Part Timers no more….

This is our last week of being in school only in the mornings. From Monday we are here all day and we’re all excited and ready to be full time school boys and girls!!

We continued to learn new sounds this week and we learned ‘e’, ‘h‘, ‘r’ and ‘m’. Our favourite sound action was ‘r’. We had to pretend we were a puppy who was pulling his rag in his mouth and say ‘rrrrrrr’.



We have been practising our sounds in lots of different ways. We have been using the ipad, matching sounds, using our sounds bibs and practising on our whiteboards.



We also learned the numbers 5, 6, 7, and 8. We have been singing lots of number rhymes and songs. We have been making  numbers out of playdough and matching digits and pictures that are the same, e.g., 5 dots, 5 lines, the number 5 and a 5p. We’ve been practising writing our numbers on our whiteboards. This can be tricky as some of the numbers aren’t easy to master!




At the end of each week we look in our planners and decide how we have felt our learning has gone. If we felt it has gone well and we found our jobs quite easy we colour in the green traffic light. If we felt things were ok but we found some of the jobs a little bit tricky we colour in the orange traffic light. If we thought our jobs were really quite difficult and we needed lots of help with them we colour in the red traffic light. We all coloured in the traffic lights green or orange as we are all smart cookies and managed all our sounds and number jobs really well.


As we will be in school for a full day on Monday, we had an early school lunch to familiarise ourselves with the dinner hall and what we will have to do when we go for lunch next week. We all had a lovely lunch and a very big thank you to the cook and the dinner ladies who helped us!


Notices for parents:

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Thursday.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Primary 1 will be in a full school day, finishing at 3.15pm from Monday 3rd September 2012.

Our Open Afternoon is on Friday 7th September from 2pm. Invitations with the details will follow.


Numbers, Numbers All Around, Numbers All Around!

Hello and welcome back to the second P1 blog of this new school year!

We are so busy in P1 even though we are still only in school for the morning.

We learned 4 new sounds this week. They were ‘n’, ‘p’, ‘i’ and ‘ck’. When we are learning our sounds, we sing the Jolly Phonics song and do the matching action to help us remember them.

The action for ‘n’ is to stretch our arms out wide and pretend we’re an aeroplane and say, “nnnnnn”. The action for ‘p’ is to put our finger to our lips pretending our finger is a candle and blow the candle out saying, “ppppp”. The action for ‘i’ is to put our hands at either side of our face wiggling our fingers like whiskers and say, “iiiiii”. the action for ‘c’ is to click our fingers like castanets and for ‘k’ to wave our hand in the air like a kite flying in the sky.

We’ve also been making our new sounds using playdough, playing sound games on the interactive whiteboard, finding sounds in the sand and practising writing our sounds on our whiteboards.

We’ve also learned the numbers ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’ and ‘4′ this week. We have been listening to number stories and singing number songs and rhymes. We have been doing lots of number activities. We have been matching numbers on our teddy bear number washing line, we have been throwing bean bags and balls into coloured hoops, but we had to make sure we matched the correct colour and the correct number to the correct hoop! Trickier than it looks!

We also cut strips of paper very carefully and glued them together to make the number ‘4’.

We also went outside to do some investigating and see how many ‘number’ things we could find. We think we did very well indeed. We found 1 bin and 1 tree. We found 2 arrows on 2 doors and 2 stones. We found 3 trees and 3 coloured spots on the playground. We found 4 picnic benches and 4 boys and girls. We are wonderful number detectives!

We also painted our portraits with Mrs Lynch this week. We had to think about the colour of our hair and our eyes and put our features all in the right place. They will be going up in our corridor wall and everyone will know who we all are in P1!

Notices for parents:

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

A photographer from the Evening Telephraph will visit school on Monday 27.08.12, please ensure your child is wearing a shirt and tie.

There will be a sample school dinner on Friday 31.08.12, please return the slip with your child’s dinner choice.

Primary 1 will be in a full school day, finishing at 3.15pm from Monday 3rd September 2012.

The Start of a New School Year

Hello everyone!! Welcome back to Longhaugh Primary 1’s blog. It’s lovely to be back at school and this year in primary 1 we are welcoming 46 new children.

We have all settled in very well in our first week here at Longhhaugh Primary and we have already been working very hard.

We learned 3 new sounds in our first week. We learned ‘s’, ‘a’ and ‘t’. We also learn songs and actions to go along with our sounds, this makes our learning fun and it’s much easier to remember them too.

The action for ‘s’ is to move your hand as if it was a snake. The action for ‘a’ is to move your hand up and down your opposite arm as if ants are crawling up your arm and the action for ‘t’ is to move your head from side to side as if you are watching a tennis match.


We hope you will be practicing doing these actions when saying the sounds, because we will be practising.

We practised writing our sounds on our whiteboards and we made a ssssnake using tissue paper.


We looked at colours this week too and sorted coloured objects into coloured hoops. We also looked at colour words. These words were printed in their coloured ink and also in black ink. It was quite tricky to match up the words and put them into the correct hoop.



We also had a walk around our school to get to know the other adults and the important places we will be visiting e.g. the gym hall, the assembly hall and the dinner hall.


We also got our blue homework packets home this week. It has our daily planner in it. Our teacher writes all the things that our parents/carers need to know and if we have any homework it is also written in our planner. We need to bring our blue packets to school every day.


We all think we’re going to really enjoy being at Longhaugh Primary School! We hope you will enjoy following our learning. Please leave comments as we will be looking at the blog and we would love to hear from you.

Notices for parents:

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

The Primary 1 school day ends at 12.15pm lunchtime for the first 3 weeks. They will be in a full school day, coming back in the afternoon and finishing at 3.15pm from Monday 3rd September 2012.