Fit Friday – September 2013



We are all feeling very fit and healthy after our first Fit Friday of the year! We all had a range of activities to do with our classes and everyone got to try at least one health and wellbeing activity. The upper school were having taster sessions in basketball and hockey. They also met with the school nurse to discuss different aspects of healthy living. The younger boys and girls had a visit from the Play on Wheels Bus which gives them the opportunity to explore a range of resources and build on their imaginative play, co-operation skills as well as their fitness and balance. They also got a surprise when the local Firefighters came to visit us in the afternoon. We were very grateful to Firefighter Gorge who gave us a talk and showed us all the different parts of the fire engine, Firefighter Scott who ‘helped’ us use the very powerful fire hose and also to Firefighters Ewen and Steve who showed us what all the equipment inside the cab of the fire engine was. It was brilliant!

The whole school is looking forward to their next Fit Friday in November (please see diaries, twitter and our website calendar for details).

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