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Week 4


This week in P4N, we have been looking at ordering and sequencing numbers up to 10,000!
We have been writing some wonderful thank you letters to Jaya and Jad, from our class novel and we have began to think about our new topic starting next week – Living things and their habitats.

Week 3

Last week we had been writing our own stories about a girl and a robot, based on what we watched during a video, what it made us think and what it made us wonder. We have been recapping our 10 X table and finishing our rounding topic in maths by rounding numbers to add together. We have also been looking at Buddhism and French colours with Mrs Tavendale.

Week 2

We have had a busy week this week in Primary 4N! We have began rounding numbers to the nearest 10/ 100, practicing spelling different homophones and writing our first diary entry for ‘Roz’ the robot!