READ week at Dens

This week Dens Road have been exploring reading in a big way. All the classes have been involved in doing Book based activities all week. This has included Book Swap, Down Time, Mystery Readers, Visiting Readers, visits to the library, free books for P1, Book studies, activities and Teddy Bears Picnic.

P5/6 organised a Book Swap. Lots of children from across the school brought in books. These were collected from the class and the children were given a ticket. On Thursday anyone with a ticket was allowed to come and choose a book.Well done to P5/6 for team work and organisational skills.

On Wednesday the Infant Department had a Teddy Bear’s Picnic. This involved Teddy Bear stories, creating a Teddy Bear bookmark, Teddy Bear Drive, Teddy Bear colouring and a Teddy Bear picnic. The Teddy Bears all had a great time sharing their snack with the children!

On Friday morning we had Down Time. P7’s made posters and posted them round school so everyone knew what to do. Everyone in school had to down tools and read for half an hour. Some of the P7’s came down and read to the P1 children.

The nursery children brought in their favourite books and these were shared with everyone at group time.

All the P1 children were given a book bag as part of READ week and were given three free books. In class they did activities around the story of Jack and the Flum Flum Tree, one of the free books in the bag.

P1/2 have been focusing on Roald Dahl books for a few weeks now. This week they have been enjoying The Twits.

P2 have also been working on Roald Dahl and have been writing stories about it.

P3 have been listening to stories about Horrid Henry.

P3/4 have been exploring Roald Dahl through a Brainpop video and answering questions about his life.

P4 have done a huge amount of work on The Big Friendly Giant looking at stories by Roald Dahl.

P5 have been looking at Stories of Sherlock Holmes and trying to solve the mysteries.

P5/6 have been learning about Charles Dickens and looking a The Christmas Carol.

P6/7 have looked at Out of the Depths by Cathy MacPhail.

P7 had a mystery reader in the form of Mrs Taylor! Mrs Taylor used to be their teacher and came back for a morning to read Skyhawk by Gill Lewis.

A great week with children immersed in literacy including reading and being read to. Well Done the whole school!

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