Tag Archives: clocks

Teddy Bear Topic

This week we have continued to revise all our sounds and to practise writing cvc words at our sounds stations. Our stations include word mats, sounds board games, ‘find the missing sound‘ games, lace cards, sounds and word games on the interactive white board etc. We all take turns then move around our stations. We really enjoy doing this.


We have been revising  time  this week. We worked with the time washing line, clock faces, time bingo games, time loop cards and our time bee bot. It’s important for us to keep revising so that we can remember and retain all the things we learn.


We started our new Teddy Bear topic this week. We started by reading the book ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. We also looked at the DVD and talked about all the different places they went to in the book. We painted the ‘thick, oozy mud’, the ‘big, dark forest’ and the ‘swirling, whirling snowstorm’ with Mrs Lynch ready for our wall display.

We looked at a 2012 bear and we also looked at Miss Simpsons Mum’s bear. We talked about their ages and compared how differently they looked. We are all getting a chance to take 2012 bear home with us. We will also take a camera to take pictures of our favourite bear at home and a picture of a favourite bear belonging to our parents or grandparents. We then have to write down the names and ages of the teddy bears so we can add the pictures to our Teddy Bear Timeline.


This week in art we looked at the artist Vincent Van Gogh. In particular we looked at one of his paintings, Starry Night. We looked at the way he swirled the paint to make the night sky. we painted our own starry night pictures using this technique.


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

Clock Hunt

Welcome back to P1’s blog! 

Our new sounds this week are ‘th‘ and ‘ng‘. 


The action for ‘th‘ is to pretend to be the cheeky clown and stick your tongue out. The action for ‘ng‘ is to put your arms in the air as if you were lifting a very heavy dumb bell.  


In maths this week we continued to work on addition. We used cubes and divided circles to practice our adding sums. 


To continue with our time work, Miss Bonnar took us on a clock hunt through the school. As you can see we found lots of different types of clocks and watches. 


Later on this month we’re taking a trip on a train to Montrose Basin. Miss Simpson has set up an area in her class room. It tells us about all the things we will be doing when we arrive at Montrose Basin and all the things we need to bring in to school prior to our trip. We have a check list that we will tick when we bring in to school all the things we need. We also read a story about a train journey and made a graph showing all the boys and girls that had been on a train and the boys and girls who had not. 


our graph

we continued to practice writing short sentences in our  thinking books. This time we wrote “I like” sentences. 

Bradley's 'I like' sentence.

Mr Robertson and P6 came down to our class rooms and read us stories. We enjoyed this very much and the P6 boys and girls gave us stickers if we sat nicely and listened well to the stories! 


The young footballers from Dundee United came back to our school this week. They were teaching us ball skills. 


Notices for parents 

Gym – Every Monday and Friday – Please ensure you child has full gym kit in school on these days.  

HomeworkWords and sounds every night. Please see ‘my school trip list’ in blue reading packet and ensure all items are in school by 24th March.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm3.15pm

Robert Burns

This week we learned the sounds ‘ee’ and ‘or’. To do the action we put our hands on our head as if they were donkey’s ears for the ‘ee’ sound and fold our fingers down to make shorter ears for the  ‘or’ sound.


We learn our sounds and words every night at home. In room 6 we ‘fish‘ for words in the fishing pool when we are pretending to be Polar Explorers in the North Pole. We have to read the fish we catch and if we are especially clever we make short sentences.

    look how many we caught! 

        Catching fish!              Look how many we have caught!

We are continuing to work on our addition this week. We used addition buses to make our own number stories. We also used coat hangers and pegs this week. We moved the pegs form one side of the coat hanger to the other to make different number stories.

         Working in pairs to make our number stories.

We also started to learn about time this week. We looked at clocks and talked about the big hand, small hand, numbers and the face. We made ‘o’clock’ by moving the big hand to the 12 and the small hand to the hour. We made our own clocks and practised moving the hands.


Tuesday was Robert Burns birthday. To help celebrate the anniversary of his birth we held a Scottish themed party. We danced the Bluebell Polka and the Shoemaker. We listened to bagpipe music and we recited our scottish poems to Mrs Gallacher.  Bradley Williamson and Kara Milne were chosen as the winners. Well done! Miss Simpson read us a scottish counting story, ‘A wee Moose in the Hoose.’ We looked at the scottish display table and saw haggis, neeps and tatties. Best of all we got to taste shortbread!

"dancing"      The winners!

For our ‘Under the Sea’ topic we looked at shells. We looked at their shape, texture and patterns. We made our own shells by drawing our own pattern with wax resist crayons and painting an ink wash on the top.


Notices for parents:

GymMonday and Friday. Please ensure your child has full gym kit on these days.

Open Doors – every Wednesday from 3.00pm to 3.15pm

Homework – Words and sounds every night .  

                          To reinforce learning encourage your child to collect shells,  pebbles etc., from the beach. Your child could bring these in to show the class.  

Please also return any outstanding Library books as soon as possible.