P4N 14/2/20

In maths this week we have been looking more at fractions. We have been looking at finding tenths and fifths of shapes. We have also today looked at finding a fifth of numbers. We realised that finding a fifth of a number is the same as dividing by 5 (Bella). Today we tested our knowledge of the 3 times table in a group speed test. Smart Smarties came first managing to complete it in 35 seconds.

We have also recapped our knowledge of rounding numbers to the nearest 10 which we learned in term 1. Jaxon came first, Bella was second and Ellie was third, well done!

In topic this week we looked back at our KWH and spent some time researching our own questions that we had wanted to find out about the Vikings. We found out lots of cool and interesting facts!

In writing this week we used a video called ‘Partly Cloudy’ about a cloud who could not do his job properly. It had a great setting for a story so we used it to create our own. We were focusing on including all punctuation, connectives, good openers, exciting adjectives, describing a character and writing in paragraphs. We have all worked really hard to include as many of these as we can. Our star writers this week are Lexi, Jack S and Tyler.

We were lucky enough to  have our second visit from a chef, where we learned about cutting skills. We have also been learning some Makaton (sign language) and have been practicing some basic sentences.

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