the Sea project and learned more about an octopus. Miss Simpson made a playdough octopus and put it in a large glass bowl filled with water. We learned that if a preditor such as a shark came near to the octopus it would get frightened. To protect itself the octopus would squirt black ink so the shark couldn’t see it, then it would escape into the ocean.  To let us see what a real octopus would do in the sea, Miss Simpson put black ink into the bowl so the octopus would be hidden. We recorded what we learned in our thinking books.


We also made origami whales for our ‘under the sea’ wall. This was a very tricky job and we had to concentrate hard. We had to fold the paper carefully and press very firmly to make sure the whale shape was perfect. we then finger painted spots onto our whales.


On Thursday afternoon we had the pleasure of the ‘play on Wheels’ bus. We had fantastic fun playing with all sorts of different outdoor toys and using our imaginations to make simple objects transform into exciting things to play with. I think you’ll agree the photographs show what a wonderful afternoon we had!


Notices for parents:

GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm3.15pm

Homework – words and sounds every night.

Working Hard in P1


Hello and welcome again to P1’s Blog. We have had another very busy week. We have learned a further 2 sounds, ‘w’ and ‘y’. We practise saying the sounds, doing the actions and singing the songs every day. We now know 22 sounds!


 We also discovered the ladybird maths box this week and talked about addition. We have become number detectives and use the bingo, lotto and domino games inside the box. We used the ladybird number lines to discuss the number before, the number after and the number in between. Next week we are going to put playdough spots on the ladybirds to help us to add. We have been using the dice in room 6 to help us to count and add 2 numbers together. We try to remember to start with the biggest number first!


We’ve also been continuing to work hard on our patterns as these pictures clearly show. We can even write out our numbers 0-10 in a pattern!


We read a story this week about St. Andrew and learned that he is the patron saint of Scotland. We hope to celebrate St. Andrew’s day next week by having a party with P2 and P3. We made our very own Saltires and we’re planning to wave them at our party next week. We used blue card and we ripped up small pieces of white tissue paper and glued them to make the St. Andrew’s cross.


Our rehearsals for The Grumpy Sheep are going well and we have started to get all the actors and chorus upon the stage. Keep singing the songs and learning those lines!

Dates for your diary:

Gym – Every Monday and Friday – Please ensure children have gym kits in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday from 3.00pm to 3.15pm.

St Andrew’s Day PartyTuesday 30th November

Christmas FayreSaturday 4th December 10.00am – 12 noon. Please hand in donations for the cake and candy, priced and wrapped, on Friday 3rd December.

A busy week in P1!

P1 have had another busy week!  

We have learned 2 more sounds this week, ‘z’ and ‘v’ and we have been practising hard learning the Jolly Phonics songs and actions that go along with our sounds.  

the 'z' sound
the 'v' sound
The action for 'v'. Can you tell we're driving vans?

We have also been searching for sounds and numbers hidden in the sand tray and we have been recording what we find onto a grid. 

look how many sounds and numbers we found!

We have also been very clever and used our knowledge of sounds to make words! How smart are we?  


In our number work this week we have been learning to count on 2 more using cubes and we have been writing what we learned in our thinking books. Counting Ted has also been helping us to remember the number after and the number before on the number washing line. 


Counting Ted is helping us!

We are still working hard on looking for patterns with Pattern Ted and making our own patterns.  

We have also been learning that in Autumn, food starts to become scarce for the birds and we made our own bird feeders using fir cones, peanut butter and bird seed. Birds won’t go hungry in our gardens.  

We are practising hard with the P2’s and the P3’s for our Christmas production of “The Grumpy Sheep.” I’m sure you’re hearing the songs at home! We had a competition to draw a design for the stage back drop. Keep your fingers crossed it’s someone in P1 who wins!

Important Dates

Gym Mondays and Fridays

Please ensure gym kit is in school for these days

Open Doors – there will be no open doors this week, Wed. 24th Nov.