The End of P1 2012!

Well, this is the last P1 blog from the class of 2012! This school year has flown by  and it’s hard to believe that we will be going into P2 in August and Longhaugh Primary will be welcoming the new P1 children.

We had our prizegiving this week and all the parents/carers of the prize winners came along to see the boys and girls receive their prize.

Well done to Daria Trofimova, Warren McGuire and Robbie Gibb who won the P1 prizes for working very hard in P1!

We also had a very special assembly on Wednesday. Mrs Kiddie, our P4 teacher, has taught at Longhaugh Primary School for 23 years and she retires this year. Each class sang a song from her favourite musicals. P1’s song was “I’m gonna wash that man right outa my hair” from South Pacific and the whole school sang “We Raise You Up“, another of her favourite songs. It was an emotional day and there were a few hankies being used!!

Well, all that’s left to say is thank you for reading our posts and we hope you have enjoyed joining us and sharing our P1 journey. We are very excited about going into P2 but a little sad we are leaving our teachers. We hope you will continue to follow the P1 blog in August when we welcome 47 new boys and girls into our Longhaugh family.

On behalf of all the boys and girls in P1, Miss Simpson, Miss Bonnar, Mrs Rooney and Mrs Lynch we would like to thank you for all your lovely comments and we hope everyone has a fabulous summer break and we’ll see you all again in August 2012!!

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