Summer Holidays are Here!

Welcome to the last P1 blog of 2010/20111

The boys and girls have been completing the last of their jobs and tidying their trays and taking home gym bags etc this week. They have been helping their teachers put things away and generally being very good helpers.

We had our Celebration of Achievement awards on Wednesday. Parents and carers were invited and this allows the school to recognise all the hard work and dedication that the pupils of Longhaugh Primary put in every day. Daisy Thomas in P1a and Calum Howe in P1 b got the P1 prize. Well done to you both!

The end of term is always an emotional time of year in school. All our classes move on and we say goodbye to P7’s. Miss Simpson, Mrs Adams and Mrs Lynch hope that you have enjoyed following P1 at Longhaugh Primary and you will continue to follow their progress as they move on to P2.

We have 50 new P1’s joining us in August and I hope you will enjoy reading about all the activities they do and all the wonderful learning that happens every day at Longhaugh Primary.

Have a fabulous summer and we’ll see you again in August!!

P1 Assembly

Welcome back to the penultimate P1 blog of 2010/2011!

This week we were counting with Luke and his lily pads. We have been counting from 0 – 10 and from 0 – 20. We then went on to counting in 10’s with King Frog!

As you will know, our school garden is looking lovely and we have been waiting for our strawberry plants to grow and ripen. Well, this week our strawberries were ready and we picked and ate them. It was lovely eating something we had planted and grown ourselves!


On Thursday afternoon, we performed our assembly to our families and the whole school. It went very well indeed. All the speakers spoke slowly and clearly and Mr Munro commented on how much he enjoyed it.


 After the assembly we went into our playground with our families and Mr Munro officially opened our lovely, brightly painted shelter.


We had our inter house challenge this week. The whole infant department got together and we split up into our houses and coloured in banners ready to wave and cheer on our teams.

Longhaugh primary School has 4 houses, Mains, Dudhope, Claypotts and Broughty. They are named after castles in the local area. We all sat in our teams and we wore team colours. Red for Mains, green for Dudhope, yellow for claypotts and blue for Broughty. We did an obstacle course and the teams all had p1’s, p2’s and p3’s in them. We don’t know who won yet as it is going  to be announced at our prize giving!


Notices for parents:

Open Doors – last open doors next Wednesday, 29th June. Please bring an empty carrier bag.

Celebration of Achievement – Wednesday 29th June.

School closes 12 noon, Friday 1st July.

Whole School Trip to the Cinema

Welcome back to our blog!

We have been so busy this week painting our shelter and preparing for our assembly next week that we have not had much time to fit anything else in!

We have, however, still managed to squeeze in our words and sounds every day and we have continued to do our reading so we can finish our books before the end of term.

We have been playing Gardening Mama and decorating her to make her look “fancy.” We have also been planting more flowers and vegetables in the Gardening Mama game.

As we said last week, Mrs Lynch’s son, Matthew, chalked out the design on our shelter and this week we have been painting it!



 Miss Simpson, Mrs Lynch and Mr Munro’s daughter Sarah, painted the high parts we couldn’t reach and all the tricky edges, but we all helped and painted the rest.

When we had finished painting, we all put our names on a corner of the wall along with the date, so in years to come other boys and girls will remember us and all our hard work.


I’m sure you agree that it looks fantastic!


 We are all looking forward to our assembly next Thursday and Mr Munro is officially going to open our splendid shelter!

As it is Father’s Day on Sunday we all made a card for our Dads, Grandads or Uncles. We coloured in a tie in a pattern and wrote a special message on the back.



Our finished Father's Day cards

On Friday the whole school was supposed to be going to Camperdown Park to celebrate all the good behaviour that the boys and girls show every day at Longhaugh Primary School. Unfortunately, the weather forecast was for rain so we all went to the cinema instead to see “Rio,”  an animated film about a blue macaw. We all went on the bus and had a fantastic time! Thank you Mr Munro and Mrs Gallacher!.

Notices for Parents 

GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors  – Every Wednesday at 3.00pm 3.15pm

Homework – All words and sounds every night.

P1 Assembly Thursday 23rd June at 1.30pm

Sensation Science Centre

We have only a few weeks left of P1 and we still have lots of things to do!

No matter how busy we are though, we are still doing our words and sounds every day. We were also using the phonics BeeBot, games and the sounds bibs to make words.

We’re still working on subtraction to 10, but this week we started to work out our take away sums using the number in your head number line! How smart are we??

We were back out into our school garden again this week, weeding and generally trying to keep it neat and tidy. We also planted the pumpkin plants and the petunias that we didn’t manage to sell at our garden centre.


At the end of our plants topic we have been looking at our garden and how nice it’s now looking, and we thought it would be nice to brighten up the shelter in our playground which is just beside our garden. We discussed what would be a good design to paint in the shelter and we all got letters home to make sure we bring old clothes into school on painting days. Luckily, Mrs Lynch’s son is an art student so he is coming in to help us chalk the outline of our design on the shelter walls.

Finally this week we went on our trip to Dundee’s Sensation Science Centre. What fun we had! We were able to climb in a giant head and slide down the nose! We looked at models of inside our eyes, checked our balance, sniffed all sorts of very peculiar smells of plants and animals. As you can tell the exhibition downstairs was all about our senses.




 We then got a tour of the dinosaur exhibition and learned all about dinosaurs and how they lived and died millions of years ago. It was a fantastic day!


Notices for Parents 

GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors  – Every Wednesday at 3.00pm 3.15pm

Homework – All words and sounds every night.

Whole School Camperdown Park trip – Friday 17th June.

Please ensure children are wearing old clothes on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for painting the shelter.

Sports Day

Hello again and welcome back to Longhaugh Primary’s P1 Blog!

We’re still going over our words and sounds every day and continuing to practice making new and familiar words. This is important as we are writing short sentences all by ourselves. This week we read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We talked about all the things that Jack found at the top of the beanstalk. We had to use our imagination and write a sentence about what we would like to find.



We were working on our subtraction to 10 again this week, we used the number washing line, number rhymes and our butterfly subtraction bag.


We have been working with our P7 gaming partners on the playstation Eyepet game. This week we all went to the Assembly hall and made our own junk model Eyepet. There were lots of different and wonderful Eyepets constructed from all kinds of boxes, bottles, yoghurt tubs etc.


Here is a selection of the models made:


Thursday this week was our infant sports day. It was a little windy and some of our sacks blew away but we had lots of fun and we all enjoyed joining in all of the races. There was a running race, a three-legged race, a potato and spoon race, a sack race and a skipping race. Many congratulation to all of the winners!!

The sack race.


The three-legged race.


Notices for Parents 

GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors  – There will be no open doors this week. It will resume next week at the usual time.

Homework – All words and sounds every night.