The Lighthouse Keeper

Hello everyone!

Apologies that there wasn’t a P1 blog  last week, Mrs Lynch was ill and unfortuately wasn’t able to post any of our news. Here is a brief snapshot of what we learned last week:

We learned the sounds ‘ou’ and ‘oi’. In our number work we continued to use our ladybird maths box and coat hangers and pegs to help us with our adding. Our teachers introduced our new water topic and we talked about lighthouses and how they help ships in very stormy waters. We talked about the Bell Rock lighthouse that is near us and we watched a power point. We will be reading the ‘Lighthouse Keepers’ books and Mr Gringling, the lighthouse keeper, left his large wellies in our classroom!! Each of the classes made a lighthouse for their room. We also read the Rainbow Fish and cut out scales from shiny paper and stuck them on to our fish.

Now on to this week.

We learned the sounds ‘ue’ and ‘er’ this week.


The action for ‘ue’ is to point your finger at people and say, ‘ue,ue,ue,ue.’ The action for ‘er’ is to roll your hands round and around each other as if they were a mixer and say ‘er,er,er,er.’


In number we met Luke and the lily pads again and he helped us with place value. We worked on ordering numbers and finding the number before, after and in between. We also used our Teddy Bear washing lines to help us with this too.

We still continued to work on our addition but this time we were using a number line, and……we are getting very good at it!

This week in our water topic we did a floating and sinking experiment. Our teachers gave us lots of objects. We talked about what they were made of and we had to predict whether we thought they would float or sink. After the experiment we recorded our findings on a sheet.


We read a factual book about sea creatures, specifically star fish and we learned how many legs they have and that their mouths are on the bottom of the starfish and not on the top. We made a star fish by tearing and scrunching tissue paper and carefully gluing it on.


In health this week we looked at healthy eating and the foods that are good for us and give us energy and the foods that are not so good. We designed a healthy sandwich for Mr Gringling, the lighthouse keeper. We drew the filling and then wrote what we had chosen for him.


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

The school will be closed on Thursday 9th, Friday 10th and Monday 13th of February for in service training and the mid term holiday.

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