Settling In

Hello and welcome to P1’s second blog of the new term! This is our last week of coming to school in the mornings only. We have all settled in very well at Longhaugh Primary and are looking forward to coming to school  full time from Monday!

This week we have learned 2 new sounds. Our new sounds are ‘i’ and ‘p’     


We read the Jolly Phonics stories for ‘i’ and ‘p’ and sang the Jolly Phonics songs. We looked at our sounds table and all the objects that begin with ‘i’ and ‘p’. We then used our magic writing finger and then practised our sounds on our whiteboards.        

The action for ‘i’ is to put our hands to our face, on either side of our nose and wiggle our fingers, pretending they are the whiskers of Inky the Mouse. The action for ‘p’ is to put our finger to our mouth and pretend we are blowing out the candles on the pink, pig cake.


When we learn any new sound or number in P1 we always practise with our magic writing finger first before using our whiteboards. Our magic writing finger is very important and we always use it to ‘write’ in the air so we become familiar with the formation of any new sound and number.

We also talked about the number ‘3’. We read the number 3 story, sang 3 Little Speckled Frogs, put the number 3 on our number washing line, wrote the number 3 with our magic writing fingers and then practised our new number and the numbers we already know on our whiteboards.


We also learned about shape this week. We read a shape story and talked about all the shapes that are around us every day. We had feely bags filled with all different shapes and we had to say what shape it was by only touching and not peeking into the bag!


Our teachers read us the big book “The New Children.” We were then all given a small book of our own and our very own book markers and we followed the story using our markers as our teachers read the big book again. As soon as we have learned all the words that we are given home in our blue packet, we will be given our very own book to take home and read. Keep practising those words!


We also had lunch at school on Friday. This was a chance for us to eat in our dining hall so we could see where we sit and what we have to do before we all start full time next week. The cook makes a yummy lunch!

Several of our blog followers have told us that they are unable to leave a comment. We are aware of this and are trying hard to rectify this problem. Please bear with us and don’t let this setback put you off leaving comments, the children are looking forward to seeing all your positive comments when they look at our blog every week.

Notices for parents:

Gym P1a (Wednesday & Friday), P1b (Thursday & Friday), P1c (Wednesday & Thursday). Please ensure you child has a full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Afternoon Thursday 8th September at 1.30pm

Children will be at school for a full day from Monday 5th September.

School lunch menus have been issued, please discuss these with you child and help them make their lunch choice.