A Brand New P1!

A very warm welcome to Longhaugh Primary 1’s very first blog of our new school year!

Our new term started on Wednesday 17th August 2011 and we welcomed 50 new P1 pupils to our school family. I’m sure you will agree from the photograph below they look very smart indeed!

We were all very excited to start the new term and are all looking forward to a brand new school year, ready to work hard. Our new P1’s were no exception and already they have settled into the routine of school very well.

We have learned 3 sounds already! ‘s’, ‘a’ and ‘t’. We have read the sounds stories, sung the songs, looked at the sounds tables in our classrooms and practised writing our new sounds on our white boards. As we learn more sounds we are looking forward to being able to make words. We are very excited about that!

As you can see from the pictures above, for every sound we learn we also learn an action. The action for ‘s’ is to move our hand like a snake and say ssssssssss. The action for ‘a’ is to pretend that ants are on our arm and we say a a a a a a ! The action for ‘t’ is to move our head from side to side as if we are watching a tennis match and say t t t t t t t .

We have also been looking at the numbers ‘1’ and ‘2’. We have read the number stories and sung number rhymes and songs. We sorted out the numbers on our number washing line and practised writing the numbers on our whiteboards.

We also worked on all our colours. We sorted and matched coloured objects into hoops and matched colour words written in coloured and black ink. We were all very good at this job!

Our topic for starting school is ‘We Belong to Longhaugh Primary School.’ We started this by walking around the school looking at all the rooms we will be using and meeting all the people who work and help us in the school. We took some photographs which we will be using later.

We went to the gym hall for the first time this week. As this was our first time we talked about being safe and not bumping into others. We moved around the hall in different ways, e.g., hopping, jumping and running. we made sure we were moving very carefully and when our teacher shouted STOP! We all found a good space of our own. As we all did this so well, we finished by having a game of tig.

Miss Simpson, Miss Bonnar, Mrs Weir, Mrs Lynch and all the boys and girls of P1 hope you enjoy and will continue to enjoy reading about all the activities and hard work that goes on at Longhaugh Primary School.

Please feel free to leave comments as the children are looking forward to looking at our blog every week!

Notices for Parents:

The Evening Telegraph photographer will be in school on Monday 29th August 2011.

Sample School Lunch – Friday 2nd September 2011 – Please complete invitation with your child’s choice for lunch and return it to school a.s.a.p.

Gym – Please ensure you child has a full gym kit (shorts, t shirt, gym shoes) in school next week.

All P1 pupils will be in school all day from Monday 5th September 2011.

3 thoughts on “A Brand New P1!”

  1. It’s good you are all settled in 🙂 I like your blog it looks like you have been working very hard! At our school we do sounds as well. I have to go now. From Mia 🙂 xXx Burravoe Primary School

  2. I hope you like going to school at Longhaugh. 50 new p1 in your school is quite big compeared to us we only have 11 people in our class I don’t know how your teachers but luckly your in 3 groups so the teachers can cope. I hope you enjoy going to Gym.

    Charlotte Burravoe Primary School

  3. hi i loe the primary one i am in primary 7b i am excited to go up to high school i will miss my little brother an also the p1s i am a playgroud helper in my schooli love them aalll soooooooooooooo much hehe love use all

    logan xxx!!! 🙂

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