We’re all going on a…..summer holiday!!

Welcome to the last P1 blog of this school year!

This was our last week in P1 and although we’re quite sad to be leaving our teachers, we’re quite excited about being in P2!

We’ve being tidying up our classroom and also sorting out our trays and taking home all our finished work. Even though we have been very busy we still had time for an end of year party. We iced our own biscuit (which we ate later), played some party games and had some party food and a drink of juice. It was a lovely way to end our P1 year.

I don’t know if you remember our visit to our local allotments? Well, we were invited back to see the difference in the plants and vegetables and to see how much they had grown. We saw strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, onions, beetroot, lettuce and lots of different flowers. We even saw grapes growing in one of the greenhouses. It was a lovely visit and we really enjoyed revisiting the allotments.



Well, that’s the end of our blog for this current school year. Miss Donaldson, Miss Bonnar, Mr Bluman and Mrs Lynch would like to thank everyone for all their support during P1.

We will be welcoming 30 new boys and girls in August who will be joining our Longhaugh family and we hope you will continue to support them and follow their journey .

We hope you all have a happy, safe and restful summer. See you again In August!!

Parent Notices

School finishes at 12 noon on Friday 28th of June and resumes on Tuesday 13th August.



Fun in the Sun in Stanley!

Hello and welcome to our penultimate blog of this school year. Where has the time gone?

We have been very busy this week. We thought it would be a good idea to put up a large wall display and decorate the outside area to welcome the new P1’s starting in August. We have been painting scenery, trees, flowers, the Three Little Pigs, the wolf. It’s looking rather good!




We’ve also been working on and revising patterns. We’ve been drawing patterns, making patterns with cubes, beads and pegs. We were also using active expressions.



Our most exciting thing though was our school trip! We went to Active Kids in Stanley. The P7’s came with us as part of their activity week. We had an absolute ball. We went on the trampolines,  the helter skelter, the flying fox, the fort, the crazy golf and the jelly belly. They also have animal paddocks and we saw all sorts of animals.





Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Several children have not brought a full gym kit back to school since returning after the Easter holidays. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work. Friday the 21st of June will be the last open doors.

School term ends Friday 28th june at 12 noon. School re-starts Tuesday 13th August.

Piggy Sports Day

Hello there! Well, we’ve had a very busy week here at Longhaugh P1.

We had our interhouse sports this week. We have 4 houses at Longhaugh Primary School, Mains, Dudhope, Claypotts and Broughty. We are all allocated a house and throughout the year we get house points for achievements, hard work and doing kind and thoughtful things etc. At the end of the school year we always have an interhouse competition. We all wear our house colours and cheer on our teams. This year, unfortunately, you can’t really see our colours as it was a rather chilly day and some of us had our coats on! We managed to have great fun though and we will find out which house won the championship next week!



We also had our whole school green trip this week. This is a trip to acknowledge all the boys and girls who have worked hard and behaved really well all year. We were all really looking forward to having a day at Camperdown Park but unfortunately the wonderful scottish summer got in the way and it rained most of the day!! Mr Munro and Mrs Jenkins didn’t want us to be disappointed so they managed to book the Odeon cinema and we all went to see The Croods. We all had a great time….thank you very much Mr Munro and Mrs Jenkins!


The weather started to brighten up just before lunch and we were lucky to be able to have our sports in the afternoon. We didn’t have time to get through all our races but we all did really well on the races we managed to complete.



On Friday we had our Piggy sports day with the nursery. We had been practising all the sports and we had made lots of piggy snouts ready for the nursery coming. On the day we all had our jobs to do at each station and we explained the activities and helped all the nursery boys and girls do the right thing. We had our p6 buddies there to help us with the scoring. We had a great time and at the end we all got an ice lolly. Yum!




As Fathers Day is this Sunday we all made cards to celebrate the dads, grandads, step-dads and uncles we have in our lives. We had to carefully colour, paint and cut out to make this fantastic card. We’re sure all the dads/grandads will love it!


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Several children have not brought a full gym kit back to school since returning after the Easter holidays. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work

Thursday 20th June – P1 trip to Active Kids, Stanley.

Term ends Friday 28th June at 12 noon.

P1 Sporting Leaders!

Hello there and welcome back to Longhaugh Primary 1 in sunny Dundee!

We have been finishing our 4th Little Pig stories. We have finished the middle part of our story and have been working on the ending. We have completed our pictures and added our sentences.


In maths this week we have been recapping time and looking at digital time. We have been playing lots of time games and activities on the interactive white board. We even made a ‘human clock’ outside.


As we have such a busy week next week we have been practising most afternoons for our piggy sports with the nursery. We are going to be leading the sports and we have been taking turns at being leaders. We have been learning the best way to explain the different activities to the nursery boys and girls and we have been practising explaining them to each other. We have also become very good at encouraging each other when we are participating in our team games!


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Several children have not brought a full gym kit back to school since returning after the Easter holidays. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work

Wednesday 12th June – Green school trip to Camperdown Park

Friday 14th June – piggy sports with Longhaugh Nursery

Hip to be Fit!

Hello and welcome to our blog!

We’ve had a very active week this week and been busy doing all sorts of exercise. P1 at Longhaugh know it’s hip to be fit! We thought, wouldn’t it be a good idea not only to have a day where we all participated in lots of physical activities but we asked our family and friends to sponsor us. So we exercised to keep ourselves fit and healthy and raised funds for our school at the same time! Genius!!

We started to write our stories about the 4th Little Pig. We drew a picture for the beginning and the middle of our stories. We had to think of something that was different to the traditional tale. Some of us thought that the wolf could go on holiday with the pigs. Some of us thought that it could be the wolf’s birthday. We had lots of ideas.

We also participated in a fantastic drama lesson. We had super props to make the Three Little Pigs story come to life!


We also finished our paper mache pigs. We put eyes and ears on them and gave them a curly tail. Don’t they look fantastic?


We have been looking at money this week and using games on the interactive white board to help us. We have also been playing bingo games and completing sheets using different amounts of coins.

We also did some “active” maths as we were being fit and healthy this week. We were making patterns with tops and cones. We worked in groups and made shapes on the ground. We did circuits of jumps, hops, shuttle runs, throwing and catching a bean bag. We had to count how many times we did this in a minute. In groups we had to run in a clock wise direction. We had to pretend we were coins and join with other “coins” to make a price tag! Four corners were given a number, our teachers set us a question (an adding or subtraction question) and we had to run to the corner that had the correct answer. Who knew maths could be such fun!!


We are having a piggy sports day with all the boys and girls from the nursery. We are going to be leading the sports and showing the Nursery boys and girls how grown up and responsible we are in P1, so we have been practising all the races!

On Friday we had our Hip to be Fit day. We participated in all sorts of physical activities during the day. We had our “active” maths lessons and our drama lessons in the first half of the morning. We then did aerobics in the hall with Mrs Quinton.


 In the afternoon we had a zumba class with Sarah and then we danced with “Just Dance“. In between all that, we were outside practicing our races and activities for the Piggy Sports! Phew!!


As if this week wasn’t funfilled enough, we had a visit from M & M Productions who put on their version of The Little Princess. We all loved it! Even Mrs Jenkins got to go on the stage!


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Several children have not brought a full gym kit back to school since returning after the Easter holidays. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work

The Three Little Pigs Acting School

This week we have been developing a story using a beginning, a middle and an end. We sat in a circle and our teacher started a story and we all had to add a sentence to the story making sure it had a beginning, a middle and an end. From this we wrote our own imaginative story in pictures and added a sentence to descibe each picture.


We then did the same again but this time for the Three Little Pigs.


We continued working on adding and subtraction this week.


We also went on a number hunt. Our teachers put coloured numbers outside. We had to find two numbers of the same colour. We then had to complete a sheet using the numbers we had found. We could decide whether we made an adding sum or a taking away sum, but we had to put the biggest number first.



We carried on the story of The Three Little Pigs in drama this week. We had to re-enact the part of the story when the wolf came to the 2nd Little Pig’s house of sticks and also when the wolf came to the 3rd Little Pig’s house of bricks. We worked in pairs and took turns of being the wolf and the little pig. We had to re-tell the story using our voices, movement and expression.



Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Several children have not brought a full gym kit back to school since returning after the Easter holidays. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

The school will be closed to pupils on Friday 24th May for in-service training and also closed for holiday on Monday 27th May.

Fit Day – look our for flyers. Children will need gym kit in school on Friday 31st may.

The 4th Little Pig loves cake!

Hello, welcome back to our blog. It’s a beautiful spring day here in Dundee, we hope it’s a lovely day where ever you are!

We have been writing about our pig, the 4th little pig, this week. Last week we had decided on some describing words for our pig. This week we used those words and wrote two sentences about our pig.


We also had to decide what our pigs favourite food, colour and sport would be. We were given a choice of 6 foods, 6 colours and 6 sports and we had to write a sentence about each one.


We then made a bar graph of all our choices to see which was the most popular and which was the least popular. Actually, we made two bar graphs, one for food, one for colour. We haven’t managed to complete the graph with our sports choice yet.


As well as gathering  information and recording it on a graph, we have also continued with subtraction and revisited adding. We have been doing sheets with both adding and subtraction sums on to see if it would catch us out…we’re far too smart for that!

We also talked about our pigs personality. This was quite hard for us to write down so we decided to act it out in drama. We had to walk  around and pretend we were sad. That meant that we moved around slowly and our heads were bowed. We then had to change and walk around pretending to be really happy. This time we had our heads up, a smile on our face and some of us were walking with a swagger. Lastly we had to pretend to be really excited. This time we skipped and moved much more quickly, some of us swung our arms from side to side. We had to act out these emotions without using our voices. It’s really very tricky to show how we are feeling by just moving our bodies in different ways.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Several children have not brought a full gym kit back to school since returning after the Easter holidays. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

The school will be closed to pupils on Friday 24th May for in-service training and also closed for holiday on Monday 27th May.

Hello! Welcome to Longhaugh Primary P1 blog!

This week we were focusing on our reading skills. We had 8 sentences from The Three Little Pigs story and we had to read them and then match them to the correct picture. We then had to check they were in the right order and that the story made sense. For some of us this was a wee but tricky, but most of us made a very good job.


In numeracy this week we looked at subtraction to 10. We used cubes, compare bears, fingers, number lines. We know subtraction means take away and also less than. We are really quite good at subtraction and some of us who have been working really hard and are really great at subtraction have been taking away with numbers up to 20! Wow!

In topic this week we have been making paper mache pigs. We have to let this dry before we can paint them. As this takes time, some are finished, others still need to be completed. They’re looking  good though.


You’ll be astonished to read this but we got an email from The Three Pigs! They told us they really liked the houses we built for them in our class rooms and they would love someone to come and live with them there. They would like the pigs we made to stay with them. So, we had to tell The Three Pigs a few things about our pigs. They wanted to know their names, what they liked, what they didn’t like.  A little bit about their personalities, are they happy, are they grumpy? We wrote some descriptive words to describe our pigs. Next week we are going to use those words to write sentences describing our pigs.

Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Several children have not brought a full gym kit back to school since returning after the Easter holidays. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

As you already know, the children have been involved in our transition topic, The Three Little Pigs. This has involved making paper mache pigs and the children have been painting them pink. This pink paint, unfortunately, has not only resulted in pink pigs but several pink children!! We apologise to parents for the extra washing this has caused as school uniforms have been turned pink and we appreciate your support. You will be pleased to know that painting pig season has now ended!! We would appreciate, however, any old shirts etc., that you may have so we have  proper painting overalls for all the children.

Longhaugh P1…House Builders Extraordinaire

Hello there! Welcome to our P1 blog.

We have been working on our literacy skills through our transition topic, The Three Little Pigs. We have been writing about our favourite part of the story and also discussing the three different houses. Which of the three houses would be the strongest? Which one would take the longest to build? We wrote about our straw house. How it looks, what shape it is, what colour it is and what might be inside it.


We have started to look at  time this week. We have looked at the clock and talked about hands, the clock face, minute, hour and o’clock. We have learned that when the big hand (the hour hand) is at the 12 it is o’clock. We have to keep our eye on the clock in the classroom and each time the hand of the clock reaches the 12, the first boy or girl to say the correct time gets a sticker! We made our own clocks making sure we put all the numbers on in the correct order and we also put on an hour hand and a minute hand.


We used our drama lesson this week to fuel our imagination about our topic The Three Little Pigs. This helps us in our imaginative writing. We all had to pretend we were The First Little Pig. We had to gather straw and build our house. We then had to tell the others all about our house. How tall it was, how many windows and doors it had, what it was like inside. We then worked in pairs and told our partner all about the straw house we had built. At the end of the lesson, we then had to swap character and become the Big, Bad Wolf and we had to huff and puff and blow all the straw houses down!


We have also continued to build the three different houses for our classrooms. We were painting a brick pattern on to paper to make the brick house role play area.


We have also been building houses using straws, sticks and bricks and then finding out which of the materials used made the strongest house.




Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Several children have not brought a full gym kit back to school since returning after the Easter holidays. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

The school will be closed for the May Day holiday on Monday 6th May.


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