Happy Easter!

Hello there! This is our last blog before we finish school for our Easter holidays. We’re really hoping that we have nice weather to roll our Easter eggs, as at the moment it is very cold and still snowing!

We have been practising all our sounds and tricky words and also trying to write sentences about the things we did at the weekend.

We have been learning about graphs this week. We have been gathering different information and learning how to record our findings onto a graph.

We made a graph of the different things we had been measuring in the classroom and we recorded how tall/long they were. We also counted some items inside our classroom, e.g., clocks, doors, lights, radiators and recorded the number onto a graph. We were then able to compare the results and see if there were more lights than clocks or more doors than radiators etc.


Today we went into our playground and counted the different kinds of traffic that passed our school. We then gathered all our information and recorded our findings on a bar graph


To continue with our topic we began to look at lifecycles. We started by looking at the life cycle of a butterfly. Mrs Sands, our school secretary, lives on a farm and she came to our class to talk to us about life on the farm and tell us about the jobs she and her husband Tom have to do, especially at lambing time.  As Mrs Sands also has hens on her farm we also looked at the life cycle of a chick. We made our own chicks using card and pipe cleaners. Do you think they will lay any eggs for our breakfast?


As you know we have been visiting the ladies at the local servite home. To return the favour, we invited the ladies to spend the afternoon at our school and to see all the things that we have been doing and to share our learning with them. We had a lovely afternoon and all the ladies really enjoyed looking around our classrooms. We ended our afternoon with a well deserved cup of tea, drink of juice and a biscuit.



To celebrate Easter at the end of this week, we painted eggs. We used brightly coloured pearlescent paint and tried very hard to make them colourful. Some of us rolled our eggs in our playground and some us took our eggs home to roll them with our families on Easter Sunday.


Happy Easter Everyone!

Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Please check your child’s diary for show and tell.

The school will be closed on Friday 29th march (Good Friday) and for the following 2 weeks. It will re-open on Monday 15th April.

What makes a good Easter cake?…we’ll give you the recipe!

Hello and welcome back to our blog!

last week we were writing lists. Lists of ingredients etc. This week we have been writing instructions. We wrote how to make a sandwich. We wrote what we needed to make the sandwich, e.g., bread, butter, ham etc, and put all the steps in the correct order.

We also made Easter cakes using chocolate and rice crispies. We had pictures of all the things we needed to make the cakes and we put them in the correct order. Then we wrote a list of instructions on how to make the cakes.

We had great fun making our Easter cakes, but we really enjoyed eating them!!

We continued to learn about measure this week. We are still using non-standard units so we can get used to measuring properly. We need to remember to always start at the edge and not leave any gaps.


This week though we also went outside and built  snowmen and measured how tall our snowmen were!

Even though we haven’t seen much of the signs of spring this week we are continuing to look and we are ever hopeful that it will be getting warmer soon. So, hoping that spring is just around the corner,we planted sunflower seeds. We put soil into a pot and made a little hole in the middle of the soil with our finger. We popped the seed in the hole and covered it with more soil to keep the seed warm and dark. We watered it a little, not too much and put our pots on the window sill. We hope to see little shoots soon!


As we said earlier we made Easter cakes. We melted the chocolate and we poured rice crispies into a bowl. We all took a turn of stirring the crispie/chocolatey mixture. We then used a spoon to put some of the mixture into cake cases. Then finally we put two little eggs onto the cakes. They were extremely yummy! 



We have continued to learn more about the Easter story. Our teachers gave us some pictures and we had think hard about the story of Jesus beginning with him riding on a donkey into Jerusalem and the sequence of events that followed ending with him being nailed to a cross. We worked together and put all the pictures in the correct order.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Please check your child’s diary for show and tell.

The school will be closed on Friday 29th march (Good Friday) and for the following 2 weeks. It will re-open on Monday 15th April.

How Long is a Piece of String? P1 Will Measure it!

Hello and welcome back to our blog! I hope it’s more like Spring where you are, it’s still very cold here and we had snow again last weekend!

We have continued to revise all our sounds and tricky words and have been practising writing CVC words and simple sentences. This week we have also been writing lists. We wrote all the things on Mr Bluman’s shopping list. We wrote all the things in Miss Bonnar’s suitcase. We also wrote a list of all the ingredients needed to make pancakes. Best of all, we all got to make the pancakes and then eat them! Yum!



We looked at measure this week and used the words longer and shorter. We measured with non standard units, e.g., cubes, paper clips, hands, feet and string. We also estimated the length of objects before we actually measured them. We know that estimating is guessing. We also learned that to measure accurately we had to start at the top or at the edge and not leave any gaps.


In topic this week we were talking about Spring. We learned what the signs of Spring are and we discussed what happens in Spring e.g., buds and flowers start to appear after the cold of  Winter and some animals are born – lambs and chicks.  Although it is still very cold here, when we walk to our local library on a Wednesday we can see the daffodils and crocuses starting to show through the grass. Every week we’re going to look to see if there are any flowers yet.

We made daffodils in our craft time. We drew around the petal template and cut them out. We then cut an egg box. This was quite tricky and we needed  all our strength to get the scissors through the cardboard. We then snipped the egg box and painted it yellow to make it look like the trumpet part of the daffodil.


As it will be Easter in a couple of weeks, we also started to learn about the Easter story. We know that Easter is a very important time for Christians. We learned that Jesus was betrayed and sentenced to death on the cross. We all found this very sad but in the next few weeks we will be learning that this wasn’t the end and Jesus rose again! This made us feel a lot better.

Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Please check your child’s diary for show and tell.

Run, run, as fast as you can….you can’t catch me, Im the Gingerbread Man!

This week in P1 we have continued to revise all our sounds and tricky words and practised writing CVC words and simple sentences. Have a look at our stories about our World Book Day character, I think you’ll agree we’ve been trying very hard with our sentence writing.

In number we have continued with addition and we have also looked at sharing. We have talked about halves, quarters whole and equal parts. We cut up cakes to show us the different equal parts. We were allowed to eat the cake when we had finished. Yum!

We were invited to Longhaugh Nursery this week to see ‘The Gingerbread Man’. It was a puppet show and we laughed at all the things the puppets did. We knew the story of The Gingerbread Man already so it was extra nice to see the story re-told in a puppet show.


Our p5/6 and P6 have been studying Victorians and they held an exhibition in the assembly hall. The whole school was invited to view the exhibition. We were excited when it came to our turn to go and see it. They had researched all about the Victorians and they had made models, drawn pictures and written stories about the food Victorians ate, the clothes they wore, the houses they lived in, the toys the children played with and the schools they went to. We had been looking at toys, schools etc., from the past in our own topic so it was very interesting to see all the work P5/6 and P6 had done.



Thursday 7th of March was World Book Day. We all came into school dressed as a character from a book. There was Harry Potter, Rapunzel, Spiderman, the Gruffalo, the Lion King etc., all in class.  Even some of the teachers dressed up as their favourite character!


We also wrote about our favourite character.


It is also Mothers Day on Sunday so we made a card to give to our Mummy. It was a card of three parts and we had to use our best hand writing, our best colouring and our best cutting out to make sure we did  the best job we could for our Mums‘. What do you think?


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Please check your child’s diary for show and tell.

Toys From Long Ago

Welcome back to P1’s blog!

We are continuing to revise all our sounds and use them to make words and write simple sentences. Some of us find this really quite tricky so we are going to continue revising and practising. We are also trying to  write new words and sentences when we are doing our topic work.

This week we have been doing lots of different maths activities in Mrs Lynch’s room. We have been counting and putting numbers in order, making patterns with beads and pegs and using different games to help us with our addition.




In our topic we were looking at toys from the past. We watched a short video clip about the different toys children played with long ago. We also looked at information books that showed us pictures of toys from the past and compared them to toys that we have in the present.

We worked with a partner and we drew a picture of a toy from the past and a picture of a toy from the present. We described what they were made from and how they worked.

We also went into our playground and played with toys that children from the past would have played with and we also still play with today. We played hop scotch, rolled hoops, skipped using a long skipping rope and we drew pictures on the playground with chalk.



This week it was the turn of P1b to visit the pensioners at our local Servite House. We asked them what their house was like when they were little and they told us they didn’t have a washing machine, hot water or a toilet inside their house! Things were very different when they were children. We also took some of our learning games and our reading books and we showed them the kinds of activities we do to help our learning.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

We are visiting Longhaugh Nursery on Tuesday 5th March to watch a play.

Please check your child’s diary for show and tell.