We’re all going on a…..summer holiday!!

Welcome to the last P1 blog of this school year!

This was our last week in P1 and although we’re quite sad to be leaving our teachers, we’re quite excited about being in P2!

We’ve being tidying up our classroom and also sorting out our trays and taking home all our finished work. Even though we have been very busy we still had time for an end of year party. We iced our own biscuit (which we ate later), played some party games and had some party food and a drink of juice. It was a lovely way to end our P1 year.

I don’t know if you remember our visit to our local allotments? Well, we were invited back to see the difference in the plants and vegetables and to see how much they had grown. We saw strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, onions, beetroot, lettuce and lots of different flowers. We even saw grapes growing in one of the greenhouses. It was a lovely visit and we really enjoyed revisiting the allotments.



Well, that’s the end of our blog for this current school year. Miss Donaldson, Miss Bonnar, Mr Bluman and Mrs Lynch would like to thank everyone for all their support during P1.

We will be welcoming 30 new boys and girls in August who will be joining our Longhaugh family and we hope you will continue to support them and follow their journey .

We hope you all have a happy, safe and restful summer. See you again In August!!

Parent Notices

School finishes at 12 noon on Friday 28th of June and resumes on Tuesday 13th August.



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