How Time Flies When You’re Having Fun!

Well, this is our last week before we come off for the ‘tattie holidays’. It’s hard to believe we’ve been at school for 8 weeks. We’re counting the days for our 100 days of school party, so we know exactly how many days we’ve been at school…….. 39 days!

We learned the sounds ‘oo’, ‘y’ and ‘x’ this week. Our favourite action was the action for the sound ‘x’. We pointed with our pointing and middle fingers on both hands pretending they were x-ray guns saying, “xxxxxx.”



In maths this week we have been re-capping all the things we have been looking at this term, numbers to 10, pattern, shape and comparing size. Although we are usually quite brilliant we thought it best not to start anything brand new as we may forget it over our 2 week holiday. So, we have been playing number bingo, matching games, rolling the dice and singing number songs and rhymes. Making patterns using cubes, bead cards and bead necklaces. Cutting out and sticking a shape picture of a dog and finding and describing shapes in our shape bag and we went outside into our playground to explorebig’ and ‘small’.



In topic this week we were all thinking what would happen next in our fairy tale or what would happen to a character from the fairy tale.

In 1A we wondered what would happen when Peter Pan went back to Neverland. We decided that he would tease the crocodile and play with Tinkerbell! We also made characters from the story using collage for our Neverland board.


In 1B we all wondered what might have happened to the Bad Fairy. It doesn’t tell us at the end of Sleeping Beauty so we all thought of our own ideas. We came up with a great many ideas and we drew our idea in picture form  and wrote some words to match our picture.


In 1C we also had to think what would happen after the traditional fairy tale ended. We had to predict what we thought might have happened to the Prince and Rapunzel. We are a romantic bunch in P1C and we all thought they would live happily ever after and continue to live in the kingdom. We drew pictures of this idea.


We hope everyone has a restful break. We are off school for 2 weeks and we start back on Monday 22nd October. We will see you then when we are all bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to start working hard and learning lots of new things!

Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday for P1A and P1C and a Tuesday and a Wednesday for P1B. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

The boys and girls will be painting in P1, please provide your child with a painting apron. An old shirt is perfectly acceptable.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Friday 5th October at 3.15pm is the last day of school before the October holidays. School will be closed for 2 weeks. School will re-start Monday 22nd October at 9.00am.