Under the Sea

Hello and welcome again to P1’s blog!

This week we have learned another 2 sounds – ‘oa’ and ‘ie’.  Our action for ‘oa’ is to put our hand to our mouth as if we have done something wrong and the action for ‘ie’ is to stand to attention and salute!  Since starting school in August we have learned a grand total of 27 sounds!


As part of our new topic, ‘Under the Sea’, we have been looking at water. We put some water into ice cube trays and then popped them in the freezer. We left them there for several days then went back to see what had happened to the water, it had turned to ice! Mr Bluman took the ice out of the tray and we all got to hold and feel it. But, do you know the warmth of our hands started to melt the ice and it turned back into water! We recorded our findings in our thinking books.

We also made some fish using shiny circles to make the scales. We chose 2 colours and glued our cirlces on in a pattern, making sure we overlapped them to cover the whole of the fish. We then decorated the tail and fins using crayons. Mrs Lynch added them to our Under the Sea display.


We’ve been working hard again this week, practicing our addition. We’ve been using the addition buses and again have recorded what we learned in our thinking books.


We joined the P2’s and listened to the author, Lynne Rickards, read her story, Jacob O’Reilly Wants a Pet, live on Glow on the white board. Over 46 schools throughout Scotland joined and listened to her read her book.


Notices this week:

Gym – every Monday and Friday – please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors – every Wednesday from 3.00pm t0 3.15pm

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year and welcome to P1’s first blog of 2011. We all had a lovely holiday and we’re very excited to be back at school ready to work hard!

We learned a new sound this week. The ‘ai‘ sound. Our action for this sound is to put our hand to our ear and pretend we can’t hear what someone is saying.


We have been finger painting and making jelly fish. This is our first art project for our new topic ‘Under the Sea.’ We can’t wait to learn more about the creatures that live in the oceans and seas of the world.


We’re still very busy using our Ladybird maths box. This week we have been working on the stories of 3, 4, 6 and 7. We have been making play dough spots to use on the Ladybird sheets to help us with our adding.


Notices this week:

Gym days are Monday and Friday – Please ensure your child has a full gym kit on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday from 3.00pm to 3.15pm.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Welcome to P1’s last blog of 2010. We only have 2 and a half days in school this week then we’re off for our Christmas holidays! Even though we’re only in for half a week we have still been very busy.    

We made our party hats and place mates ready for our party on Tuesday.    


On Tuesday morning Mr Brough, the minister from Fintry Parish Church, came into school for our Christmas service. The school choir sang and we also sang carols, it was wonderful and it got us all into the true Christmas spirit.    

In the afternoon  it was our Christmas party. We had great fun dancing all the dances we had practiced and playing party games. We also got to eat our party food in the dinner hall which had been decorated with the mats etc we had made and of course Santa visited us! 


We have had a very busy year in P1 at Longhaugh Primary School and we hope you have enjoyed reading about all the activities we have done. We hope you will continue to enjoy following our progress in 2011!    

All the boys and girls in P1, Miss Simpson, Mrs Adams and Mrs Lynch would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year!   

Merry Christmas from P1!

Christmas Rush!

This is the last full week before we come off for the Christmas holidays and we’ve managed to pack lots in.

On Monday we had our dress rehearsal for The Grumpy Sheep in front of the whole school and on Tuesday we did 2 performances for our families. It was a huge success. Mr Munro said it was the best singing he had ever heard! Well done to all the boys and girls in P1, P2 and P3.


We’re still busy making lots of Christmas craft. We made calenders and also beautiful table decorations. We painted fir cones green and put glitter and sparkles on them to look like real Christmas trees.

We’ve continued to work hard with our numbers. We used Christmas crackers to count our numbers 0-10 and jumble them up then put them back in the correct order.


We have also been problem solving. Winston,  the Longhaugh bear, has been feeling very chilly in this cold weather and we had to think what he would need to keep warm. We have been designing hats, gloves and scarfs remembering to use a pattern and making sure that our hats, gloves and scarfs all matched.


We have been revising all the sounds we have learned (23 in total), and sorting them all out on our sounds table. We used our letter vests to make words.

Our Christmas party is next week and we have been practising our dances. Our dances are The Bluebell Polka, The Shoemaker and the Hokey Cokey. Christmas is almost here!


Last of all we joined the P2’s in the computer room for a Glow meet and saw Santa visit St Joseph’s Primary School in Milngavie! We sang Jingle Bells and listened to him telling us all the things he does at|Christmas. He said hello to us and all the schools that had joined the Glow meet  in Dundee! We were very excited!


Dates for your diary

Christmas party Tuesday 21st December  party money due (50p) and if you can, please take your child home at lunch time to get changed into party clothes. If not, send party clothes into school in a carrier bag.

School finishes at 12 o’clock Wednesday 23rd December.

Christmas is coming!

We have had an extremely busy week catching up on the things we missed due to the school being closed. We are back working hard but our playground is still very, very snowy!

We learned one more sound this week, the ‘x’ sound. We all had great fun pretending to take an ‘x-ray picture’, the action for this sound.

Santa’s workshop has come to P1 and Santa left us a letter asking us to design lots of toys to help him out at Christmas. He also told us we were all on the ‘nice’ list. Phew!!

In room 6 we’ve been decorating Santa’s tree but we must remember to put the decorations on using a pattern. We’ve also been practicing setting Santa’s Christmas table. It’s tricky to remember where everything goes!

We’ve also been very busy making lots of craft to sell at our Christmas fayre. P1A have been making tree decorations and P1B have been making Christmas stockings.


We made angel cards to take home.


As the playground and streets are still very snowy and icy, it makes it too difficult for us to walk and visit the community. So we had a very,very special visitor this week. Santa came to Longhaugh Primary School! It was lovely to see him and we all promised we would try and be especially well behaved and he gave us a gift.


Even though we have been so busy making all our Christmas craft and rehearsing for our show, ‘The Grumpy Sheep’, every day, we have also been using our Ladybird maths box. This week we have been working hard making 5 and making 6.

Dates for your diary:

Open doors – The last open doors for this term was Wednesday 8th Dec. Open doors will resume on Wednesday 17th January 2011.

P1 Christmas PartyTuesday 21st December at 1.15pm. Children can go home at lunch time to get changed or send party clothes in a named carrier bag and we will help them get changed.

Christmas Fayre –   Saturday 11th December  –  10.00 am –  12 noon.

Grumpy Sheep productionWednesday 16th December at 9.30am and Wednesday 16th December at 1.45pm. There will be opportunities next week to buy more tickets.

Working Hard in P1


Hello and welcome again to P1’s Blog. We have had another very busy week. We have learned a further 2 sounds, ‘w’ and ‘y’. We practise saying the sounds, doing the actions and singing the songs every day. We now know 22 sounds!


 We also discovered the ladybird maths box this week and talked about addition. We have become number detectives and use the bingo, lotto and domino games inside the box. We used the ladybird number lines to discuss the number before, the number after and the number in between. Next week we are going to put playdough spots on the ladybirds to help us to add. We have been using the dice in room 6 to help us to count and add 2 numbers together. We try to remember to start with the biggest number first!


We’ve also been continuing to work hard on our patterns as these pictures clearly show. We can even write out our numbers 0-10 in a pattern!


We read a story this week about St. Andrew and learned that he is the patron saint of Scotland. We hope to celebrate St. Andrew’s day next week by having a party with P2 and P3. We made our very own Saltires and we’re planning to wave them at our party next week. We used blue card and we ripped up small pieces of white tissue paper and glued them to make the St. Andrew’s cross.


Our rehearsals for The Grumpy Sheep are going well and we have started to get all the actors and chorus upon the stage. Keep singing the songs and learning those lines!

Dates for your diary:

Gym – Every Monday and Friday – Please ensure children have gym kits in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday from 3.00pm to 3.15pm.

St Andrew’s Day PartyTuesday 30th November

Christmas FayreSaturday 4th December 10.00am – 12 noon. Please hand in donations for the cake and candy, priced and wrapped, on Friday 3rd December.

A busy week in P1!

P1 have had another busy week!  

We have learned 2 more sounds this week, ‘z’ and ‘v’ and we have been practising hard learning the Jolly Phonics songs and actions that go along with our sounds.  

the 'z' sound
the 'v' sound
The action for 'v'. Can you tell we're driving vans?

We have also been searching for sounds and numbers hidden in the sand tray and we have been recording what we find onto a grid. 

look how many sounds and numbers we found!

We have also been very clever and used our knowledge of sounds to make words! How smart are we?  


In our number work this week we have been learning to count on 2 more using cubes and we have been writing what we learned in our thinking books. Counting Ted has also been helping us to remember the number after and the number before on the number washing line. 


Counting Ted is helping us!

We are still working hard on looking for patterns with Pattern Ted and making our own patterns.  

We have also been learning that in Autumn, food starts to become scarce for the birds and we made our own bird feeders using fir cones, peanut butter and bird seed. Birds won’t go hungry in our gardens.  

We are practising hard with the P2’s and the P3’s for our Christmas production of “The Grumpy Sheep.” I’m sure you’re hearing the songs at home! We had a competition to draw a design for the stage back drop. Keep your fingers crossed it’s someone in P1 who wins!

Important Dates

Gym Mondays and Fridays

Please ensure gym kit is in school for these days

Open Doors – there will be no open doors this week, Wed. 24th Nov.

Autumn and Autumn Festivals

Welcome to P1’s Blog. We hope to use our glow blog to share the learning experiences from rooms 1,2 and 6.      We have been very busy in primary 1 since coming back after the October holidays.
This term’s topic is Autumn and Autumn Festivals and the boys and girls enjoyed their walk around the community looking for signs of Autumn in the trees, gardens and alotments.    We gathered up leaves and used them in the classroom to make these wonderful Autumn tree pictures.    


  Primary 1 have also been learning about Divali, the Festival of Light, and the stories of Rama and Sita. We made diva lamps using clay and put tea lights inside them. We lit them in the classroom to have our own “Festival of Light”. We also made rangoli patterns using black paper and brightly coloured chalk.    

Festival of Light

 We celebrated Halloween by having a party at school. we found all sorts of bugs in sticky spaghetti and eye balls in gooey jelly! We played lots of games in the gym hall. We had great fun and everyone dressed up. Miss Simpson, Mrs Adams and Mrs Lynch were all Pirates! “Shiver me timbers!!”   


sticky spaghetti!                                                 gooey jelly!
 We have also been learning about people who help us. The Fire Brigade came to school and we were able to sit in the fire engine and make the hose shoot water into our playground. We also learned about all the Fire Fighters safety equipment.

 Important dates:        

Open Doors – every Wednesday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in and your child will show you all the work they’ve been doing during the week.       

GymMondays and Fridays  Children require t-shirts, shorts and gym shoes on these days. Continue reading Autumn and Autumn Festivals

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