P5L Week beginning 23.9.19

In Maths, we have been continuing to learn about function machines.  We have been calculating the output when a number is placed into the function machine.  We have also been calculating what number has been put into the function machine when we know the output and the function.  We also learned about algebra.  We put letters into the function machine and we had to write the output.


In Topic, we have been learning about Roman houses.  We labelled the different parts of a Roman villa and we learned about the flats that were in Rome at that time.  We named different parts of Roman houses.  We applied our learning by writing a report about Roman houses and we used headings to organise information.

P5L Week beginning 16.9.19 Topic

Pupils have been learning about Roman clothes during Topic lessons.  They have been learning about what Roman clothes were made of, what they were called and they have been using non-fiction texts to find out information.


Pupils created replica Roman sandals using paper.  They also designed Roman jewellery and they created their designs using foil and card.




Term 1 – Overview

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you find the following information useful.  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

General Information:

I hope you all had a lovely summer!  Primary 5L are continuing to settle in well and they are continuing to learn the daily routines within school.

We have already been working hard to establish a positive ethos within our classroom and have agreed on our class charter.  This will be displayed in our classroom and referenced daily.

The children have now all been issued with a red folder.  Please only use this for homework or letters, as they get ripped if they are filled with pencil cases etc.  Homework will be issued on a Monday and should be returned on a Friday.  Reading homework will be issued separately and information will be sent out in due course.

The children will take part in 3 PE lessons per week and these will be on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.  PE kit can be kept in school.

The children will earn DOJO points for positive behaviour and choices within the classroom and House Points will be awarded in the playground and when they are lining up.

We have been busy adding information to our class BLOG and this will be updated weekly.  Our BLOG can be accessed via the school website.

Family Learning Journals will be coming home so keep your eye out for these.  This is a great way for you to see what your child has been busy learning in class.

We plan to be outdoors as often as we can and as the good weather won’t last forever, I’d ask that you ensure your child comes to school with a jacket.  We have all been caught out by Scotland’s notorious 4 seasons in one day so bringing a jacket with them each day is advised.

Learning focus this term:

This term we will be learning about The Romans.

Through our topic, The Romans, we will be learning about/to:

  • Who the Romans were and where they lived.
  • What the Roman Empire was.
  • What life was like in Roman times.
  • What the historical impact of the Romans on Britain was.
  • How the Romans influenced society today.

Core Literacy:

  • We will be using our topic as a stimulus for writing in a variety of different styles and we will also be continuing to develop imaginative writing.
  • We will continue to use VCOP strategies to develop our writing.
  • Children will be given opportunities to develop their listening and talking skills through a variety of class based activities, including cooperative group work.
  • During class reading lessons the children will use Blooms Buttons and Book Detective strategies to check their comprehension.
  • Our class novel this term will be The Wild Robot Escapes by Peter Brown.

Core Numeracy:

  • Pupils will consolidate their understanding of place value. They will know that the individual digits that form a number each have a value of their own. They will be able to build and describe numbers in a variety of ways.
  • Pupils will use addition and subtraction to solve a range of written and mental calculations.
  • Pupils will continue to work on all multiplication tables and will be developing their quick recall of multiplication facts.
  • Pupils will develop their understanding of area.
  • Pupils will develop their understanding of expressions and equations by finding the missing number in a number sentence and they will use simple function machines involving all four processes.
  • Pupils will create shapes and designs with more than one line of symmetry.

RME/ Health and Wellbeing

This term our RME focus will be Buddhism.

As a Health Promoting school we actively encourage and teach our children to make healthy choices, to enable then to become healthy, active and emotionally resilient young people of the future.

We are delighted to be able to continue to deliver 2 hours of PE a week as well as opportunities for children to be active in our fabulous new grounds.

We would appreciate your support in promoting a healthy and balanced diet, both in your child’s morning snack and in their packed lunch.  We would discourage any type of fizzy juice in school or energy drinks.  Children are encouraged to bring in a water bottle, which they can use during class time and refill during the day.  There are water fountains situated throughout the school for daily use.

Please encourage your child to participate in the Active Sports Clubs that are on offer at lunchtimes and after school, as well as any school based clubs that take place throughout the year.  Keep looking in school bags for further information.

A reminder that all children who cycle or scooter to school must wear a safety helmet and ‘walk’ their bikes whilst in the playground. There are bike racks available.

Class Birthdays

We always celebrate if a member of the class has a birthday however we would request that birthday cakes are not brought into school to share with the class. In school, we have children with allergies who may be at risk from some ingredients. The cutting up and distributing of birthday cake also cuts into valuable learning time.

Playground toys:

We have a playground equipment for children to play with during lunchtime.  Please do not bring in your own toys – except for Golden Time on a Friday – so that we can be sure that all toys in the playground belong to the school.  Many thanks for your support.

Golden Time toys:

Children can bring a ‘toy’ to school on a Friday to play with during Golden Time. Please remember that the school cannot take responsibility for the safety of these toys and therefore we request that your child does not bring in expensive/ electronic items without your consent.  We appreciate your support with this matter.

Mobile Phones:

Children may bring a mobile phone to school however these will be stored in a locked classroom cupboard until home time and cannot be used during the school day.

Cuddle On Couch/ Book & Blether:

Please look out for further information on the dates and times for Cuddle on the Couch and Book and a Blether.  These are a chance for parents/carers to spend time with their children promoting reading.


I look forward to working in partnership with you this session.

Kind regards

Miss McLeod

P5L Week beginning 2.9.19

In Maths, we have been learning about written subtraction.  We have been learning the correct way to complete written subtraction calculations.


In Literacy, we have been learning about nouns, verbs and adjectives.  We have been providing examples of each and selecting suitable words to include within  sentences.  We have been continuing to read our class novel ‘The Wild Robot Escapes’.


In Topic, we have been learning about how Rome was formed.

P5L Week beginning 26.8.19

In Maths, we have been learning about place value.  We have been reading and writing a variety of numbers.  We have also been learning written addition, completing calculations using the correct layout.  We have been calculating doubles using a variety of strategies.


We have been completing handwriting.  In Writing, we have included a character description and we have tried to use similes and very good vocabulary.  We have been using dictionaries to find definitions.


For our topic ‘The Romans’, we have been learning mapping skills to locate Rome and Italy on a map of Europe as well as other European cities and countries.