Welcome to P1’s Blog. We hope to use our glow blog to share the learning experiences from rooms 1,2 and 6. We have been very busy in primary 1 since coming back after the October holidays.
This term’s topic is Autumn and Autumn Festivals and the boys and girls enjoyed their walk around the community looking for signs of Autumn in the trees, gardens and alotments. We gathered up leaves and used them in the classroom to make these wonderful Autumn tree pictures.
Primary 1 have also been learning about Divali, the Festival of Light, and the stories of Rama and Sita. We made diva lamps using clay and put tea lights inside them. We lit them in the classroom to have our own “Festival of Light”. We also made rangoli patterns using black paper and brightly coloured chalk.

We celebrated Halloween by having a party at school. we found all sorts of bugs in sticky spaghetti and eye balls in gooey jelly! We played lots of games in the gym hall. We had great fun and everyone dressed up. Miss Simpson, Mrs Adams and Mrs Lynch were all Pirates! “Shiver me timbers!!”
- sticky spaghetti! gooey jelly!
Important dates:
Open Doors – every Wednesday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in and your child will show you all the work they’ve been doing during the week.
Gym – Mondays and Fridays Children require t-shirts, shorts and gym shoes on these days.
Well done p1 lots of great learning going on in your classes. Keep up the good work.
Wow P1 you have been very busy this term! I enjoyed reading about all the exciting things you have been doing and I am looking forward to finding out more about your work in P1.