Meet the Band!

Over the next week you will get to meet all of the band members in the ‘Punk Rockers’. We have been working in groups to design and create realistic characters for our band. Each character is unique and plays a vital role in the band. Keep checking the Blog to find out more.

4 thoughts on “Meet the Band!

  1. Primary 5/6

    Congratulations on your successful Guitar Hero event. I know everyone was reallly excited to take part and it all ran smoothly so WELL DONE!!

    What a lot of hard work you have put into creating your band and the different members. I love all the work you have been doing through your topic and your CD covers are fab!! It got me thinking about the music I liked when I was little. My first single was called ‘It’s horrible being in Love when your 8 and a half.’ When I was your age there was a programme called Going Live and they had a competition for children to create their own song and they would decide a winner. The winner then recorded the song and a video and it was available to buy. I remember the girl in the video and she waved a scarf! I can’t remember her name though!

    I also bought ‘The Frog Song’ by Paul McCartney and ‘Doing the Crab’ by Michael Barrymore.

    I also liked a band called New Kids on the Block and ‘Hangin Tough’ was my favourite single by them! My sister loved a band called Bros!! We used to wear bottle tops on our shoes to be like them!!

    Oh I love the trip down memory lane.

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