Gunpowder, Treason and Plot!

Hello there! A short week for us here at Longhaugh Primary school as the school is shut Thursday and Friday to pupils for staff in-service training.

We learned our last sound this week. The sound is ‘ar‘. The action for ‘ar’ is to open your mouth as if the doctor is looking at your throat and say, ‘ar,ar,ar,ar,ar’.


We have learned a total of 39 sounds! Can you believe that? We think we are pretty amazing managing to learn all those sounds already!!

We have also been looking at the alphabet this week. We know that letters have a sound and a name. Now that we have learned all our Jolly Phonic sounds we are learning all the names of their matching capital letters. We have been singing alphabet songs to help us remember.


We were working again this week with Luke. He’s been helping us to use the number tracks and number lines He’s also been helping us to count on 2 more and 3 more.


As it was Bonfire Night on Monday we talked about what we would do/not do to keep ourselves safe if we went to see the bonfire and fireworks displays. We also made our own rockets and firework pictures.



This Sunday is Rememberence Sunday. We won’t be at school that day but we talked about the men and women we will be remembering, why we wear a poppy and what a poppy represents. A few of us in school had family and friends who have served or are serving in the armed forces. We all agreed it was very important to remember all the men and woman who had died serving their country.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

The P1’s now have a twitter account. Please follow our page. To search for our page… @p1_longhaugh

The school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th November for staff in-service training.


It’s been a spooky week here in P1! On Wednesday witches, werewolves, vampires and monsters came to school!! We have, however, managed to keep working very hard in spite of all the strange visitors!

We have learned another 4 new sounds this week. Our new sounds are ‘ou‘, ‘oi‘, ‘ue‘ and ‘er‘.

Our favourite action this week is ‘ou‘. We pretend our finger is a needle and touch our other hand and say “ou,ou,ou,ou.”



We have also been learning our new tricky words. We are learning these words before we get our own reading book. We have been putting the words together to make sentences.


In number we have continued to re-cap all our numbers to 10 and to play lots of number matching games. We have also been working with our number lines and finding the missing number and looking at 1 more and 2 more.


In 1A we continued looking at nature this week and planted seeds and bulbs. Our cress seeds have grown really tall already! We have also been talking and learning more about the weather and we have continued to make more weather forecast videos. We check our weather station every morning. We have been discussing that the weather changes with the seasons and that there are 4 seasons in the year. We have been learning a season song to help us remember them.



This week in 1B we have been looking for our addresses on the large map in our classroom. Some of us have even found our house and marked it on the map! We also discussed how we all travel to school. Some of us walk to school, some of us are driven to school in the car and some of us take the bus. We recorded all our findings on a graph.


As we had visited Whitfield Library this week, we decided that the first of the ‘people who help us’ should be the Librarian. We have worked out a lot of questions to ask her when we go on our next visit next week. Here we are drawing our own Librarian.


In P1C we have continued to look at Percy the Park Keeper. We read the book and watched the DVD. We discussed what we liked and what we didn’t like about both the book and the film. We then wrote about our own favourite thingabout Percy.

We have been working in the Autumn area in room 4. We have been looking at the Autumn interest table and have been touching, discovering  and talking about the pumpkin, fir cones, acorns, conkers and all the different coloured leaves we can get in Autumn. There are also activities in the area and we have been counting out the nuts for the squirrel, matching the leaves and looking at animals that hibernate.


On Wednesday we had our Halloween party in school. We all came dressed up (even the teachers!) We had to try and eat a donut on a string without using our hands. We had to ‘dook’ for apples, again without using our hands. We had to fish about in monster’s guts to find tokens! Yuck! Then we had to try and find more tokens in monster’s brains! Double Yuck!   


We played musical bumps and had a drink of juice and some crisps, cake and sweets. Mrs Sands, our secretary, came to judge our Halloween costumes. She found this very difficult as we all looked magnificent but she managed to choose a first, second and third from each class. Well done to the winners!

Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym. 

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day 

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work. 

The P1’s now have a twitter account. Please follow our page. To search for our page… @p1_longhaughThe school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th November for staff in-service training. 


Pumpkins and Skeletons…..Halloween is almost here!

Hi there and welcome to our blog! We hope everyone who was off for the “tattie” holidays had a great time. We have come back to school all refreshed ready to start our new term.

We have re-capped all our sounds this week but we have also learned 4 new sounds. They are ‘ch’, ‘sh’, ‘th’ and ‘qu’. Our favourite action is for ‘th’ as we have to stick our tongue out and pretend to be a cheeky clown!



We also got our word packs this week. They go home with us every night and we learn them every day and very soon we will be getting our own book. We are very excited about that!

We have been re-capping all our numbers to 10 this week. We have been working with our number washing lines and playing matching games, number skittles and interactive white board games.

We have also been counting out leaves and matching the correct amount to the correct number on our hopscotch game.



We also met Luke this week. Luke is a frog and brings number lily pads with him and he counts in ones. We practised counting forwards up to 10 and then backwards. We also got number lines and we used our pointing finger to help ‘jump’ up the number line.


We have started new topics this week.

P1A’s new topic is called ‘Our Environment’. We have been looking at nature and our natural environment. We have been gathering leaves and have started to look at plants and trees. We have a weather station in our classroom and we have been learning all about the seasons.

P1B’s new topic is ‘The World Around Us’. We read the story of the Jolly Postman and we discussed letters, addresses, what an address is for and where we would see an address. We are going to be finding out our own addresses and we drew our own house and who we live with. In our classroom there is a very large map of Fintry, our local area. Over the next few weeks we are going to find and mark our own homes on the map.

P1C’s topic is ‘Percy The park Keeper’. Our teacher introduced us to Percy and the Percy stories and we found out that Percy had a hut. We thought about what we would want in our own hut and we turned our role-play area in our classroom into Percy’s hut. We then thought about what our own dream hut would look like and we drew our designs.

As it is Halloween next week we have been making some Halloween crafts to decorate our classrooms ready for our Halloween party. We have been making some scary skeletons and some spooky pumpkins!!!


We had a visitor to our classes on Friday. Yvonne from Asda came to school and gave us a lesson all about weighing pumpkins. We had to look and see which one was the biggest pumpkin and which one we thought was the heaviest pumpkin.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

The boys and girls will be painting in P1, please provide your child with a painting apron. An old shirt is perfectly acceptable.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

We will be having a Halloween party on Wednesday aftermoon 31st October. Children can wear their fancy dress costume all day, or bring it in a bag and staff will help them change after lunchtime or they can go home for lunch and come dressed in their costume in the afternoon. Please give your child £1.00 to help towards the party food.

The P1’s now have a twitter account. Please follow our page. To search for our page… @p1_longhaugh

Please return the permission slips for our twitter account.

How Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!

Well, this is our last week before we come off for the ‘tattie holidays’. It’s hard to believe we’ve been at school for 8 weeks. We’re counting the days for our 100 days of school party, so we know exactly how many days we’ve been at school…….. 39 days!

We learned the sounds ‘oo’, ‘y’ and ‘x’ this week. Our favourite action was the action for the sound ‘x’. We pointed with our pointing and middle fingers on both hands pretending they were x-ray guns saying, “xxxxxx.”



In maths this week we have been re-capping all the things we have been looking at this term, numbers to 10, pattern, shape and comparing size. Although we are usually quite brilliant we thought it best not to start anything brand new as we may forget it over our 2 week holiday. So, we have been playing number bingo, matching games, rolling the dice and singing number songs and rhymes. Making patterns using cubes, bead cards and bead necklaces. Cutting out and sticking a shape picture of a dog and finding and describing shapes in our shape bag and we went outside into our playground to explorebig’ and ‘small’.



In topic this week we were all thinking what would happen next in our fairy tale or what would happen to a character from the fairy tale.

In 1A we wondered what would happen when Peter Pan went back to Neverland. We decided that he would tease the crocodile and play with Tinkerbell! We also made characters from the story using collage for our Neverland board.


In 1B we all wondered what might have happened to the Bad Fairy. It doesn’t tell us at the end of Sleeping Beauty so we all thought of our own ideas. We came up with a great many ideas and we drew our idea in picture form  and wrote some words to match our picture.


In 1C we also had to think what would happen after the traditional fairy tale ended. We had to predict what we thought might have happened to the Prince and Rapunzel. We are a romantic bunch in P1C and we all thought they would live happily ever after and continue to live in the kingdom. We drew pictures of this idea.


We hope everyone has a restful break. We are off school for 2 weeks and we start back on Monday 22nd October. We will see you then when we are all bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to start working hard and learning lots of new things!

Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

The boys and girls will be painting in P1, please provide your child with a painting apron. An old shirt is perfectly acceptable.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Friday 5th October at 3.15pm is the last day of school before the October holidays. School will be closed for 2 weeks. School will re-start Monday 22nd October at 9.00am.

Who is the tallest? Who is the smallest? P1 know the answer!

Hello everyone, welcome back to Longhaugh Primary 1’s Blog!

We have learned another 4 sounds this week. They are ‘z’, ‘w’, ‘ng’ and ‘v’.



Our favourite action was ‘ng’. We had to pretend we were a weight lifter lifting a dumb bell and say, “ng,ng,ng.”

We have been using lots of different materials this week to make our sounds. Dylan even made ‘ng’ from our construction blocks. Well done Dylan! We’ve also been using our sounds to make words.


We also used shaving foam to practise writing the sound ‘z’ and ‘z’ words.


We also enjoy learning together and working in pairs and in teams. Here we worked together to build a wall of words.    


This week in maths we were comparing size and looking at the language we need to use when we talk about size; biggest, smallest, taller, smaller, fat, thin, etc. We also did activities that made us think about the language we use. We saw who could throw the furthest, who could get the most beanbags into a hoop. We put our classmates in order by height. We cut out pictures and put them in the correct order starting with the tallest and ending with the smallest.



In P1A this week we were junk modelling making pirate ships. We had to think what a pirate ship would need and see if we could find the correct shaped box, tube, carton etc., to make it. We think Captain Hook and Peter Pan would be rather pleased with our efforts.


In P1C we were also junk modelling but this time we were making Rapunzel’s castle. This time we had to think what a castle looked like. Would it need towers? Would it need turrets? Another very good job done! We are becoming junk modelling Kings and Queens!!


In 1B this week we made crowns for  Sleeping Beauty’s wedding. We designed our own crowns using jewels, sequins and feathers. We think we will look very regal at the wedding.


We also looked at an extract from the story and we worked in pairs to look for a certain sound in the text. When we found that sound we coloured it in with a pencil. We all did a splendid job!


In gym this week we went outside and used hoola hoops. We had to use our hoops in lots of different ways. We rolled them, we skipped with them, we jumped over them and we threw them. We also had to use different parts of our body to swing the hoop. This certainly was much trickier than it sounds!!


Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

The boys and girls will be painting in P1, please provide your child with a painting apron. An old shirt is perfectly acceptable.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Friday 5th October is the last day of school before the October holidays. School will be closed for 2 weeks. School will re-start Monday 22nd October.


All Shapes and Sizes!

Well, we’ve had another very busy week here in P1.

We have learned even more sounds, 24 in total! Wow!

The sounds this week were ‘j’, ‘oa’, ‘ie’ and ‘ee,or’. Our favourite action this week was the action for ‘j’. We had to jiggle our bodies like jelly on a plate.



We have continued to do lots of sounds games and activities this week. We’re also blending our sounds to make, hear and say words.


We looked at shape this week and we were pretending to be detectives in our classrooms hunting for all sorts of shapes. Our teacher also put some different shapes into a bag. We had to wear a blind fold and try and guess the correct shape just by feeling how many sides, or how many corners it had. We also did some shape work and made pictures only using the 2D shapes.



In topic this week we have been very busy. In 1B we were looking at Sleeping Beauty and discussed some of the places in the story. The castle, the tower, the forest, the castle covered in thorns. We then had to do a pen drawing of a place using as much detail as we could. Here are a few of our drawings.


In 1A we finished off our art work for our Peter Pan wall display, it’s looking very nice! We also looked at the different events in our story of Peter Pan. We discussed all the things that happened in the story and we decided our favourite event was when the crocodile ate Captain Hook!

In 1C we looked at the characters in our story, Rapunzel. We read different versions of the story and we discussed what made a good character and what made a bad character. We had to decide who was our favourite character and why.

In gym this week we were working on our ball skills. We practised rolling, throwing and catching the ball, being as contolled as we could. We also worked together in pairs rolling the ball carefully to each other making sure it didn’t escape. That wasn’t as easy as it sounds.


Notices for parents:

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

The boys and girls will be making junk models, please give your child empty cereal boxes, egg boxes, yoghurt tubs etc., to bring into school.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Patterns All Around

Hi there and welcome back to our blog!

It’s all go here in P1 at Longhaugh Primary School and we’re constantly learning and discovering new things.

We learned another 4 sounds this week, they were ‘l’, ‘f’, ‘b’ and ‘ai’. Our favourite Jolly Phonics action was ‘l’ where we pretend we are licking a lolly…..yum!



We have been continuing with lots of sounds games and activities.


We’ve been re-capping our numbers to 10 this week and we will continue to do that but we also looked at pattern. We walked around our class rooms looking to spot different patterns. We sorted out patterns on the interactive white board and we copied patterns using beads and cubes. We even made some patterns of our own. We’re on the lookout for all sorts of patterns, I wonder how many we’ll be able to find?



In our topic work this week we were looking at the characters in our stories. We looked at what makes a good character and what makes a bad character. Our teacher gave us a character and we listened to the story and we had to shout out a phrase when we heard our characters name.

We have also been thinking about the role play areas in our class rooms and what we would like to see there and what we would need to make it. P1a have been making Captain Hook’s pirate ship and thinking about all the things a pirate ship needs. P1B and P1c have made a castle in their class rooms and had to think what a castle looked like and what a castle needs to make it look like a castle. We had to do a lot of thinking!! This was definately an ‘extra hard thinking’ week!!

Notices for parents:

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

At School All Day….and We Love It!!

Well, we have had our first full week in school and we’ve had a fantastic time! Working very hard and learning lots of new things.

We learned another 4 sounds this week. They were ‘d’, ‘g’, ‘o’ and ‘u’. Our favourite action this week was ‘d’. We had to pretend we were playing a drum and say “ddddddd.”

We have been playing lots of sounds games and trying to put our sounds together so we can hear, say and write some simple CVC words.

We completed all our numbers to 10 this week and we have been doing lots of number activities. We have been playing number games on the interactive white board, using counters to count out numbers and putting the numbers in order from 0 to 10.

We have also been singing ‘10 Green Bottles’ and taking a bottle away when it…’accidentally fell!’  We’re getting better and better at counting!

We also drew a pencil drawing of ourselves wearing our school uniform. These have gone onto our corridor wall along side our portrait paintings. The only part of our pencil drawing we coloured in was our tie and we had to make sure we only used the school colours and we used a pattern. We will be talking more about pattern next week, but for our first attempt we tried very hard.

In topic work this week we all chose which of the fairy tales/traditional tales was our favourite. 1A chose Peter Pan. 1B chose Sleeping Beauty and 1C chose Rapunzel. We had been given a box filled with all sorts of clues and we had to try and think which story they belonged to. We  looked at pictures on the white board and we had to decide if we liked castles, princes, wicked witches etc., in stories and we then used active expressions to vote on our favourite. We are really looking forward to start reading all our stories and learning more about our chosen tales.

In music this week we learned that there are special words to tell musicians when to play softly and when to play loudly. Piano means soft. Pianissimo means very soft. Forte means loud and fortissimo means very loud. We had to clap and stamp our feet either softly or loudly when our teacher said the special words. We really enjoyed it when she called out fortissimo!!

We had our open afternoon on Friday. We invited our family and friends to come into our classrooms and look around to see all the hard work we have been doing. We showed them our learning walls, learning activities and the completed pieces of work in our folios.

Our parents/carers thought we had all been working very hard indeed!

Notices for parents:

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday.  Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Part Timers no more….

This is our last week of being in school only in the mornings. From Monday we are here all day and we’re all excited and ready to be full time school boys and girls!!

We continued to learn new sounds this week and we learned ‘e’, ‘h‘, ‘r’ and ‘m’. Our favourite sound action was ‘r’. We had to pretend we were a puppy who was pulling his rag in his mouth and say ‘rrrrrrr’.



We have been practising our sounds in lots of different ways. We have been using the ipad, matching sounds, using our sounds bibs and practising on our whiteboards.



We also learned the numbers 5, 6, 7, and 8. We have been singing lots of number rhymes and songs. We have been making  numbers out of playdough and matching digits and pictures that are the same, e.g., 5 dots, 5 lines, the number 5 and a 5p. We’ve been practising writing our numbers on our whiteboards. This can be tricky as some of the numbers aren’t easy to master!




At the end of each week we look in our planners and decide how we have felt our learning has gone. If we felt it has gone well and we found our jobs quite easy we colour in the green traffic light. If we felt things were ok but we found some of the jobs a little bit tricky we colour in the orange traffic light. If we thought our jobs were really quite difficult and we needed lots of help with them we colour in the red traffic light. We all coloured in the traffic lights green or orange as we are all smart cookies and managed all our sounds and number jobs really well.


As we will be in school for a full day on Monday, we had an early school lunch to familiarise ourselves with the dinner hall and what we will have to do when we go for lunch next week. We all had a lovely lunch and a very big thank you to the cook and the dinner ladies who helped us!


Notices for parents:

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Primary 1 will be in a full school day, finishing at 3.15pm from Monday 3rd September 2012.

Our Open Afternoon is on Friday 7th September from 2pm. Invitations with the details will follow.


Numbers, Numbers All Around, Numbers All Around!

Hello and welcome back to the second P1 blog of this new school year!

We are so busy in P1 even though we are still only in school for the morning.

We learned 4 new sounds this week. They were ‘n’, ‘p’, ‘i’ and ‘ck’. When we are learning our sounds, we sing the Jolly Phonics song and do the matching action to help us remember them.

The action for ‘n’ is to stretch our arms out wide and pretend we’re an aeroplane and say, “nnnnnn”. The action for ‘p’ is to put our finger to our lips pretending our finger is a candle and blow the candle out saying, “ppppp”. The action for ‘i’ is to put our hands at either side of our face wiggling our fingers like whiskers and say, “iiiiii”. the action for ‘c’ is to click our fingers like castanets and for ‘k’ to wave our hand in the air like a kite flying in the sky.

We’ve also been making our new sounds using playdough, playing sound games on the interactive whiteboard, finding sounds in the sand and practising writing our sounds on our whiteboards.

We’ve also learned the numbers ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’ and ‘4′ this week. We have been listening to number stories and singing number songs and rhymes. We have been doing lots of number activities. We have been matching numbers on our teddy bear number washing line, we have been throwing bean bags and balls into coloured hoops, but we had to make sure we matched the correct colour and the correct number to the correct hoop! Trickier than it looks!

We also cut strips of paper very carefully and glued them together to make the number ‘4’.

We also went outside to do some investigating and see how many ‘number’ things we could find. We think we did very well indeed. We found 1 bin and 1 tree. We found 2 arrows on 2 doors and 2 stones. We found 3 trees and 3 coloured spots on the playground. We found 4 picnic benches and 4 boys and girls. We are wonderful number detectives!

We also painted our portraits with Mrs Lynch this week. We had to think about the colour of our hair and our eyes and put our features all in the right place. They will be going up in our corridor wall and everyone will know who we all are in P1!

Notices for parents:

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

A photographer from the Evening Telephraph will visit school on Monday 27.08.12, please ensure your child is wearing a shirt and tie.

There will be a sample school dinner on Friday 31.08.12, please return the slip with your child’s dinner choice.

Primary 1 will be in a full school day, finishing at 3.15pm from Monday 3rd September 2012.

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