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Test warning

1D3 and 1G3 will be due the test some time week beginning 16th January. During the next week, both classes will be issued with revision summary sheets in case work in jotters is incomplete. We will also be looking at how to use these sheets and the work in jotters to revise most effectively – taking notes, highlighting, read – cover- check.


Body systems revision notes (including Polish version)


Body measurements revision notes


Body systems revision notes (Polish)



1D3 are due homework on Thursday 12th January. This is Q2 and 3 on the Healthy Bodies Homework sheet. Answers go on the sheet.

1G3 have already been issued with Q1 and 2, and Q3 will be due in on Monday 16th January.

Hmework sheet was included in a previous post, so there are no excuses about having lost their sheet!


1D3 have been working on taking pulses. We took pulses using two different methods. We used our fingers to feel for a pulse at our wrist or neck. We counted the beats in 20s and multiplied the answer by 3 to get the beats in ine minute. We also used a hi-tech pulse meter which was quicker and more accurate. We learned why a doctor would take your pulse and what it might mean if it was too high or too low.

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Modelling lungs

1G3 have been building models to show how the diaphragm works to make you breathe in. The diaphragm is a sheet of muscle which runs under your ribcage. It pulls down to make you breathe in. This makes the whole chest cavity bigger and pulls air in from outside. When the diaphragm relaxes, it moves up. This makes your chest cavity smaller again, pushing the air back out.


1G3 zostały modele budowania pokazać jak membrana działa, aby można oddychać. Membrana jest arkusz mięśni, która biegnie pod klatką piersiową. To ciągnie w dół, aby oddychać. To sprawia, że cała jama klatki piersiowej większy i wciąga powietrze z zewnątrz. Kiedy membrana odpręża, porusza się do góry. To sprawia, że klatkę piersiową mniejsze znowu pcha powietrze z powrotem na zewnątrz.


When the diaphragm is pulled down, the lung inflates.

Kiedy membrana jest rozebrana, płuca nadmuchuje.


When the diaphragm relaxes back up, the air is pushed out of the lungs again.

Kiedy membrana odpręża powrotem powietrze jest wypychane z płuc ponownie.

(Nice photo bomb, Miss Mc!)


Katie 1D3 – Teeth

On Tuesday we did work about teeth and we found out how many teeth we have in our mouths, it was fun😀. We have also done the body organs. One day someone from our group had to get on to the table and someone else had to draw around them, after that we got about nine bits of paper and we had to Colour them in and cut it out, we had to put them on to the bit of paper and put the organ were we thought they went and that was fun also 😀