Montrose Basin

This week we have continued to revise all our sounds and all our words from our word wall.

In maths we are still working hard on our addition using cubes and divided circles. We were working on making stories of 8 and 9.

We all brought in our Grannies and Grandads booklets that we had been working on at home. Our Grandparents had helped us to fill them in telling us about all the things they liked when they were children.

We painted pictures of ourselves and also of our Grannies and Grandads. We hung them on our classroom wall showing when we were born and when our Grandparents were born.


On Friday we went on our trip to Montrose Basin. We were very excited and it was great fun to travel to Montrose on the train.

   Our driver and our conductor.


 We had quite a long walk to get to the wildlife centre but it was a lovely day and in no time at all we arrived.


We had our lunch first as we were all hungry!!


 We split into 2 groups and some of us went onto the sands and looked and dug for creatures. We found  crabs, shrimps and sand worms. We carefully lifted the rocks and seaweed to find the creatures hidden underneath.


We then swapped over and looked around the wildlife centre. We used the binoculars and telescopes to look at the birds and other animals that live at the basin.


We then walked back into Montrose and got our train back to Dundee. We were all tired but had a marvellous day out!

Notices for parents:

Gym – Every Monday and Friday – Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school on these days.

HomeworkWords and sounds every night.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.oopm to 3.15pm.

Number Doubles

Hello and welcome again to P1’s blog!

This week we have been revising all our sounds. We have listened to all the Jolly Phonics songs and have been doing all the actions. We have been practising writing all our sounds and making words on our whiteboards.

Again, we have been working on addition using cubes and divided circles. We were working on the stories of 8 and 10.


We have also been learning our number doubles.


Our trip to Montrose Basin is next week so we have been thinking about all the things we might need on our trip. As well as writing our lists in the writing area, we have been writing the things we need to bring in our Thinking Books.


We started our new topic, Grannies and Grandads, by looking at coins from the past and from the present. We talked about the different names of all the coins and how they looked different. We took some of the coins we use everyday and did rubbings of them. We also designed our own coins.


Notices for Parents :

Gym – Every Monday and Friday – Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school on these days.

HomeworkWords and sounds every night. Please see  ‘my school trip list’ in blue reading packet. Please ensure items are in school for 24th March.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm to 3.15pm

Pancake Day

This week we learned our last 2 Jolly Phonics sounds. They are ‘er‘ and ‘ar‘. We have now learned 40 sounds and are using them to read and write words and short sentences.


The action for ‘er‘ is is to move your hand around and around like a mixer. The action for ‘ar‘ is to open you mouth and say “aaarrr” as if the doctor is looking at your throat.


We read the ‘Ruby Bear’ story again and we painted our own Ruby. We made sure that we made her special by painting the spots on her tummy, giving her a crooked smile, making her ears different and painting a ‘s‘ on her paw.


We continued our addition work this week. We used cubes and divided circles and worked out how many ways we could make 4 and 5.

This week we celebrated Shrove Tuesday. We discussed that Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent and traditionally people used up all their eggs, butter and milk etc before giving them up for Lent.

Miss Simpson told us all the ingredients we need to make pancakes. We followed a Jamie Oliver recipe! In the classroom we had flour, eggs, milk and butter. We mixed them in a bowl and all got a turn of whisking the mixture. We put butter in the pan and pretended that it melted and then put a spoonful of pancake mix in the pan. Miss Simpson reminded us that if we help to make pancakes at home the adult would have to put the mixture in the pan as it would be very hot.


We then had to write the list of ingredients we need to make pancakes. Best of all, we all got to taste a pancake! Yummy!


This week Miss Simpson and Mrs Adams introduced our new topic to us! our new topic is to be Grannies and Grandads. We are to be learning how life was different for our Grandparents.

Notices for parents:

Gym – Every Monday and Friday – Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school on these days.

HomeworkWords and sounds every night. Please see  ‘my school trip list’ in blue reading packet. Please ensure items are in school for 24th March.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.oopm to 3.15pm.

Clock Hunt

Welcome back to P1’s blog! 

Our new sounds this week are ‘th‘ and ‘ng‘. 


The action for ‘th‘ is to pretend to be the cheeky clown and stick your tongue out. The action for ‘ng‘ is to put your arms in the air as if you were lifting a very heavy dumb bell.  


In maths this week we continued to work on addition. We used cubes and divided circles to practice our adding sums. 


To continue with our time work, Miss Bonnar took us on a clock hunt through the school. As you can see we found lots of different types of clocks and watches. 


Later on this month we’re taking a trip on a train to Montrose Basin. Miss Simpson has set up an area in her class room. It tells us about all the things we will be doing when we arrive at Montrose Basin and all the things we need to bring in to school prior to our trip. We have a check list that we will tick when we bring in to school all the things we need. We also read a story about a train journey and made a graph showing all the boys and girls that had been on a train and the boys and girls who had not. 


our graph

we continued to practice writing short sentences in our  thinking books. This time we wrote “I like” sentences. 

Bradley's 'I like' sentence.

Mr Robertson and P6 came down to our class rooms and read us stories. We enjoyed this very much and the P6 boys and girls gave us stickers if we sat nicely and listened well to the stories! 


The young footballers from Dundee United came back to our school this week. They were teaching us ball skills. 


Notices for parents 

Gym – Every Monday and Friday – Please ensure you child has full gym kit in school on these days.  

HomeworkWords and sounds every night. Please see ‘my school trip list’ in blue reading packet and ensure all items are in school by 24th March.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm3.15pm