Getting Into Shape in P1

Primary 1 are getting into shape!

Well, what a busy week we have had this week! On Monday we had gym with Mrs Paton, it was lots of fun and we have been learning to throw different sorts of balls using an underarm throw. We have also been practising using our bodies to move in an energetic way. We have gym on a Thursday too and our focus then has been to move around in a space safely and energetically. We have been playing lots of games with our teachers to help us keep fit and we check our heart rate and show our teacher using a fist every time our heart beats.

In number work we have been learning all about shape. First of all we looked at 2D objects- a triangle, square, rectangle, circle and hexagon. We all took turns to pull out a 2D object from the feely bag our teacher had brought and we had to carefully feel it. Then we had to try to describe it, we had to think about how many sides and corners it had and count them and finally we had to name the shape. After all that we took it out of the bag and showed it to our learning group and they told us if we were correct. It was lots of fun and we were so good our teacher called us the Super Shape Sorters!


After we practised drawing all the 2D objects on a whiteboard we completed a sheet for our folios. We all tried really hard to match the features of the shapes to the objects we have been ‘playing’ with and our sheets were fantastic! Here are just three of our fantastic sheets (by Kayla, George and Josh).

We have also used what we had learned about in 2D objects when we looked at 3D shapes on Thursday. We had lots of fun and learnt some new words too. We found a square based pyramid, a sphere, a cuboid, a cone, a cube, triangular prism and a hexagonal prism. It was lots of fun and we found out that shapes have faces (lots of us found that very funny but helpful when trying to describe the shapes).

We are still counting our days at school and we have been practising these as one of our choosing tasks- we are getting really good at forming our numbers.

In language this week we have been learning the sounds r, m and d. We have also been being to sound out some words and read- we are very proud of ourselves because a few weeks ago we didn’t even know the sounds and now some of us can read words like and, cat and even monster!!! It’s very impressive!

As part of our topic we decided that we would make our own puppets to use in the puppet theatres in the Active Learning Zone and our classroom. We had to think about who the characters were in the story and then think about who our puppet could be. We did really well and they are all very different. Here are three that were made by Billy, Maddison and Carys.

We are going to use our puppets to write about characters.

Our homework keeps getting better and better and our teachers are very pleased with us. One of our tasks was to find out about local castles. We did really well and lots of visited different castles and took photos at them. Magnus made a photo story of his visits to Broughty Ferry Castle and St Andrew’s Castle, Molly looked them up on the computer with her mummy and Leyan found out lots of facts about Glamis castle. These are just some examples of the wonderful work that we are doing with our families.

The star of the week this week was Demi for her super shape work and positive attitude. Well done , Demi!

In the Active Learning Zone we have been learning to choose where we play. We put our picture up beside the area we want to play and then go and play there. When we want to change we have to move our picture. We have to think carefully where we would like to play and who we would like to play with.

We have been doing of lots of learning about Sleeping Beauty in the classroom and in the Active Learning Zone. We have been telling the Sleeping Beauty story at the puppet theatre, pretending to the characters from the Sleeping Beauty story in the role play area, building castles in the brick area and drawing castles at the writing table. We are going to put all our learning in the classroom and Active Learning Zone in our Sleeping Beauty book. Some of us worked really hard to make our book to put everything into.

We have our learning up on our Learning Wall too. Here we have pictures of the books we have been looking at, the pages from the books where we found the letters we have been learning, a picture of the movie we watched and pictures of our castles we draw with Textease Paint on our first visit to the ICT suite.

At the creative area we have been making lots of different things this week. Some of us have loved making kites and we have make lots of them! But we were learning to make dragons just like the ones we have at our story table. Kayla made the most amazing dragon. She worked on it all morning whenever she was out in the Active Learning Zone. What an amazing job  Kayla, well done!

Week Starting 17th September 2012

  • This is our third week of full time. We come to school at 9am and finish at 3.15pm. Remember we will need a packed lunch or money for lunch. If you are going home for lunch, then lunchtime is from 12.15pm till 1.15pm.
  • Remember to bring your filled, named water bottle with you every day (no juice please).
  • We will send homework out on a Thursday. Please send it to school every day but any tasks should be completed by Wednesday. The teacher will collect in the weeks work on Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of 3. There will be no homework on a Wednesday night.
  • Gym is on a Monday and Thursday. Please remember long hair will need to be tied back and no jewellery. This means all earrings must be removed.
  • ICT is on Wednesday afternoons.

Our project is Sleeping Beauty.

This week we will be learning ;

  • how to plan our own learning in a mind map
  • Jolly Phonics sounds g, o and u
  • how to change the paint shade and brush size when using Textease Paint
  • the Swahili song ‘Jambo’ so that we can sing it for our visitors on the 20th September.

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