Donald……Whar’s yer Troosers??

This week have have continued to recap all our sounds and tricky words every day. We have also been doing sounds activities, practising blending and making CVC words.

We have also been sentence building. We have been writing simple sentences about ourselves using our name and our age and sentences using the tricky words we’ve been learning.


We have continued to work on addition this week using the adding circles, the ladybirds and writing our sums on our white boards.


We had our sponsored walk this week. We walked around our local area looking for any signs of Autumn and any other signs we could spot that told us the weather and seasons were changing. Although is was a lovely, bright day it was very cold so we certainly knew the weather had changed to the beginning of Winter!



Not only were we getting sponsored for our walk but we were all wearing silly hats!! We had a ‘hat parade’ before we left school and Mr Munro chose first, second and third place!


Well done to the winners!


This week is Scottish Book Week. We painted characters from books we enjoy and put them in our library area.


We also got a book bag from our local library when we visited for our story time. We are very lucky indeed and on Friday the whole school dressed up as a character from a book!


The P7’s came into our classes to help us celebrate Scottish Book Week. They read us stories and we even read some of our little stories to them!


The 30th of November is St Andrew’s Day. St Andrew is Scotland’s patron saint and in celebration of this we held a party at school. All the P1’s, P2’s and P3’s  joined in. We watched a power point which showed us lots of things about Scotland and why is is a very special country. P3 performed their dance from their Katie Morag topic. Then there was a special treat from Andromeda who is in P7. She goes to highland dancing and she performed 2 highland dances for us.



Then we sang some Scottish songs we had been learning, this included Ye Cannie Shove Yer Granny aff a Bus and Donald Whar’s Yer Troosers.


We played the 4 corners game (Scottish style) and we played Scottish jig jumps. This is our St Andrew’s Day version of musical bumps to Scottish music!

We then went back to our class for a well deserved piece of short bread and a glass of Irn Bru!

Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

The P1’s now have a twitter account. Please follow our page. To search for our page… @p1_longhaugh

We are still awaiting permission slips to be returned to school. Please return these as soon as possible.


What’s the temperature today? P1 will tell you!

Hello there and welcome back to our blog!

We continue to revise our sounds every day, just so we don’t forget any of them. We have been going over our tricky words and using our tricky words to make sentences. We practised writing our sounds and our sentences  making sure we were using our best handwriting.


We were also working on consonant blends. These can be quite tricky and we have been playing some matching games to help us.


We have been looking at the number stories of 4, 5, 6 and 7 this week. We have also been working on our adding sums using our adding circles. We then made our own sums and wrote them out on our white boards. We have also been working in our number books drawing and writing 1 more and 2 more.


In 1A we have continued to monitor and record the temperature every day in our weather station. Some mornings it has been quite chilly!


This week we made trees for our Autumn board and our Winter board. We drew around our hands and cut them out. We used these to make the leaves on our trees. We also cut strips of brown paper and crepe paper to make all different sizes of branches and twigs to add to our trees. We had gathered leaves from our playground and we painted them different autumnal colours. We then carefully pressed them onto paper to make leaf prints. When they are dry, we are going to cut them out and add them onto our trees.



In 1B we have been looking at the seasons. As we are going out for our Autumn walk on Thursday we decided to discuss the different seasons. What makes them different? In what way does the weather change? What do we wear when the weather is warm, when it is cold and when it is rainy etc.? We discussed what months of the year are in Spring, what months of the year are in Summer, what months of the year are in Autumn and what months of the year are in Winter.

We painted a seasons display and we are going to finish painting children on our back drop all wearing the appropriate clothes for the time of year.


In 1C we read our Percy book again and then watched the film, Percy the Park Keeper. We talked about what we liked and what we didn’t like about the book and the film and which of the two we preferred. We used active expressions to vote on our favourite.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

The P1’s now have a twitter account. Please follow our page. To search for our page… @p1_longhaugh

We are still awaiting permission slips to be returned to school. Please return these as soon as possible.

Thursday 29th November – sponsored walk changed to Thursday. Please bring in your silly hat to school by Tuesday 27th November.

Friday 30th November – Come to school dressed as a character from a book.

You’ve Got Mail!

Hello there!

We have recapped all our sounds this week and gone over all our tricky words. We’ve also been playing lots of sounds games, word matching games, alphabet dominoes etc.

We have also started to write simple “I can” sentences. We have been writing, “I can hop”, “I can skip”, “I can jump.” We can sound out all the words but we also have to remember to start with a capital letter, finish with a full stop and use finger spaces between our words. A lot to remember!


Some of us got our very own reading book this week! We used our marker under every line and we have to remember to use our pointing finger so we can keep track of the words we’re reading. It’s very exciting!

We started to do adding sums this week. We looked at the + and = signs and talked about the words ‘add’, ‘plus’, ‘makes’, ‘all together’. We wrote some sums on our whiteboards and we looked at the number stories of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Our teachers have put the number stories onto kites and they are pinned up in our classrooms for us to look at and to help us remember.

In topic this week 1A have been learning how to use the school flipcam. We have been making our own weather videos and even though we say so ourselves, we’ve become quite professional! We have continued to check our weather station every morning and have started to take temperature readings and record them in a table. We have noticed that it is getting colder!

We have also been talking about friendship and what makes a good friend. We decided that we would have a ‘caring person’ badge in our class. This means that each person that wears the badge is responsible for looking out for the others in the class.

We have also been learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali and we made our own Rangoli patterns.

In 1B we were talking about traffic and the different sorts of vehicles we might see on the road, so we decided to go out to our school railings and take our own traffic survey. We worked in pairs and used tally marks to note down how many cars, vans, lorries, bikes, police cars, tractors, motor bikes and pedestrians we saw. We totalled all our figures and made a table then transferred this information onto a bar graph.


We also got a surprise parcel through the post! In the parcel were lots of dressing up things for us to play with in our Post Office area. We’ve been wearing all the clothes pretending to be post men and women and we’ve been delivering mail in our new post bag!


In 1C we’ve been looking at all the different characters in the Percy stories. We have read lots and lots of different stories  and this has given us good ideas of all the characters in the stories. We wrote down our ideas and thoughts about the characters on a flipchart. We then had to decide which of the animal characters we are going to investigate as a class!

Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

The P1’s now have a twitter account. Please follow our page. To search for our page… @p1_longhaugh

We are still awaiting permission slips to be returned to school. Please return these as soon as possible.

Friday 23rd November – non-uniform day, please bring in toiletries.

Gunpowder, Treason and Plot!

Hello there! A short week for us here at Longhaugh Primary school as the school is shut Thursday and Friday to pupils for staff in-service training.

We learned our last sound this week. The sound is ‘ar‘. The action for ‘ar’ is to open your mouth as if the doctor is looking at your throat and say, ‘ar,ar,ar,ar,ar’.


We have learned a total of 39 sounds! Can you believe that? We think we are pretty amazing managing to learn all those sounds already!!

We have also been looking at the alphabet this week. We know that letters have a sound and a name. Now that we have learned all our Jolly Phonic sounds we are learning all the names of their matching capital letters. We have been singing alphabet songs to help us remember.


We were working again this week with Luke. He’s been helping us to use the number tracks and number lines He’s also been helping us to count on 2 more and 3 more.


As it was Bonfire Night on Monday we talked about what we would do/not do to keep ourselves safe if we went to see the bonfire and fireworks displays. We also made our own rockets and firework pictures.



This Sunday is Rememberence Sunday. We won’t be at school that day but we talked about the men and women we will be remembering, why we wear a poppy and what a poppy represents. A few of us in school had family and friends who have served or are serving in the armed forces. We all agreed it was very important to remember all the men and woman who had died serving their country.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

The P1’s now have a twitter account. Please follow our page. To search for our page… @p1_longhaugh

The school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th November for staff in-service training.


It’s been a spooky week here in P1! On Wednesday witches, werewolves, vampires and monsters came to school!! We have, however, managed to keep working very hard in spite of all the strange visitors!

We have learned another 4 new sounds this week. Our new sounds are ‘ou‘, ‘oi‘, ‘ue‘ and ‘er‘.

Our favourite action this week is ‘ou‘. We pretend our finger is a needle and touch our other hand and say “ou,ou,ou,ou.”



We have also been learning our new tricky words. We are learning these words before we get our own reading book. We have been putting the words together to make sentences.


In number we have continued to re-cap all our numbers to 10 and to play lots of number matching games. We have also been working with our number lines and finding the missing number and looking at 1 more and 2 more.


In 1A we continued looking at nature this week and planted seeds and bulbs. Our cress seeds have grown really tall already! We have also been talking and learning more about the weather and we have continued to make more weather forecast videos. We check our weather station every morning. We have been discussing that the weather changes with the seasons and that there are 4 seasons in the year. We have been learning a season song to help us remember them.



This week in 1B we have been looking for our addresses on the large map in our classroom. Some of us have even found our house and marked it on the map! We also discussed how we all travel to school. Some of us walk to school, some of us are driven to school in the car and some of us take the bus. We recorded all our findings on a graph.


As we had visited Whitfield Library this week, we decided that the first of the ‘people who help us’ should be the Librarian. We have worked out a lot of questions to ask her when we go on our next visit next week. Here we are drawing our own Librarian.


In P1C we have continued to look at Percy the Park Keeper. We read the book and watched the DVD. We discussed what we liked and what we didn’t like about both the book and the film. We then wrote about our own favourite thingabout Percy.

We have been working in the Autumn area in room 4. We have been looking at the Autumn interest table and have been touching, discovering  and talking about the pumpkin, fir cones, acorns, conkers and all the different coloured leaves we can get in Autumn. There are also activities in the area and we have been counting out the nuts for the squirrel, matching the leaves and looking at animals that hibernate.


On Wednesday we had our Halloween party in school. We all came dressed up (even the teachers!) We had to try and eat a donut on a string without using our hands. We had to ‘dook’ for apples, again without using our hands. We had to fish about in monster’s guts to find tokens! Yuck! Then we had to try and find more tokens in monster’s brains! Double Yuck!   


We played musical bumps and had a drink of juice and some crisps, cake and sweets. Mrs Sands, our secretary, came to judge our Halloween costumes. She found this very difficult as we all looked magnificent but she managed to choose a first, second and third from each class. Well done to the winners!

Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym. 

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day 

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work. 

The P1’s now have a twitter account. Please follow our page. To search for our page… @p1_longhaughThe school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 8th and Friday 9th November for staff in-service training.