Royal Wedding

This week we have been continuing to work hard on our addition to 10. We’ve been using our ‘number in our heads’ number lines and adding 1 more, 2 more and 3 more, remembering to start with the bigger number first.

We’ve also been continuing to practice our words and sounds and we’ve been learning and writing three letter words. To help us with this we have been playing matching games, using word lace cards, our word beebot mat and wearing our phonics bibs.


We started our new topic ‘plant’s this week. The new Garden Centre role play area opened and we talked about all the things plants need to grow strong and stay healthy. We found out that last years P1’s had visited a garden centre and we looked at the book they had made. We all agreed that we were really looking forward to learning all about plants and actually growing some plants ourselves!

We painted sunflowers to decorate the garden centre area. This was quite tricky as we had to press our brush down on to the paper to make it look like petals and move the paper round so we were painting in a circle. we had to concentrate hard!


As it is the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton on Friday we discussed what we knew about weddings and we looked at photos of the royal couple and other wedding pictures.

To celebrate the day we made a flag that we could wave, aslo we designed a special commemorative plate or a dress fit for a bride. We also had juice, biscuits and played some party games to get us in the wedding spirit!



GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm3.15pm

Homework – words and sounds every night.

Infant Sports afternoon will be on 1st June – details to follow

Easter Craft

Hello and welcome back to P1’s blog. We are all really glad to get back to school and back to working hard. We all had a lovely holiday and some of us were very busy and visited some very exciting places. We wrote about all the things  we did on our holidays in our thinking books.


We are at school only 4 days this week as we are on holiday on Friday to celebrate Good Friday. We have been discussing Easter, reading the Easter story and talking about how we celebrate Easter.

We made Easter cards with a daffodil on the front. We had to cut paper carefully to get the right shape and stick it on with glue.


our Easter cards

We also made chicks. This was an especially tricky job as we had to fold the paper backwards and forwards to make it look like concertinas. We had to concentrate hard to get this right! We then had to stick all our pieces together. We made such a good job our chicks are displayed in the Assembly Hall!


We’ve been revising all our sounds to make sure we still remember them after the spring break. We’ve also been looking at cvc words. We’ve been working with our play dough mats, bee bot mats and lace cards to make  and learn new and familiar words.

We’re continuing to work on our addition to 10. We’ve been using number lines and white boards and Luke came back to help us this week with his lily pads! We’ve also started a new number line this week. This special number line is to help us add and help us hold the big number in our head. As you can see the number really is in ‘our head!’


GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm3.15pm

Homework – words and sounds every night.

Last Week of Term

Hello again and welcome to Longhaugh Primary P1 blog!

We started this week by discussing our trip to Montrose Basin. We did two pieces of writing. On our first piece we wrote 2 sentences about the train journey to Montrose and what we saw from the train.


The second piece of writing was all about our time at Montrose Basin and all the things we found on the mud flats.


We continued with our topic of Grannies and Grandads this week. We looked at toys from the past and toys we play with today. We sorted the toys into hoops, one for toys from the past and one for toys we play with today. We discovered that some of the toys that our grandparents played with, we still play with today (skipping ropes, hoola hoops etc), so we had to have a third hoop filled with toys that were both old and new!


We played with some of the older toys and we had great fun. They are going to be in our classroom so we will have the chance to play with them again.

As it is Mother’s Day on Sunday we have been doing lots of craft activities. We painted our hands and put our hand prints on card with a very special poem on it.


We made love hearts out of clay and wrote ‘Mum’ on them. We then painted them with bright, glittery paint and put a ribbon on them.


On Friday we had a craft afternoon and Mrs Adams, Miss Simpson and Mrs Lynch helped us to make Easter pictures, Easter bonnets and Easter bunnies.

          Spring Lamb

          Easter Bunny

         Easter Bonnet

Although we’ve been very busy doing all sorts of craft we have still been working hard revising all our sounds and words, reading our reading books, continuing to work hard in our addition to 10 and revising our number doubles.

All of the children in P1, Mrs Adams, Miss Simpson and Mrs Lynch wish you all a very restful 2 week spring holiday and we look forward to seeing you all again on the week beginning 18th April!