Tag Archives: cinema

Piggy Sports Day

Hello there! Well, we’ve had a very busy week here at Longhaugh P1.

We had our interhouse sports this week. We have 4 houses at Longhaugh Primary School, Mains, Dudhope, Claypotts and Broughty. We are all allocated a house and throughout the year we get house points for achievements, hard work and doing kind and thoughtful things etc. At the end of the school year we always have an interhouse competition. We all wear our house colours and cheer on our teams. This year, unfortunately, you can’t really see our colours as it was a rather chilly day and some of us had our coats on! We managed to have great fun though and we will find out which house won the championship next week!



We also had our whole school green trip this week. This is a trip to acknowledge all the boys and girls who have worked hard and behaved really well all year. We were all really looking forward to having a day at Camperdown Park but unfortunately the wonderful scottish summer got in the way and it rained most of the day!! Mr Munro and Mrs Jenkins didn’t want us to be disappointed so they managed to book the Odeon cinema and we all went to see The Croods. We all had a great time….thank you very much Mr Munro and Mrs Jenkins!


The weather started to brighten up just before lunch and we were lucky to be able to have our sports in the afternoon. We didn’t have time to get through all our races but we all did really well on the races we managed to complete.



On Friday we had our Piggy sports day with the nursery. We had been practising all the sports and we had made lots of piggy snouts ready for the nursery coming. On the day we all had our jobs to do at each station and we explained the activities and helped all the nursery boys and girls do the right thing. We had our p6 buddies there to help us with the scoring. We had a great time and at the end we all got an ice lolly. Yum!




As Fathers Day is this Sunday we all made cards to celebrate the dads, grandads, step-dads and uncles we have in our lives. We had to carefully colour, paint and cut out to make this fantastic card. We’re sure all the dads/grandads will love it!


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Several children have not brought a full gym kit back to school since returning after the Easter holidays. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work

Thursday 20th June – P1 trip to Active Kids, Stanley.

Term ends Friday 28th June at 12 noon.

Whole school trip to the Cinema!

We’ve had a very short week this week as the school was closed Monday and Tuesday for Victoria Day and Jubilee Day!

We have, however, continued this week to revise all our sounds and go over all the words on our word wall. We have been doing more phonic activities around the classroom and have been working on our blends so we can continue to sound out and make new and more difficult words.

Again we have been looking at subtraction and we have been practising our take away sums on our white boards.

On Friday was our whole school trip to the cinema to see Journey to the Mysterious Island. We had hoped we would be able to go to Camperdown Park and play games and have a picnic lunch. Unfortunately, our Scottish weather has not been kind to us and we had to change our plans.


We did manage, however, an hour or so in the park to eat our lunch and have a play in the park. We got back to school just in time as the heavens opened!! We were very lucky indeed.



This trip is to reward all the boys and girls at Longhaugh Primary School who have behaved well throughout the whole year and who have made Mr Munro and Mrs Jenkins proud.

Thank you Mr Munro and Mrs Jenkins very much, we really, really enjoyed our day!

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday from 3.00pm3.15pm. Come into the class room and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

Health week – Monday 11th June to Friday 15th June.

Whole School Trip to the Cinema

Welcome back to our blog!

We have been so busy this week painting our shelter and preparing for our assembly next week that we have not had much time to fit anything else in!

We have, however, still managed to squeeze in our words and sounds every day and we have continued to do our reading so we can finish our books before the end of term.

We have been playing Gardening Mama and decorating her to make her look “fancy.” We have also been planting more flowers and vegetables in the Gardening Mama game.

As we said last week, Mrs Lynch’s son, Matthew, chalked out the design on our shelter and this week we have been painting it!



 Miss Simpson, Mrs Lynch and Mr Munro’s daughter Sarah, painted the high parts we couldn’t reach and all the tricky edges, but we all helped and painted the rest.

When we had finished painting, we all put our names on a corner of the wall along with the date, so in years to come other boys and girls will remember us and all our hard work.


I’m sure you agree that it looks fantastic!


 We are all looking forward to our assembly next Thursday and Mr Munro is officially going to open our splendid shelter!

As it is Father’s Day on Sunday we all made a card for our Dads, Grandads or Uncles. We coloured in a tie in a pattern and wrote a special message on the back.



Our finished Father's Day cards

On Friday the whole school was supposed to be going to Camperdown Park to celebrate all the good behaviour that the boys and girls show every day at Longhaugh Primary School. Unfortunately, the weather forecast was for rain so we all went to the cinema instead to see “Rio,”  an animated film about a blue macaw. We all went on the bus and had a fantastic time! Thank you Mr Munro and Mrs Gallacher!.

Notices for Parents 

GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors  – Every Wednesday at 3.00pm 3.15pm

Homework – All words and sounds every night.

P1 Assembly Thursday 23rd June at 1.30pm