Montrose Basin

This week we have continued to revise all our sounds and all our words from our word wall.

In maths we are still working hard on our addition using cubes and divided circles. We were working on making stories of 8 and 9.

We all brought in our Grannies and Grandads booklets that we had been working on at home. Our Grandparents had helped us to fill them in telling us about all the things they liked when they were children.

We painted pictures of ourselves and also of our Grannies and Grandads. We hung them on our classroom wall showing when we were born and when our Grandparents were born.


On Friday we went on our trip to Montrose Basin. We were very excited and it was great fun to travel to Montrose on the train.

   Our driver and our conductor.


 We had quite a long walk to get to the wildlife centre but it was a lovely day and in no time at all we arrived.


We had our lunch first as we were all hungry!!


 We split into 2 groups and some of us went onto the sands and looked and dug for creatures. We found  crabs, shrimps and sand worms. We carefully lifted the rocks and seaweed to find the creatures hidden underneath.


We then swapped over and looked around the wildlife centre. We used the binoculars and telescopes to look at the birds and other animals that live at the basin.


We then walked back into Montrose and got our train back to Dundee. We were all tired but had a marvellous day out!

Notices for parents:

Gym – Every Monday and Friday – Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school on these days.

HomeworkWords and sounds every night.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.oopm to 3.15pm.

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