Gardening Mama

We have continued to practice and learn new words this week. We have played phonics games, matching games, used the word bee bot mat and our phonics bibs. We are getting really good at spelling out all our words!


We are still learning about subtraction. We had large hoops in the classroom and some of us had to stand in them. The teacher then took one of us away from the hoop and we had to work out the subtraction sum. We used the butterfly bag again this week and we were practicing take away with the butterflies and leaves and we wrote our sums on leaf books. We also used the butterfly washing line and discussed what was one less, two less etc.

This week we painted our clay pots with Mrs Lynch and stuck sparkly jewels on them ready to sell in our garden centre.

 We also decorated paint pots with brightly coloured tissued paper and then painted them with glue to make them shiney and hard. 


We each got a pot which we filled with soil and we were all given seeds. There were four different types of flower seeds and we planted them in our pots. We are looking after them and carefully watering them so they will grow into strong, healthy plants we can sell at our garden centre.


We looked at the beans we put into the glass jars last week. The beans that have had sunlight and water have started to sprout and we can see the shoots and the roots. The other beans are not doing so well, but we’re keeping an eye on them. We also planted cress seeds this week so we’re hoping we have cress to put in our sandwiches soon!


This week Mrs Adams and Miss Simpson introduced Gardening Mama on the DS. We were all given a learning partner and we discussed what makes a good learning partner. We were all very excited about playing this game on the DS’s!


GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm3.15pm

Homework – words and sounds every night.

Infant Sports afternoon will be on 1st June – details to follow