Tag Archives: fit friday

We have a ‘spring’ in our step!

Well it has been a busy few weeks at school and we have all been having lots of fun and lots of visitors. Our new topics are the Spring and the Seashore.  Our class have been  very excited because we have had some people in filming us from Promethean Planet and we have been meeting with a lady from the BBC and CBEEBIES who makes Nina and the Neurons. We had to watch some clips of Nina and then we said what we liked. Next we used our listening ears to listen to a radio show that Nina had made and we carried our the science experiments that she was talking about. We had lots of fun and we learnt lots of new words. Best of all, Anne who was our visitor got lots of ideas. Here is a link to the Nina page to share it with your family. We listened to the Sticky Materials show.


In numeracy we have been learning lots and lots of new things. We have been learning all about sharing (division). We used the Promethean Board to read a story called The Doorbell Rings. It is all about a brother and sister who’s mummy makes them cookies. Mrs Mackay gave us cookies just like the boy and the girl got and we had to solve the sharing problems in the story. It was lots of fun and we were really good at using our thinking brains to divide well. Some of us even managed to work it out in written form too!

Lots of us enjoyed showing our families what we have been learning about dividing. Maddison even made a picture/model of what she had been learning using pasta.

We have also been learning all about fractions in numeracy. We looked at some pictures of pies and and we talked about what would happen if we cut the pie into different pieces. We knew lots of fraction words and we didn’t even know that’s what they were! We all got a paper plate and we had to cut it into smaller fractions and write on each part to say what it was. Next we had to fit the plate back together to help us to see how different pieces fit together to make the bigger fractions.

We have also been helping to create a beautiful school garden in our P1 playground. We were given a big tub full of soil and we had to plant plants in it and try to create a pattern using them. It was lots of fun and we were able to apply what we had been learning when we were planting our sunflower seeds in class to planting the flowers and the lavender bush. The flowers had roots and we had to shake them to loosen them up a little so that they can spread out and help them grow. We can’t wait for all our and the baskets that all the other classes planted to grow even more!

We had been thinking about the sorts of skills people need to do different jobs. Since we had been planting our sunflowers and our garden basket we decided that we would make a list of all the skills a gardener would need. We worked with our learning partner and discussed what skills we thought a gardener might need and we wrote them on a whiteboard. Then we gave our answers to Mrs Mackay and we made a class list. Some of us even went home and made a list of what skills the job we would like to do when we grow up might need.

At assembly we heard a talk from one of the older girls at school. She told us all about her life, where she and her family were from and what her culture was like. It was really interesting and we were really impressed that she was brave enough to stand up in front of the whole school by herself and talk about her life. Mrs McDonald was so impressed too that she asked all of us to think about our families, our cultures and heritage and create a mind map with our families. We all did a super job and Mrs Mackay and Mrs McDonald were both really impressed. Here are some of the mind maps we made;

We were also set a challenge to solve another problem for Mrs McDonald at assembly. She asked us to think about of ‘how to get our families involved in school more’. We talked to our teacher and made a mind map about that too. We had some terrific ideas and we hope that Mrs McDonald finds them useful.

Each term we have a focus on one of the four capacities of Curriculum for Excellence. This term our focus is on us to be Responsible Citizens. We have been looking at one of the aspects of this each week and we have made a flipchart page to show us what each one means to us and to see if we are using any of these in our daily school lives. We have been looking at how we can be responsible and care about each other. This doesnt just mean in school but in our community too. Here are our ideas…

Since we are all son good at being Responsible Citizens our Eco Committe decided to have a Green Day. First of all our eco committee member told us all about it. He did so well that we all gave him a green assessment smile! Next, on Friday we had to come to school in something green. It could be green in colour or green because we had recycled it from someone else. We ALL made a huge effort and our teachers were very proud of us. Jamie Lee even made her own top with her family which was AMAZING because it was recycled from a school t shirt into an eco t-shirt and had a message on it! Well done her and her family!

In class we have been finding out who are our class champions. Class champions are people who have tried hard, shown good skills and can demonstrate to others how to do something well. At the moment we have 8 champions.

They are;

Responsible Citizen Champion – Corey

Reading Champion – George

Writing Champions- Carys (handwriting) and Wren (blending and sounding)

Listening and Talking Champion – Lara

Sports Champion – Kyra

Numeracy Champion – Becca (Number, Money and Measure (weight))

Technology Champion – Billy (design)

Friendship Champion – Edyn

We are still collecting our Monstor points using Class Dojo and we have been asked to talk to Mrs McDonald, the rest of the school and teachers about what we have been doing. We are still doing really well with hitting our targets but in order to create our presentation we had to work with our learning partner and note down some ideas that we thought would encourage other classes to use it. We made a list using these on the big board and we have been taking photos of our monsters, awards, champion of the day medal and head teacher stickers that we use along with our monsters. We are going to use all of these photos in our presentation at assembly… we are all very excited!

We have been trying to keep fit during our Fit Fridays and we have had lots of fun having a taster session of Karate. It was so much fun. We had to be in teams and follow the Sensei (the teacher). To make it easier to follow him we all wore a red and blue band on our wrists. This made it easier to work out which was our left and right hands and feet. It was great and we were really excited to hear that we could all join the after school club on a Friday. We all got a letter but if you are interested and can’t find your letter please phone the school or the sports development team.

We have been learning lots of lots in music this term. We have been learning all about tempo and beats as well as LOTS of new songs! We have been playing instruments and singing everyday! Keep an eye out for your invitation to our assembly where you will hear some of our new songs!

Edyn has enjoyed learning how to play the instruments so much that she and her family even made their own musical instrument- it’s a guitar!

We have some visitors in class… We have been learning how to care for not just our class fish but we have been observing tadpoles and helping them to grow big and strong into frogs! We will have some pictures of you next week but here is a video clip of them in the wild.


Lastly, our teachers have been playing a very fun game with us to see what we know. Some of us have been practising this ourselves and have been making a sound sheet using all of the magnetic sounds we know and take a picture of it. Here are the sounds Wren knows.

Week Beginning Monday 20th May 2013

  • Remember to bring your filled, named water bottle with you every day (no juice please).
  • The sunny weather is here (sort of) – remember to bring in your own lotion (your child must put their own on) and sun hat on the sunny days.
  • HOMEWORK – Please send it to school every day but any tasks should be completed by Wednesday. The teacher will collect in the weeks work on Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of 3 each week. There will be no homework on a Wednesday night.
  • Gym is on a Monday -please remember long hair will need to be tied back and no jewellery. This means all earrings must be removed. Thank you.
  • Fruit money for this half of the term is £1.40 please place in a named envelope.
  • Please return your child’s trip form and money as soon as possible (these do not have to be sent in together).
  • Our class topic is ‘The Seashore”.
  • A Whole New World for us to Google at….it all adds up!

    In the Active Learning Zone this week we have been practising using Google Earth. We are learning during road safety week about travelling safely and we have used Google Street View to try and find our own house. Most of us managed it!


    At the making table we have been drawing trees and cutting out leaves to make a number tree. All the leaves are the colours of Autumn. Well done Alise who spent a long time creating her number tree.

    We have been exploring music more too. We have been learning songs for our Christmas show and are continuing to use the iPad to find out about different music through some music apps. At the Wii we have also been exploring how our bodies move and how we can make them move to music. We use the timer so we all have a turn at playing. Who let the Dogs Out is one of our favourtie dances!

    Our Percy’s shed is continuing to grow. We have looked back at our plan and checked off all the things that we were able to find. We are enjoying exploring being Percy but we are still working on looking after our resources in the ALZ and will continue to work on taking responsibility for tidying up.

    In number work this week we have been learning lots more about addition. We have been learning more about adding to numbers together, this week we were concentrating on learning to add the stories of 4 and 5. It is starting to get very tricky but some of us have really got the hang of it. Over the next few weeks we will revise the stories of 1 to 5 and learn some new addition stories.



    In health, we have been thinking all about staying healthy. We had a fit Friday and we took part in lots of sports like Tennis, Football and Karate. We all had lots and lots of fun and lots of us were talking about what we liked the best and some of us even want to start new clubs because of what we have been learning which is super!!!! Miss Peace has been teaching us all about healthy diets too. We learnt that there are five main food groups and to stay healthy we have to have something from them all – some are better for us than others though! Next we had to make a plate of food showing what we had learnt and thinking carefully about how much of each type of food we would have in a meal so that it was healthy. We did really well and we had lots of fun too!



    We have started reviewing our week and this is called our Thinking Thursday Activexpression Activity. We have to use our activexpressions to vote for the collect answer after we have listened carefully to the question and thought carefully about what the answer might be. It was lots of fun and we all did really well. We are even getting really good at interpretting the results when the results come up.


    We have been learning to use our Jolly Phonic sounds to make new blends. This is when two sounds that we know join up and make friends  to make a new sounds. This week we were learning all about the sounds qu as in quack and th as in this and thin. We all had lots of fun and enjoy putting on the Jolly Phonics songs CD in the story area when it is choice time.

    We are continuing to self assess and we have been getting really good at it. We have made a display to go in our thinking board and it helps us learn all about what our focus is for the term and how we are doing at it.

    We have also gotten some new areas around the room to use at choice time. Each area either teaches us a new skill or lets us apply a skill that we have been learning. Some of the most popular areas this week have been;

    -using the wedge with magnetic letters on leaves to make new words and record them on a sheet

    -using the aquamat to write words which are in our Roald Dahl books   

    – the writing table has lots of different independent activities were we have to write our ideas or what we think the characters ideas or words might be

    the art area where we have been creating animals to go in the jungle


    Week Beginning 26th November

  • Remember to bring your filled, named water bottle with you every day (no juice please).
  • HOMEWORK – Please send it to school every day but any tasks should be completed by Wednesday. The teacher will collect in the weeks work on      Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of 3 each week. There will be no homework on a Wednesday night.
  • Gym is on a Monday. Please remember long hair will need to be tied back and no jewellery. This means all earrings must be removed. Thank you.
  • Fruit money will be £1.80 for the term.
  • Next week is Read Week
  • Tuesday 27th November remember to bring your teddy bear and a snack for the Teddy Bear’s Picnic.
  • Thursday 29th November remember to bring in your favourite story book. 
  • On Friday 30th November remember to come dressed as your favourite character.